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Material Conditions


Ben Shapiro pooh-bear on top: "facts don't care about your feelings." Karl Marx pooh-bear on bottom: "material conditions don't care about your idealism."

Google updates privacy policy to train its AI on everything you post online
  • They need massive amounts of data. There is simply no way to manually curate data on that scale, short of hiring like a million people. It’s very likely that they do use some sort of automated filtering to curate the data though.

    If we can throw tens of millions of soldiers into meat grinders for wars, then I think hiring a few million people to curate data is table stakes by comparison.

  • Google execs admit users are ‘not quite happy’ with search experience after Reddit blackouts
  • I use Kagi:

    You gotta pay for it, but I've found it worth paying for so far.

  • Reddit had/has a plan to block mobile browsers in favor of their app
  • They can serve you ads just fine on mobile web, that’s not it. It’s that the app let’s them track your behavior far better than the web browser.

    It's both. Firefox for Android lets you run uBlockOrigin, effectively killing the ads.

  • posting 'tankie' is the new 'woke' slur on a lemmy instance..
  • A lot of this comes from the community from the streamer whose name starts with the v and who used to go by Irish Lassie. His community is especially toxic when it comes to using the term tankie as a pejorative.

    And they don’t even keep the smear to people that support the Bolsheviks. They’ve been saying that about Noam Chomsky and Jeremy corbyn and basically anyone that has been critical of NATO in the last few years.

    Imagine calling fucking Chomsky a tankie XD

  • Many of the modern anticapitalists and marxists in the western world are aging out. Parenti is currently suffering from Dementia and Wolff is in his eighties and can't go on forever. Who comes next?
  • But in terms of "folks I've been reading that seem to have decent takes:"

    • Roderic Day of has put out some really good pieces in my opinion.
    • Peter Coffin has a mixture of good takes and bad ones. He's stubborn on holding onto transphobia -- or at least, transphobia-adjacent comments -- and his "LGBTQ+ is a bourgeois ideology" take, which, so far as I can tell, may be one of those "okay, 'technically correct' under your framing of it, but thoroughly counter-productive seeing as literally nobody else frames the issue in this way." Unfortunately, he's recommended stuff from PatSoc Caleb Maupin before too. Basically, I see potential in Coffin, clouded by problems.
    • What I have read of Xi Jinping -- which isn't much -- has been solid.

    So yeah, if you're looking for heroes, I wouldn't hold your breath. But there's life to be found in the world of Marxism.

  • US-China tensions: Biden calls Xi a dictator day after Beijing talks
  • I wish we had a Parenti bot. Nonfalsifiable Orthodoxy etc etc.

    During the cold war, the anticommunist ideological framework could transform any data about existing communist societies into hostile evidence. If the Soviets refused to negotiate a point, they were intransigent and belligerent; if they appeared willing to make concessions, this was but a skillful ploy to put us off our guard. By opposing arms limitations, they would have demonstrated their aggressive intent; but when in fact they supported most armament treaties, it was because they were mendacious and manipulative. If the churches in the USSR were empty, this demonstrated that religion was suppressed; but if the churches were full, this meant the people were rejecting the regime's atheistic ideology. If the workers went on strike (as happened on infrequent occasions), this was evidence of their alienation from the collectivist system; if they didn't go on strike, this was because they were intimidated and lacked freedom. A scarcity of consumer goods demonstrated the failure of the economic system; an improvement in consumer supplies meant only that the leaders were attempting to placate a restive population and so maintain a firmer hold over them.

    If communists in the United States played an important role struggling for the rights of workers, the poor, African-Americans, women, and others, this was only their guileful way of gathering support among disfranchised groups and gaining power for themselves. How one gained power by fighting for the rights of powerless groups was never explained. What we are dealing with is a nonfalsifiable orthodoxy, so assiduously marketed by the ruling interests that it affected people across the entire political spectrum.

    ― Michael Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism

  • US-China tensions: Biden calls Xi a dictator day after Beijing talks
  • The United States is a deeply unserious country.

  • US-China tensions: Biden calls Xi a dictator day after Beijing talks

    The US leader makes the remark just after talks aimed at easing tensions between the countries.

    US-China tensions: Biden calls Xi a dictator day after Beijing talks

    By Derek Cai BBC News

    US President Joe Biden has called Chinese President Xi Jinping a dictator at a fundraiser in California.

    His remarks come a day after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Mr Xi for talks in Beijing, which were aimed at easing tensions between the two superpowers.

