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Cigarette-style climate warnings on food could cut meat consumption, study suggests
  • How so? Cow farts? The grass is going to emit the same gasses whether it decomposes in a cow stomach or in the dirt. I guess the solution to carbon emissions is to pave the earth! No more organics polluting everything.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Absolutely, in general I'm not opposed to mining and other industrial activity if they clean up after themselves.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • A fair point, although recycling only provides a fraction of the replacement needs of a population. Some things are only partially recyclable and other things are not recyclable at all, at least not without massive energy cost and industrial capacity.

  • Customs and Border Protection Says It Will Stop Buying Smartphone Location Data
  • And they're going to start again in 2 months? Color me skeptical.

  • I’ll fight anyone who shits on Gen Z
  • We demand nothing, you can't avoid entertaining us.

  • I’ll fight anyone who shits on Gen Z
  • I was on that call too, can confirm.

  • I’ll fight anyone who shits on Gen Z
  • Spoken like a boomer

  • California Lawmakers Unanimously Pass Right to Repair Legislation
  • Apple probably figured away to make more money this way

  • McDonald's plans to transition away from self-serve soda fountains in US by 2032
  • Well to be fair it's not McDonald's fault that the dollar is practically worthless now

  • McDonald's plans to transition away from self-serve soda fountains in US by 2032
  • Drive-thru so long it doesn't save much time either

  • Female surgeons sexually assaulted while operating
  • Even worse, to unleash an untrained surgeon out to the world in exchange for sex.

  • *shots fired*
  • The holes are an evolutionary adaptation that allows bullets to pass through harmlessly.

  • Can we please
  • I guess I'll be giving away candy canes at Halloween. Maybe also some of those old fashioned ribbon candies that taste like mothballs... That's kind of in the spirit of Halloween isn't it?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Interesting. I actually preferred the subreddits that were kind of quiet, where 50 votes was a super popular post and got maybe two dozen responses at most. Any more than that and it starts to become noise. But then I have niche interests and I'm older. Zoomers seem to thrive on the chaos and have no problem with a rapidly scrolling chat window or a 1000+ comments on a post. I prefer a thoughtful audience to a large one, and longer well formed posts. (Not meaning zoomers aren't thoughtful, they just maybe communicate it differently)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Great point. To see if its worth joining a community I check how many posts it has, and then look at the posts to see if anyone actually reads them (votes). Too little activity its not worth wasting my time. i already have too many communities subscribed as it is.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Glaciers have outbursts?

  • Patch submitted to the Linux kernel by a 4 year old.
  • Can a 4-yr old legally consent to the copyright assignment?

  • What is spying?
  • Facebook: you guys hide it?

  • alcamtar alcamtar
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