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Who is using NodeBB?
  • Dang, really getting to like NodeBB. Have had a domain that has sat fallow since 2013 that I used for when setting up my servers. Was also at that time thinking about setting up a hosting company, and since I’m from East Texas and commonly get called a redneck I grabbed a domain to do that justice. Now I have the site set up with the target of helping folks interested in hosting options.

  • astro-what Astro What

    I am a retired LEO and IT professional. I have been involved in some type of communication platforms from the mid 80's when I ran a multi-line BBS under OS/2. I now run one primary website (Xenforo) that deals with astronomy and astrophotography but do tech work for a friend that is using NodeBB on a Xenforo alternative support site.

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