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Supreme Court: Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' For Core Constitutional Powers
  • Declare him to be a Clear and Present Danger to the Union. Now it's an official act to safeguard against the danger. So take official action, then wait and see if anybody prosecutes after the fact to prove it wasn't an official act.

  • Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts
  • The ruling actually said the president "is entitled to at least *presumptive * immunity from prosecution for all his official acts." Absolute immunity was reserved for "conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority." I'm not defending this ruling, but we don't need to misquote it.

  • Reddit just isn't how it used to be.
  • It really depends on what sub(s) you visit. Some subs didn't have a lot of mobile users to begin with, so they didn't see much change in their core active members.

    The default sort/filter for the front page there is trash now. I typically see the same things hovering there for days.

  • Biden Administration Opposes Surgery for Transgender Minors
  • Generally no. It's just a straw man the right wing trans phones have cooked up to rage-bait voters. Just like post-birth abortion.

  • Can Biden come back from a bad debate the way Reagan did in 1984?
  • Yeah that was pretty messed up. Guess we need to swing, or something.

  • Can Biden come back from a bad debate the way Reagan did in 1984?
  • Yes. We just have to vote for him! Pretty simple really.

  • I bit confused on github fork
  • You can still merge the whole upstream branch manually with a local clone, and git will stop on each conflict for you to resolve them. Then when it's done you can push the merged branch to your fork.

  • MAGA panics before Donald Trump's first debate with Biden
  • Well, I guess at least one other person has seen Weird Science.

  • MAGA panics before Donald Trump's first debate with Biden
  • You making a woman, on your <mimics typing in the air in front of face> computer?

  • A simple explanation of why Trump lies, and why his base loves his lies
  • Conservatives thought Colbert was one of them at first. Then again, they didn't know Rage Against the Machine hated them or The Boys was mocking them, either.

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • the stupid thing is I still have my children and I adding our MS accounts after creating the local accounts, because I like setting the parental limits once for all the computers. I just can't stand the stupid email-based usernames it creates when signing into the MS account during account creation.

  • [GDT] Florida Panthers at Edmonton Oilers - 08:00PM EDT
  • Yeah they've totally dominated since.

  • [GDT] Florida Panthers at Edmonton Oilers - 08:00PM EDT
  • Wow this 2nd period is🔥Just barely over 3 minutes and 2 goals, one waived off in the closest offside video review I've ever seen, and a double penalty with 4-on-4!

  • [GDT] Florida Panthers at Edmonton Oilers - 08:00PM EDT
  • As a former resident of Calgary, go Oilers.

  • PRS introduces the PRS NF3
  • Are Fender Lace Sensor pickups narrow field? I have a Strat with those, they're nice.

  • PRS introduces the PRS NF3
  • I have an SE Custom 24-08 with stock pickups and it's great. I'd love to try out a US model.

  • PRS introduces the PRS NF3
  • I'd never heard of the narrow field pickups before. Sounds like they're in-between single coil and humbuckers.

  • PRS introduces the PRS NF3

    > The PRS SE NF3 is a distinct guitar in the PRS lineup. The heart of this guitar is a trio of PRS Narrowfield pickups, a first for the SE Series. Supporting these pickups is a poplar body, 22-fret bolt-on maple neck, and the choice of either a rosewood or maple fretboard. The SE NF3 is a versatile workhorse guitar that is fun to play and hard to put down. The Narrowfield DD (Deep Dish) “S” pickups are made with taller bobbins to fit more winds and extra metal pieces in between the magnets for a more focused, powerful tone.

    Justice Department won't prosecute Garland for contempt, says refusal to provide audio wasn't crime
  • I thought the Democractic committee members and/or Pelosi said that Congress no longer has a "jail" in which the Sergeant at Arms could hold an arrestee.

  • Houston SaberCats Director Heyneke Meyer returning to South Africa after this season Former Bok coach ready for SA return

    Heyneke Meyer has confirmed his desire to take up a coaching role in South Africa when he returns from a stint in the USA at the end of this year.

    Former Bok coach ready for SA return

    cross-posted from:

    > > Heyneke Meyer has confirmed his desire to take up a coaching role in South Africa when he returns from a stint in the USA at the end of this year. > > > Meyer currently serves as the director of rugby of the USA’s Major League Rugby side Houston Sabercats, having taken the team’s coaching reins in 2022.

