Yup. Also got my account suspension due to "suspicious activity" on "upvoting and engaging with discriminatory and violent content".
Meaning I upvoted posts condemning US's current position, and correcting the swarm of misinformation by US shills.
Glad I finally managed to nuke my entire reddit history and delete my account. F' that toxic cesspool. R/Europe and other euro-canadian subs already felt like more US and Russian shills were active than actual europeans or canadians.
I literally just repeated a questionable source of a linked article (like "fox news" as a comment to highlight bias). -> 7 day ban
Then, i admit bad action: commented via long-time second account one single but wholesome comment during that period. (to someone in need in the same sub, giving a tip on how to handle bad lifesituation. not realizing its the same forum) -> permaban in that forum
7 days of trying to talk as diplomatic and giving as possible to the mods, even revealing my innocence of my second account
ip ban on all my accounts without any other talks. (prolly the a mod forwarded that to reddit and they dont care at all about nuance)
had like 80k karma & original content posted over the years, but in the end: Gave me energy to join this community here and transfer.
Good riddance. Less american now, F Sillicon Valley
more power to the people
It's dumb, you see posts deleted all the fucking time that fit the spirit of subreddits. Half the time the OPs don't even know their post was deleted by the mods, and there's absolutely no comment from the mods indicating why it was removed.
I didn't even wait that long. The site has been going noticably shitward for a long time. Powertripping mods with absolutely no sense of sarcasm or (gasp) humor, complete asshole userbase, comments and posts getting more and more idiotic. I still have an account but I don't feel any need to go there anymore. Reddit was a certain day-spoiler, retrospectively.
I don't think most people realize, Reddit itself silently removes a lot of comments and posts, and not all of them even show up in the mod queues for mods to review them.
It's quite possible a Reddit AI removed your posts and no human even saw them.
I love all these. But what I particularly love is that there are three really clever ones and the fourth is like, fuck it, let's just call him a bellend.
Any politician we find to have done something stupid, regardless what party or country we'll call a bellend, it js means dickhead, also very literally.
I never got the motivation this "otherwise benevolent superintelligence" would have to behave like this. There seems to be absolutely no benefit whatsoever that could be derived retroactively punishing people for not working on it (hard enough). Whether or not it does is immaterial to the motivation of those who were convinced it might.
Also, focusing on one possible future scenario and completely ordering your life around it seems, like, dumb.
If you can't post innocuous things like this to reddit, what is even the point of going there? That site went downhill extremely fast. Good, fuck reddit!
That’s like saying “I wish EU knew how to protest” because the states differ about as much as European countries. I don’t hear of a ton of the Eastern European countries protesting like the French, or the Poles do. I think there is a lot of ignorance of how it looks like to be an American from the inside
English people acc know how to think for themselves, we criticise our politicians regardless of what parties we vote for and form our own opinions rather than follow the rhetoric of one of two absolutely dogshit parties.
If I were to give them the biggest empathy I can muster, they may just remove it as silently as possible out of fear of having to moderate the comments of bound-to-be popular post according to reddit's increasingly stupid rules of discourse.
Still unjustified censorship, very worrysome - but I could on an emotional level understand being fed up with everything at this point and just powertripping because "fuck everything, I don't want to deal with anything like this, I am not getting paid enough/at all".
Fair. They're volunteers, and they've given a lot to their sub so may want to keep it going in the chaos. They could be at work and just not have time to manage comments breaking the new stupid rules
For decades, the Woke Left has complained that we live in a bifurcated society of privileged middle class professionals and trod upon lower class manual laborers. But Donald Trump is resolving the contradiction. Now everyone gets to enjoy the hyper-surveillance, the stochastic violence, and the suffocating revanchist propaganda once reserved for poor people.