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trans rule
  • that's pretty rad

  • JK Rowling agrees to meeting with Labour about gender transition policy
  • new Labour is dead labour anyway. Nothing but neoliberal bs

  • 451 rule
  • Don't we already have that? It's called IMF and World Bank

  • 196 rule
  • Brodie says 196 rights? :0

  • Confused but he's got the Rule
  • this is beautiful, thx for sharing lol

  • but Power Word Fart and Fireball are still allowed? smh rule
  • Now I'd like to inquire the wizard convention (lol) on the status of the "testicular torsion" and "ovary obliteration" spells

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • It will stop being free the second a corporation gets it's hands on it, makes improvements and put's those under a proprietary license

  • ich⚒️🇩🇪iel
  • Mobilmachung gegen schlechte Instanzadministration!

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • I've taken up saying "temporarily free/libre" and "permanently free/libre" instead of the permissive/copyleft, since imo "permissive" has a suggestive positive connotation. Especially to ppl who do not know much about the free software movement

  • ich⚒️🇩🇪iel
  • Es flüstern die MaiMai- und GIFproduzenten,

  • ich🏳️‍🌈iel
  • Pridemonth ist seit langem vom Kapitalismus coopted worden, dementsprechend auch kein Protest mehr gegen die bürgerliche Kernfamilie und dient hauptsächlich der Legitimisierung des Kapitals als "progressiv"
    (ähnlich wie bürgerlicher "Feminismus")

  • ich🏳️‍🌈iel
  • Ich freue mich jedes Jahr auf neue kommodifiziert und als Werbekampagne missbraucht zu werden :))

  • ich🏳️‍🌈iel
  • Genau, hatte letztes Jahr denke ich ganz viele Memes gesehen die darauf ab waren AfDler zu triggern indem sie sich wiederum über diesen Stolzmonat lustig gemacht haben (bzw die ganzen queer spins der DE Flagge)

  • Winfried Kretschmann fordert mehr Macht für Robert Habeck [DPA]
  • Ich liebe es wenn alles verbürgerlicht und beim Rechtspopulismus mitmacht :))

  • Winfried Kretschmann fordert mehr Macht für Robert Habeck [DPA]
  • Ich liebe es wenn alles verbürgerlicht und beim Rechtspopulismus mitmacht :))

  • ich🏳️‍🌈iel
  • Hatte die AfD nicht mal einen Stolzmonat? Sollte man mmn immer noch hoch und runter memen im Juno

  • Finally got a skirt (alongside a Thorium pendant)
  • if you value your and your friends' health, pls stop that esoteric bs

  • "Contrary to a 'horseshoe' theory, the evidence reveals increasing antisemitism moving from left to right."
  • The main job of fascism is to protect capital when the majority of the working population grows disillusioned with capitalism and might get the wrong ideas about socialist revolution and stuff

  • Even if god exists religion can't possibly be the way to god
  • Praying works: "Thank God!111!"

    Praying doesn't work: "God works in mysterious ways... 🤷‍♀️"

    Like sure if you need that as a way to cope with a depressing reality. But that is the main function of religion: to keep folks complacent, governable and prevent systemic change

    (dw am not some kind of "religion bad!! no, I never interacted with organized spirituality, why do you ask?"-person. That's just what growing up with real /j Orthodox Christianity and two hours of liturgy per week does to a critically inclined mf lol)

  • best :3 according to AI

    cross-posted from:

    > best rule according to AI > > [alt: youtube thumbnail with the caption "this is the best keyboard according to ai" > > all keys are either : or 3. the space bar is meow meow meow meow meow meow]

    head empty

    cross-posted from:

    > Crosswalk rule

    American Democrats try not to support a fascist agenda challenge (impossible)

    cross-posted from:

    > American Democrats try not to support a fascist agenda challenge (impossible) > > Full post for context. > > I wish I had a cookie for every time a Democrat told me the concentration camps are good ackshually > > Fuck your border and your president

    Why did they put eyeliner on evil Kirk 😳

    So I'm watching TOS for the first time... (have alreay watched all show from TNG to DISC quite a while ago and yes, my fav is DS9 followed by TNG) and have just started "The Enemy Within"

    Idk why but my shitpost-ridden brain instantly went "wait... d-did they make Kirk hot?"

    that's it, that's the post. It's mostly a /hj (I hope (?))

    (just has the vibe of queercoding a villain having the opposite effect)

    EDIT: I have now seen the following sexual assault scene, wtf

    us elections rule

    cross-posted from:

    > old but gold, still seems to hold true

    [META: serious and constructive discussion thread (radlibs will be yeeted tho)] You can both criticize the lackeys of capital *AND* vote for the ones slowing down the degeneration into fascism a bit

    (img translation: "Wind-up toys with a common key")

    However, expending all your energy and agitprop potential on getting ppl to vote for the good cop instead of the bad cop, still legitimizes the dictatorship of capital (as well as it's sham democracies). It makes it seem like voting could solve systemic problems, instead of it just playing the game of late-stage capitalism. Anywayy.... that's my take (so probably incorrect)

    This thing is a one-time thing tho, there is actually a sibling community for this kind of stuff: !

    Long lasting sneakers or similar shoes?

    Am also looking for sneakers to get for the following seasons:

    • grey ones for summer
    • black ones for spring/autumn

    But I'm virtually clueless when it comes to fashion + they should be available in the EU

    Long lasting boots? Opinions on Solovair ones?

    I'm currently looking for new (or 2nd hand) boots to get and was wondering whether anyone here had experience with Solovair in particular or could recommend other ones available in the EU.

    I even do redstone praxis 😎


    Top text: "Yeah I read theory" background image of the Minecraft Redstone Handbook

    Today's "Left"

    If anyone has a better way of using alts on mobile lemmy or just tips on doing/writing them in general, please share


    Top panel:

    MAGA person saying: "Socialism failure!!! Look at Vuvuzuela, Indonesia, France, and California!" Bernie person saying: "Actually, socialism is when police, military, free college and healthcare. Look at Scandinavia" "I love Xi" person saying: "You're both wrong. China is the best example of 21st century socialism. Their billionaires are helping the working class"

    Bottom panel:

    distraught person with a red bleeding head and red shirt

    the solution to most things rule

    cross-posted from:

    > The best achievable option (imho) would be one socialist republic - of equal peoples - on the soil of Palestine

    How to solve the current conflict™

    cross-posted from:

    > The best achievable option (imho) would be one socialist republic - of equal peoples - on the soil of Palestine

    alsaaas алсааас [she/they]


    ur local depressed transfem, mostly here to liquidate years of piled up meme reserves

    also on mastodon

    Posts 93
    Comments 456