    Houston SaberCats Director Heyneke Meyer returning to South Africa after this season Former Bok coach ready for SA return

    Heyneke Meyer has confirmed his desire to take up a coaching role in South Africa when he returns from a stint in the USA at the end of this year.

    Former Bok coach ready for SA return

    > Heyneke Meyer has confirmed his desire to take up a coaching role in South Africa when he returns from a stint in the USA at the end of this year.

    > Meyer currently serves as the director of rugby of the USA’s Major League Rugby side Houston Sabercats, having taken the team’s coaching reins in 2022.

    NPD: MXR 10 band EQ and Mission Engineering Expression

    My birthday came and went, with two new pedals for my board. The expression pedal is the EP-25k, for use with the Pitch Fork and the tremolo. But alas I only have the one TRS cable for now, so I've only tried it with the Pitchfork. Really fun, and pleasantly different than using a vibrato arm on the guitar.

    The EQ I haven't hooked up yet. I need to flip the board and look at my power situation as I don't have any slots left on the C-spot. The main intent for that pedal in the near-term is for when I switch from humbuckers to single coils. Presently plugging in my Strat is just really underwhelming as everything is set more for my PRS 24-08 and Epi 335. A longer-term interest with the EQ pedal is for splitting my chain for wet/dry between the Prince of Tone and the Micro Flanger.

    Ian Moore's board at Heights Theater, Houston, 5/11

    Not surprised about the Strymon presence, he has a lot of nice layers and texture from the middle of his career. I've never heard a bad review of the Duelist, but seeing it on Ian's board certainly bumps it up a notch in my book. He was playing through a Holy Watt amp head/cab, which I'd never heard of. I assumed the Holy Watt pedal was like a channel switcher. But looking at their site, not only is it a standalone drive pedal, Ian has a signature line with them!

    He mostly played through his Tele-Strat (Tele neck on a Strat body). He had two that he swapped between every song (guessing they had to be re-tuned after every song). But he also played a Les Paul Junior for one song (Today, very emotional tribute to his late brother-in-law), and a Supro, maybe a Rhythm Master, for a slide track (Nothing).


    cross-posted from:

    > Keeley has dropped 3 new pedals following on the Noble Screamer design, allowing you to mix and match the gain and tone stacks from two other pedals, all at $199. > > - Blues Disorder: Bluesbreaker and OCD > - Super Rodent: Rat and SD-1 > - Angry Driver: DS-1 and Muff > > Andy's Reverb Tone Report video here.


    Keeley has dropped 3 new pedals following on the Noble Screamer design, allowing you to mix and match the gain and tone stacks from two other pedals, all at $199.

    Andy's Reverb Tone Report video here.

    Can't see table contents when logged in

    I just created this post. It has a big table in the post body, but if I'm logged in I can't see the table contents. Incognito window shows same behavior (logged out I can see the contents, logged in I can't). I am also able to see the contents if I'm logged in with photon client here.

    Request: Add an option to reload feed after switching account

    When I switch between logged in accounts, I have to manually refresh the feed tab/view to reflect the account switch. I would prefer the reload be done automatically, an option to allow users to specify this behavior would be ideal.

    Old posts missing from community

    I moderate !, I just noticed that all the posts older than about 7 months are not visible. Looking at my own post history I can see those older posts, so I know they're still there. But why aren't they displayed when viewing the community directly?

    [Houston Chronicle] We endorse Colin Allred in the Democratic primary for Senate (Editorial)

    > U.S. Rep. Colin Allred, a 40-year-old, three-term congressman from Dallas who touts his pragmatism and his ability to work with colleagues from both sides of the aisle. Calm and measured, at times to the point of being bland, the civil rights attorney and former NFL linebacker is the establishment choice. He enjoys a sizable fund-raising edge over his opponents, touts big-name endorsements and holds a commanding lead in polls.

    [Houston SaberCats] Feb 23/24, The Ruckening Arrives

    cross-posted from:

    > A little pre-season action to get ya primed and ready!

    Feb 23/24, The Ruckening Arrives

    A little pre-season action to get ya primed and ready!


    Youtuber Company Grip tried out the fancy new pups in his cheapest guitar. Compares against Seymour Duncan Seth Lovers and Gibson Custom Buckers.