    Mr Xi said some progress had been made in Beijing, while Mr Blinken indicated both sides were open to more talks.

    China is yet to respond to Mr Biden's comments.

    President Biden, at the fundraiser on Tuesday night local time, also said Mr Xi was embarrassed over the recent tensions around a Chinese spy balloon that had been blown off course over the US.

    "The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset, in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two box cars full of spy equipment in it, was he didn't know it was there," Mr Biden said.

    "That's a great embarrassment for dictators. When they didn't know what happened."

    Mr Blinken's visit to Beijing - the first by a top US diplomat in almost five years - restarted high-level communications between the two countries. Both Mr Biden and Mr Xi hailed it as a welcome development. But Mr Blinken made clear that major differences remain between the two countries.

    Washington and Beijing have long locked horns over an array of issues including trade, human rights, and Taiwan.

    But relations have especially deteriorated in the past year. With the US election looming and tensions with China emerging as a political issue, some Republican senators have attacked the Biden administration for being "soft" on China.

    We need a euphemism for Reddit
  • The Website Formerly Known As Reddit

  • Account request received on ProleWiki just earlier
  • Pure gold, a consolidation of every opinion spouted by online leftists


    At this point, I treat anybody calling themselves a generic "leftist" with a dose of skepticism. It gives off strong "I'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative" vibes.

  • Chromium
  • Cue the chorus of lame excuses as for why people are still using Google Botnet instead of Firefox.

  • It kinda feels like I'm sorting by controversial by default.
  • "It kinda feels like my filter bubble is being pierced. Can we fix that?"

  • Rules, regulations, or: why am I banned???
  • Thinking communism is a good system and sucking of dictators is a bit of a difference isn’t it lol.

    I literally today saw a post celebrating and congratulating Xi for being a leader for so long, you know, while forcing that no one else could take power.

    Also associating communism with authoritarianism is very saying.

    I can see I was right to be skeptical. "I love communism; just not in any of the ways that it has ever historically or presently succeeded."

  • Rules, regulations, or: why am I banned???
  • None of us have any issue with communists

    • saying anything remotely iffy with a lemmygrad account
    • tankie behaviour
    • authoritarian behaviour

    Color me skeptical.

  • Is more active than
  • I get what you’re saying, but as of now a lot of people new to the concept of the Fediverse just don’t care. They’re going to join the instances with the most people. Like the Mastodon migration, this will inevitibly result in a “default” instance regardless of how people feel. Not sure if that’ll change, unless something forces people to realize maintaining the decentralized aspect of these servives is very important.

    The masses need not understand the importance of decentralization. Only the admins of the instances do. And when admins seek to compulsively accumulate users en masse, rather than close off registration and route to other instances, it's a pretty obvious tell as to what they're doing.

  • Beehaw admin is such a fucking liar wtf
  • Highlighting that we can’t avoid using tech with problematic roots isn’t enough if you’re going to keep pouring fertiliser on those roots to keep the rotten tree growing.

    Fucking gold.

  • Beehaw admin is such a fucking liar wtf
  • What the hell is a beehaw anyway?

    It's YeeHaw appropriation.

  • Beehaw admin is such a fucking liar wtf
  • Fortunately, I'm not a liberal, so I've got no problem readin' 'em.

  • Lemmygrad: Worse than CSAM

    OCR/caption below. It's a post from a user saying that Lemmygrad is the worst Lemmy instance of them all, even ones carrying far-right terrorism, NSFL gore, and CSAM.


    >>same, I'm on Sopuli and their Blocklist is pretty short but has the worst ones. >> >>they are really, really bad and some are straight up illegal in some countries. >> >>Mostly far-right ones, straight up terrorism (seriously there are people with RAF and other terrorist organization's logos on their profile pics there), nsfl gore videos (like people dying and being tortured type of stuff), and nsfw ones full of underage anime girls in suggestive poses... >> >>lemmygrad is probably the worst one out of all of them, just because of it's [sic] size (tankie terrorist group) >> >> > >Ah yes. There's far-right terrorism, NSFL gore, CSAM, but it's the commies that are "the worst one out of all of them." > >

    There's a Frogger in my grouping!

    Glock G19 compact 9mm, three yards, ten-round group. Still got some work to do.

    Range Day 9mm 5-ish yards

    Haven't been to the range in a while. My trigger discipline has definitely decayed. Still not terrible though.

    aspensmonster Preston Maness ☭

    Also on masto:


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