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What's your go to drink when you go to the bar and why?
  • I think it's generally because glass bottles can let light hit the beer, and hops are photosensitive (light-struck beer will have a skunky aroma and taste). Brown bottles are the best at blocking light. Clear and green bottles are pretty bad. Cans obviously block all light.

    I think most of the time, brown bottles are just fine, but the judges probably have a bit of bias here on their preferences.

  • What's a bit of good advice that's really bad advice?
  • Isn't that just not true?

    Myth No. 5:  You have to carry a credit card balance to build credit

    If you don’t pay your credit card balance in full, it’s carried over to the next billing cycle and considered a revolving balance. And that unpaid balance might accrue interest.

    You don’t need to carry a balance to build credit. According to the CFPB, “Paying off your credit cards in full every month is the best way to improve a credit score or maintain a good one.”

    Fact No. 5: You don’t have to carry a credit card balance to build credit

    While carrying a balance isn’t necessary to build credit, a healthy credit utilization ratio—which measures how much available credit a person is using—is an important part of credit.

    In addition to paying off credit card balances in full every month, the CFPB recommends keeping a credit utilization rate of less than 30% of your available credit. That can be a way to show you’re responsible with credit.

    I pay my credit cards in full every month and accrue zero interest and have excellent credit...

  • What's a bit of good advice that's really bad advice?
  • I'm confused - you pay off almost all of your credit card and you're "spending even more money in the long run". Why not just pay off all of it? Surely if you were able to afford your bills with cash, you'd be able to pay off your credit card in full every month since the bills would be the same?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'll take this opportunity to plug Crandall Office Furniture, since I learned about them in a similar reddit thread a couple of years ago. My girlfriend was looking for a new office chair because all the cheap ones she's tried have destroyed her back. We got her a refurbished Leap v2 for about $600, compared to the $1200+ it would be new. She absolutely loves the chair and has had significantly fewer issues with her back. And you'd never know the chair was used, they do an excellent job refinishing everything. Highly recommend, I'll be going with them when I need a new office chair.

  • Office mandates don’t help companies make more money, study finds
  • It's "cost neutral" in the sense that the company still pays the same $X to run the office regardless of how many people are in the office. But if it costs $1000/day to heat your office in the winter and only 50% of your employees are working in the office any given day, you're wasting $500 worth of heating that day.

    Looking at it from an overhead perspective, let's say I have 1000 employees and my heat costs $1000/day. When all my employees are in, it costs $1/employee/day to heat my office. If only half my employees are in, it costs me $2/employee/day. My overhead per employee just doubled.

  • Office mandates don’t help companies make more money, study finds
  • Yes, but the costs of those things are mostly fixed. If, say, 20% of the workforce goes into the office because they enjoy working there, then you pay the full cost of cleaning, lights, toilet paper, paper cups, and heating and AC for the entire building, even though it's not at capacity.

    Source: My company is hybrid, but a handful of people decide to go in every day, including three people from my team.

  • Ortholinear mechanical keyboards
  • I have a Moonlander and absolutely love it! I also need a numpad, so I've got a layer mapped so that when I hold the bottom key on the left thumb cluster, the right side turns into a full numpad. It takes a bit of getting used to, but I can touch type the entire numpad at this point.

  • Ortholinear mechanical keyboards
  • ZSA used to make the Planck, but it looks like it's been discontinued. That, and it's smaller than what you're looking for. But you could maybe look for a second hand one if you're interested?

  • Help me pick a keyboard
  • On my Moonlander, I have:

    • Left
      • Top piano key: press for space, hold for alt
      • Middle piano key: Windows key
      • Bottom piano key: hold for layer shift to make my right split a numpad
      • Red "any" key: move to virtual desktop left
    • Right
      • Top piano key: backspace
      • Middle piano key: enter
      • Bottom piano key: tap for one shot to VSCode macro layer
      • Red "any" key: move to virtual desktop right
  • Other dev won't follow best practices, is this common?
  • I'm not super comfortable approving his work, but its functional and I don't want to hold up sprints...

    I know it's not the point of your post, but this is a red flag to me. If you're using scrum (which it sounds like you are?), a sprint isn't defined as "when all the stories get to done", it's a set block of time (generally between 2 and 4 weeks). If the stories don't get to done in the time period, you don't hold up the sprint - they just didn't get to done. Most teams will just refactor the story into smaller pieces to carry over to following sprints.

  • Help me pick a keyboard
  • I got a Moonlander ~1-1.5 years ago (made by the same company that does the Ergodox). I'll say that yes, there is an initial slowdown in typing speed as you learn ortholinear, but I find it to be so much more comfortable than the traditional staggered layout. I broke a lot of my bad typing habits similar to your Y->T mixup.

    I think it's also made me a better typist on traditional keyboards as well - I mainly use my Moonlander, but will need to use a traditional keyboard 1-2 times a day when running meetings in conference rooms. It did take me maybe 3 weeks to get up to ~70% of my normal typing speed, and then the last 30% came from me tweaking my layers and building the layout that's comfortable to me.

    I'm constantly iterating to make it more and more comfortable to use common keys (just last week, I changed my layout because I use the -> and => key sequences a lot when writing code, but I still need to tweak it more). Being able to change keymappings is a must for any keyboard, IMO.

    Thumb clusters are 👌👌👌

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