    [Culturemap] Buffalo Bayou Brewing shuttered due to nonpayment of rent Houston beer shocker: Sawyer Yards brewery shutters after landlord lock out

    Another Houston craft beer brewery has poured its last pint. Buffalo Bayou Brewing Company has been locked out of its facility in Sawyer Yards for non-payment of rent, CultureMap has learned.

    Houston beer shocker: Sawyer Yards brewery shutters after landlord lock out

    The Houston SaberCats had their away game watch parties here, and that was always a good time. But in all honesty the beer wasn't at the top of my list for local brews.

    Exploring the Switchboard Effects Operator

    Fender has launched the Switchboard Effects Operator loop switcher.

    > Unleash the full potential of your pedal board! The Switchboard Effects Operator is a streamlined and compact effects switching solution with a remarkably simple interface, bringing complete signal path control, multi-pedal preset recall, and convenient effects switching right to your feet.

    [KXAN] Supreme Court allows federal agents to cut razor wire Texas installed on US-Mexico border

    > The 5-4 vote clears the way for Border Patrol agents to cut or clear out concertina wire that Texas has put along the banks of the Rio Grande to deter migrants from entering the U.S. illegally. Some migrants have been injured by the sharp wire and the Justice Department has argued the barrier impedes the U.S. government’s ability to patrol the border, including coming to the aid of migrants in need of help.

    [KXAN] Sen. Ted Cruz in statistical tie with 2 Texas Democrats

    > According to findings published Thursday morning by Emerson College Polling and Nexstar Media, the Republican incumbent is locked in a statistical tie with two Democratic challengers. Pollsters asked a group of 1,315 registered Texas voters during the period of Jan. 13-15 who they would support if Cruz ultimately faced either U.S. Rep. Colin Allred, D-Dallas, or State Sen. Roland Gutierrez, D-San Antonio.

    [CNN] Texas has until the end of today to stop blocking federal access to miles of the US-Mexico border Texas has until the end of today to stop blocking federal access to miles of the US-Mexico border | CNN

    A migrant surge continues to overwhelm authorities at the US-Mexico border&nbsp;—&nbsp;and in US cities where many asylum-seekers are being sent.

    Texas has until the end of today to stop blocking federal access to miles of the US-Mexico border | CNN

    > The Department of Homeland Security warns it will – by the end of Wednesday – “refer the matter to the Department of Justice for appropriate action and consider all other options available to restore Border Patrol’s access to the border” if Texas doesn’t confirm it will “cease and desist its efforts to block Border Patrol’s access in and around the Shelby Park area and remove all barriers to access to the U.S.-Mexico border,” the letter states.

    Connecting a Zero 2W (with USB ethernet adapter) to both main and guest networks

    I have a TP-Link Deco X55 Pro Mesh home Wifi, and it offers an isloated Guest Wifi network. There is a single DHCP pool for both the main and guest networks, so the DNS servers set in DHCP have to be reachable from both the main and guest networks. If I simply connect the Pi to my main network, and set DHCP to use its IP as primary and as secondary, then I have to go and disable all the secure DNS settings in Chrome and Firefox and Android or they all ignore my local Pi DNS and use The guest network is wifi only, so I configured the Pi's wpa_supplicant to connect to the guest wifi SSID. The wlan is connected, but it's only reachable from devices on the main network (which it should not be), and not by other devices on the guest network (which it should be). All devices on the main network can reach the wired lan interface just fine, as the should.

    I'm a bit confused about the state of wlan configuration though:

    baron@pi-1:~ $ sudo wpa_cli status verbose Selected interface 'p2p-dev-wlan0' wpa_state=DISCONNECTED p2p_device_address=da:3a:dd:c3:02:e0 address=da:3a:dd:c3:02:e0 uuid=ec1c452b-43b7-5991-b133-24ebb761a051 baron@pi-1:~ $ ifconfig wlan0 wlan0: flags=4163 mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::27a:d770:dd35:568f prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20 ether d8:3a:dd:c3:02:e0 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 138327 bytes 10181404 (9.7 MiB) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 1782 bytes 310865 (303.5 KiB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

    So even though my /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf only has the SSID and PSK for the guest network, I can't actually confirm it via wpa_cli.

    baronvonj Baron Von J

    I play guitar, watch USMLR and NHL, occasionally brew beer, enjoy live music and travel, and practice sarcasm.

    Mastodon - Pixelfed - kbin -

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