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I asked what your fave controllers are, now. What is the worst controller you have used?
  • Any gamepad without vibration feels lifeless to me. This was one of the first gamepads I bought for PC, the Thrustmaster Dual Analog 4. No vibration, L3/R3 require a lot of force to press, no analog movement on the triggers. I guess what you get is what you pay for but man I don't wanna go back to cheapo controllers...

  • What are your favourite controllers?
  • Steam Controller is of course an unbeatable classic, almost it's own category with the weird but charming touchpads.

    Of the more conventional controllers I'm a big fan of my current Gulikit KK3 Max. I was looking for a controller with Hall-effect joysticks, and this one looked like one of quality, so I decided why not eh. Feels like a good controller when I use it, so I'm content with it.

  • [Discussion] Double discussion this month, what games did you buy for your Deck during the Steam Sale, and what are you playing on Deck right now? - July 2024
  • Playing FH4 too, trying to get all the playlist related achievements before it's too late 😋

    One thing I've noticed is that you can't be signed in from two places, so if you decide to play on desktop after playing on the deck, you need to sign in again...

  • [Discussion] Double discussion this month, what games did you buy for your Deck during the Steam Sale, and what are you playing on Deck right now? - July 2024
  • Bought Dicey Dungeons as a good one to play on Deck. I can run it with the TDP on the GPU set to 3w, which increases the battery lifespan impressively, while still running great! Plus the game itself lends itself well to the deck I'd say.

  • Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • Since it's not included in the article, but it is in a linked one, here's the ad:

    (Hope it embeds)

  • Changes in Forza Horizon 4’s Festival Playlist and Delisting from Digital Stores
  • Series 77, ending on August 22, will be the last chance to earn achievements tied with the Festival Playlist including:

    A Creature of Habit Complete all Seasonal Championships in a Festival Playlist Series.

    Stunt Puller Complete all Seasonal PR Stunts in a Festival Playlist Series.

    Cashing In Earn 1 Season Completion Bonus.

    Perfectionist Earn all 8 Season Completion Bonuses in the same Series.

    Encore? Complete all activities in a single Festival Playlist Series.

    Good to know this as well, I'll be downloading it on my Deck and grind away the coming month

    From this date forward we will offer different discounts for Forza Horizon 4, like the one currently active on STEAM (at the time of publishing); we will also have a sale in the Xbox Store on 7/14. Please keep an eye out on our socials and different platforms to take advantage of future offers.

    Also good to know incase you still want to get friends in on it

  • Luminance 1.1.0 released with GTK4
  • Does this put an icon on the top panel as well? Couldn't find something about it in the git readme in a quick glance

  • This house in between two runways at Narita International Airport in Tokyo
  • Narita is such a weird airport. Just in front of RWY 34R there's a shrine, and between taxiway K and L there's just someone's farm. There's also a ridiculous amount of golf courses around the airport, can recommend trying to count them all

  • Ubuntu 24.10 Now Defaults To NVIDIA On Wayland
  • Screen sharing on Discord with Wayland kinda sucks at the moment, but I believe that's moreso Discord's fault for not updating Electron or something along those lines.

    If you really need screenshare there were some options with xwaylandvideobridge, a custom client, or just running it via the browser

  • Making notification sounds quieter on a non-rooted FP5

    Hi all, I've had my FP5 for a few months now. I usually have my notifications on vibrate only, simply because I think even the lowest volume level for notifications is too loud.

    So I'm wondering, is there a way to go below the lowest possible volume for notifications somehow, and preferably without rooting. Or should I try my luck making a feature request at Fairphone?

    What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • Blue light filters can still be nice at night right? As the blue light can keep you awake.

  • Are you using GOG games on your Steam Deck?
  • I've played Yakuza 0 with Heroic on the Deck. The game ran well, no problems. Just had more issues with cloud sync between desktop and Deck (manually activate a sync), and achievements not working. Eventually got so fed up that I rebought the game on Steam to get those two working again...

  • Let's do micro service
  • But why? Microservices do have some good advantages in some scenarios

  • Vote for a new FreeCAD logo
  • Pretty diverse group of logos to choose from. I'm a fan of the logos where the gear spells out a C. Curious to see which one they pick! (We pick?)

  • Oh no
  • I wonder if people are just posting more Nintendo stuff to the workshop now out of spite or rebelliousness

  • A helpful graphic about writing alt text
  • Potentially also useful for creating good prompts for AI image generators?

  • discord is stupid
  • Same for me on NixOs. Krisp noise cancelling doesn't work on the repo version

  • New open source GPU is free to all — FuryGPU runs Quake at 60fps, supports modern Windows software
  • Interesting, learned something new from my silly comment!

  • New open source GPU is free to all — FuryGPU runs Quake at 60fps, supports modern Windows software
  • All this text, yet nowhere its mentioned whether it runs Doom. Clearly the most important thing to run on any device

  • The tech behind a flying car, originally developed and successfully test-flown in Europe, has been bought by a Chinese firm
  • Man I hope this concept never "gets off the ground". I don't trust the average person in a car. Let alone in a flying machine? But it seems like such a waste of a concept. Probably can't use it in most cities, with big airports usually claiming the airspace around them. This one still requires a runway to take off. Try and find the space for that in a city.

  • Anytype as an alternative to Notion or Obsidian

    Stumbled on this program called Anytype a while ago, a note-taking application similar to Notion. It's surprisingly well polished and works for me.

    They have a lot of aspects which seem like they'd appeal to more privacy-conscious people. Plus decentralization should appeal to Lemmings of course. But as far as I'm aware I've never heard anyone talk about this program. I was wondering if this is just due to obscurity, or if there are reasons it's not often recommended.

    Looking for books on Nix/NixOs

    Hi all, looking for tutorials online is cool and all, but sometimes you just wanna sit down and read a physical book to understand something. So I was looking for suggestions on which books helped you the most, or which you've heard positive things about. Thanks!

    Federating with again?

    Seeing some content from from ~1-2h ago. I checked the instance list on .world and it seems like we're in the federated list. Anyone else seeing content as usual again?

    Alternative YouTube frontend which syncs with Google

    Hey all, been looking to curb you YouTube addiction. One easy step would be to get an alternative frontend which does not display shorts, and maybe even does not show suggested videos.

    I've been looking at alternatives, but most seem to want you to import subscriptions from YouTube, and I assume that if you subscribe to a new channel from there, it will not show up on your YouTube account. Which is a functionality I would really like, as I also watch on desktop.

    So does something like it exist? Or should I just install ReVanced? I've been kind of hesitant because installing from .APK is just so much easier...

    Throwback time: My first time landing on the Mun 8y ago

    This one is from 2015. Back when I overestimated how much fuel you need... 😅

    My favourite contraption so far in KSP2: Airlift for a 'rover'

    Making full use of the new parts. Thing is quite manoeuvrable, plus with SAS it's even better. The rover itself is not all that special, just the new pod and some fuel tanks...

    With a bit of a ridiculous rocket I got it to land on Minmus !

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