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  • And then you wonder why people are sickened by your very existence. Stop normalising, chomo.

  • Researchers Find ‘Backdoor’ in Encrypted Police and Military Radios
  • We use the same licensed VHF network at work for the last 30 years. Ever since our local cops switched to 'digital', 'encrypted' radio comms, we regularly pick them up on our VHFs across the entire district, regardless of what frequency we are on.

    It's like their whole thing is leaking across the bands, which should not be possible given that it's encrypted but here we are. If it were anyone else, we'd be pursuing them for abusing the frequency band that we pay for but it doesn't feel like a battle that we want to start.

  • Military slaughters 14 locals including teenagers and resistance fighters in sudden attack on Sagaing village [NSFW]
  • I hope Myanmar calm their troubles soon. I have my doubts though. I've been watching for years because I'd love to visit the country - every time it calms down, some military leader decides he's seen enough progress for one decade and launches a coup.

  • "Block The Rich" is like an ad-blocker, but for obscenely wealthy people with overinflated egos.
  • It's pretty easy to block the sources of such news. I certainly don't see any of it. I operate on the assumption that the kardashians all died from full blown AIDS. I might not be right today or tomorrow, but soon.

  • update: Downtime today / Cloudflare
  • Yeah, they're not someone I'd choose to give money or support to. Pretty disappointed it has come to this tbh.

  • NSFW
    Men who piss on the toilet seat in public restrooms, the fuck is wrong with you?
  • Yeah man, it wasn't a great time. I only publicly lost it once. I had a young baby at home so I was taking all the precautions imaginable at the time - early days so it was still a big scary bogeyman especially for babies and the elderly.

    I'm masked up grabbing a few things at a local grocery store and this vile woman walking towards me takes off her fucking mask to do a huge sneeze. Sprayed the entire isle with visible particulate. I fucking lost it. I had a can of something in my hands and I threw it violently into the ground sending goop everywhere and started screaming about her being a disgusting bitch and asked her what the point of the mask was. Not my proudest moment. I did my best to stay home after this unless absolutely unavoidable. People are gross.

  • not seeing any non negligible difference between 60 and 120 Hz, am I weird?
  • There's a massive difference in smoothness between 60 and 120hz for me, even just scrolling you can tell straight away how deliciously smooth 120 is.

  • NSFW
    Men who piss on the toilet seat in public restrooms, the fuck is wrong with you?
  • Who the FUCK is out there shitting in public restrooms? Obviously you don't leave the house in the morning before you shit and then shower, in that order. Only an insane person takes a dump in a public restroom.

  • NSFW
    Men who piss on the toilet seat in public restrooms, the fuck is wrong with you?
  • The pandemic taught me that 90% of public restrooms will leave my hands dirtier than when I started, and risk further infection than if I just go in, piss, don't touch anything and then front kick that door open.

  • With seemingly at least one new app announced per day....
  • Same. I just don't have a reason to use kbin. The interface is not my cup of tea and I don't like the way they've handled communities or 'mAgAzInEs'.

  • Well, I might need it...right!?!
  • Bro's so mad he probably flips phones like pancakes.

  • Google raising price of YouTube Premium to $13.99 per month
  • I think what you are seeing here so far is the organic result of those dumb enough to pay this kind of money for youtube being personally offended and defending their bad decisions.

    We will get there but I'm not sure that this platform is large enough to be a major target for corpo bots just yet. Just dummies.

  • Netflix kills Basic plan, making its cheapest ad-free tier $15.49
  • If you take the time to RATE everything you watch in Jellyfin the recommendations start getting pretty good.

    I have a built-in interface on my smart TV for Jellyfin, and I had one for Plex.

    I didn't have to deal with any network config, just login once.

    Your concerns over obtaining the content are valid, but concerns around the user experience are not.

  • Netflix kills Basic plan, making its cheapest ad-free tier $15.49
  • On any other hardware platform I'd tell you that Jellyfin is the best of the best. With that board, it might be worth trying Kodi.

    I dunno, I've always found Kodi pretty janky but it seems pretty good at playing back content on lower spec hardware.

  • Fast grocery firms doomed by French dark store ban
  • Unless you're selling espresso, baguette and cheese and have chairs on the sidewalk, you are a threat to the French way of life.

  • Russia to deem Ukraine-bound ships 'potential carriers of military cargo' from Wednesday eve
  • Are we about to have a world war? I could do without it to be honest, I got shit to do.

  • Climate change is a hoax /s
    1. I use starlink - I paid for the hardware on the ground, the rest of it is in space. There is no other internet out here.

    2. We have no public services, I have to drive to them or provide them myself. No water, no sewage.

    3. The power is generated 36km from my house and the cost of gold plating the grid to get that power is disproportionately reflected in MY power bill so that those in the city 200km away can have electricity.

    Can I ask what demographic you fit into that you seem to sincerely believe the world would keep functioning if everyone lived in cities, and that with your obviously limited exposure to how the world works, you believe you have it all figured out?

  • Ukraine takes down massive bot farm, seizes 150,000 SIM cards
  • Are there no longer gorgeous girls in Russia? Where did they go?

  • Recommend any OFFLINE Android Games with no ads?

    Evening, all.

    Looking for recommendations for any Android games that you enjoy which can be played completely offline without a data connection of any sort.

    These used to be super common once upon a time, but these days it seems every single game I try just doesn't function if you are totally out of service area.

    Would appreciate any tips! Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: Some great suggestions in here! That will keep them busy a while. Thanks so much everyone.
