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What to do with a bunch of 3rd Gen i7 PCS
  • That's true, if there's no load then the difference isn't much money.
    I'm running a NAS, some game servers, a forgejo instance and a jellyfin server and more on my machine so it's never truly idle and I forgot to think about that metric.

  • What to do with a bunch of 3rd Gen i7 PCS
  • Yeah, I focused on the I’m just looking for some fun experiments, projects part.
    I wouldn't use the machines for anything other than experimenting for fun, they're power hungry too if counting per performance.

  • Just a friendly welcome post
  • For those of us using Firefox there was a post on ! on how you can use uBlock Origin to create word filters.

    To do so, open up the uBlock Origin dashboard, go to the ‘My filters’ tab, and add this filter:|word2|word3|word4/i)

    For example:|Elon|Musk|nazi/i)  
  • PC games made in Europe
  • Running games on Linux:
    Using the Heroic Game Launcher you can install GOG/Epic Games games with a simple click, Steam works pretty much the same in Linux as in Windows today.
    There's also Lutris that's great for running local windows installers (downloaded game installers from GOG f.e.). I used Lutris when my wife needed to install the EA App to run Sims 4 as a usage example.

    The exception is some games actively blocking non-windows (Fortnite) and others using Anti cheats that requires Windows to work.

    Gaming on Linux links
    Where I usually check if a game runs properly on Linux -
    A site that lists games that doesn't work due to anticheat -
    Game launchers for other storefronts than Steam:

    Linux DE and Distros
    If you want a desktop environment that is similar to Windows as default and uses the latest graphics protocols in Wayland and so on then look into KDE. As a bonus KDE is developed by a non profit based in Germany.
    OpenSUSE is a distro developed by a german company that uses KDE as default -
    Normally I recommend Fedora KDE as a distro but that is developed by Red Hat which in turn is owned by IBM which feels a bit contrary to "Buy European".

  • Bojkott av amerikanska varor
  • Så är det och när/om det stoppas kommer Mozilla få svårt att hålla en egen webbläsarmotor uppdaterad och igång utan nya inkomstkällor.

    Problemet som jag ser det är att det är Googles utvecklare som utvecklar Chromium vilket innebär att vi ger Google ensamrätt på hur webben ska utvecklas om vi låter konkurrerande webbläsarmotorer gå under.

  • Bojkott av amerikanska varor
  • Förstod att det inte var din egen och visst har du rätt i att jag kan kontakta ägaren och påpeka det ironiska med att använda amerikanska tjänster för men nu ville jag mest diskutera det här på /c/sweden. :)

  • Bojkott av amerikanska varor
  • Förblir Firefox för mig även om Mozilla Foundation har säte i Kalifornien. Att motarbeta Chromium monopolet känns viktigare.

    Går alltid att kolla innan man handlar på Steam. Då får du dessutom fördelen att du slipper DRM och kan ladda ner installationsfiler som fungerar offline.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (


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