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55% of women say listening to Joe Rogan is a red flag
  • I'm arguing AGAINST violence. I'm a pacifist. And I'm tired of being called right wing or fascist everytime I argue for pacificism, when I couldn't be any further from the right wing. It's insanity. Have you said anything to the violence supporters in this thread?

  • 55% of women say listening to Joe Rogan is a red flag
  • I left reddit because all of the brain dead right wing trumper zombies that toe the line, only to find the left wing equivalents here. Fuck politics as a team sport. Literally no difference between either side other than the team color

  • 55% of women say listening to Joe Rogan is a red flag
  • It's clear from their comment that they are referring to the well known physically violent attack against Ngo, and that they are claiming that Ngo is not the victim here. It's not theoretical astrophysics, read the comment again. What's with the abject denialism here?

    Regarding your other comments, I know what that means, I was just preemptively calling out potential BS responses, because they were used multiple times before on this very Lemmy instance by others defending the violence against Ngo.

  • 55% of women say listening to Joe Rogan is a red flag
  • Bullshit, by this definition every journalist is under attack. Ngo was famously attacked in public with a concrete "milkshake" for supposedly being a nazi. There are people on Lemmy in other forums defending this. There is no confusion here, so don't sow it.

  • 55% of women say listening to Joe Rogan is a red flag
  • Fuck Joe Rogan and fuck Ngo but also fuck you for continuing this narrative that violence against people you don't like is ok. Yeah Ngo is an asshole but so are a lot of other people. I'm sure you'll retort with him associating with fascists or providing kill lists (which is bullshit if you look into it) or being a "stochastic terrorist" (what the fuck even is that). You've gotta provide even assholes like Ngo due process or else things will devolve into stone age chaos. Only way arbitrary violence makes sense ideologically is if you are a fascist or a true anarchist, otherwise there is rule of law.

    It's insane to me that your argument against Rogan is about not supporting anarchist guerilla warfare.

    This "punch a nazi" bullshit is such a bad idea because 98% of the people that end up getting punched are just people you feel might be fascist-ish because you hear their supposed dog whistles rather than because they are actually wearing swastikas. It's the worst us vs them team bullshit.

    And what's even worse is pacifists like myself will get unfairly bucketed as fascists by dumbfucks such as yourself for advocating against violence, and then you fail to see the irony.

  • Tolerating intolerance
  • This assumes there is some clearly defined line of what is intolerance that everyone agrees on. For a while at the company I worked at, just being a white male was considered "intolerant", so they fired many of them. The irony was not lost on the employees. It was a very oppressive environment and I'm glad it recovered. It's a famous company that aired some of this dirty laundry publically so you might be able to guess who it is.

    Some people are black and white bigots like this comic, but people are stupid binary thinkers and call people out as intolerant who are not overtly bigoted or bigoted at all, but are of the wrong identity or associate with the wrong groups.

    This comic is basically a straw man.

  • Deregulation will surely help the housing crisis 🤡
  • So even back in the early 90s when I dabbled in Libertarianism, people had a more nuanced take here, in that shared resources like water and air that crossed land boundaries would be protected by law. For instance you could do a class action lawsuit against the person damaging your air and water. But no one is that nuanced now.

  • Deregulation will surely help the housing crisis 🤡
  • Most "libertarians" are this dumb, but the old school ones at least attribute the problems to uneven regulation rigged in favor of the ruling class, which does jive with my understanding of what is wrong with the financial system. That being said, libertarianism wouldn't work even if they did get shit straight.

  • Is an expensive mattress worth the money?
  • Mattress: something firm like a tatami mat with a thin futon on top. Your lower back and hips will be happy.

    Pillow: buckwheat husk filled with a dust cover. Your neck, shoulders, and sinuses will be happy.

  • Would it have been too controversial?
  • Your definition of atheism is not my experience with pretty much every atheist I've ever met. It's not absense of belief, but belief that God doesn't exist. There was never anything nuanced about the definition.

    Now we can say absense of belief for the sake of discussion, but then it becomes an issue of semantics, as there is overlap with agnosticism. But it doesn't match my experience at all. Most atheists will call you names for suggesting anything but the idea that the laws of physics are a complete description of reality. Teenage edgelords mainly.

  • First ergo mech

    Cross-posting from mechs:

    I picked up a glove80 ergo mech, coming from a regular split keyboard, and am having a hard time adjusting. Got a couple questions. 1. For those of you that use tiling window managers like i3 or sway, or anything with a mod key, what do you use for your mod key? The “System” key on this board is so far away that my thumb really needs to stretch to get to it; not sure if there are similar issues with other thumb clusters. 2. are there any good typing practice sites or games you would recommend, especially those that emphasize special characters, numbers, and mod keys in the thumb cluster?

    This took me like 5 minutes to type lol

    First ergo mech

    I picked up a glove80 ergo mech, coming from a regular split keyboard, and am having a hard time adjusting. Got a couple questions. 1. For those of you that use tiling window managers like i3 or sway, or anything with a mod key, what do you use for your mod key? The "System" key on this board is so far away that my thumb really needs to stretch to get to it; not sure if there are similar issues with other thumb clusters. 2. are there any good typing practice sites or games you would recommend, especially those that emphasize special characters, numbers, and mod keys in the thumb cluster?

    This took me like 5 minutes to type lol

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