Whats the best way to take action for me as a single user? What kind of posts should I focus on making? Ive heard of fetching reddit posts, maybe I could do that if theres like an easy process to do so, I'd happily feed some communities I like with posts from the silicon valley mafia platform to this platform!
Also whats the name of this platform? I registered under feddit org, is the umbrella term called fediverse? Accroding to wiki then this(fediverse) should be linked to platforms like pixelfed and mastadon too, is it? How do I see content from them or in what way are these platforms interlinked with this reddit styled one?
good riddance, sillicon valley has way too much power over information flow
the more diverse the platforms the better. Also I really like the reskins of this platform! Makes the interface so customizable to your preferences
Welcome on the site <3 (Im also a new ex-redditor - check my latest comment on profile for my story)
Never thought Reddit is so shady.
- I literally just repeated a questionable source of a linked article (like "fox news" as a comment to highlight bias). -> 7 day ban
- Then, i admit bad action: commented via long-time second account one single but wholesome comment during that period. (to someone in need in the same sub, giving a tip on how to handle bad lifesituation. not realizing its the same forum) -> permaban in that forum
- 7 days of trying to talk as diplomatic and giving as possible to the mods, even revealing my innocence of my second account
- ip ban on all my accounts without any other talks. (prolly the a mod forwarded that to reddit and they dont care at all about nuance)
had like 80k karma & original content posted over the years, but in the end: Gave me energy to join this community here and transfer.
Good riddance. Less american now, F Sillicon Valley more power to the people