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Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc?
  • In Denmark and Norway the "with best regards" acronym is healthy and well, and I doubt it'll disappear any time soon.

    Mvh Aasatru

  • Farmers who graze sheep under solar panels say it improves productivity. So why don’t we do it more?
  • What's the point of that?

    If you don't want wool, just leave wild species to graze there instead. Then congratulations, you successfully achieve nothing and you can rest easy wearing your polyester shirt.

  • Is it just me or do Lemmy communities tend to skew left wing? Why might this be?
  • I'm just here because I hate capitalists.

    I also hate stalinists, so the joke is on me I guess.

  • Pros / cons of riding a bike?
  • In my city cycling is faster even if you're not stuck in traffic because you can take one way streets and shortcuts. During rush hour it's not even comparable.

  • Following the other post, which communities don't have alternatives on other instances?
  • Seems like a community that has it's natural home at

  • ***That 2,000 Yard Stare*** (Thomas C. Lea III, 1944) [hi-res version and details in post]
  • That's an interesting point. I guess the mental trauma soldiers faced on the battlefield didn't really gain attention before Vietnam, maybe because of the general agreement that their sacrifice was worth it no matter how terrible.

    I would love to learn more about all of it. It seems PTSD was not really understood back then, with shell shock being the preferred diagnosis. But what about war zones before shelling? Were they so much less traumatizing? How was PTSD understood before the modern era, and why were we so unprepared for it following the advance of modern warfare?

  • 'Vote or face war': Poland Prime Minister's stark warning ahead of EU election
  • I think everybody agrees that this shouldn't be an issue.

    The threat of war feels a little bit more real when you live just a few miles from the Ukrainian border in Poland then when you read about it in the news in a country outside of what Russia considers their sphere of interest.

    Donald Tusk is not threatening with war here. He's just informing of uncomfortable political realities.

  • Number of monthly active Lemmy users rising again
  • At some point recognisability is also worth something. I can immediately read this graph, I understand it, it's good.

    Occasionally it's used in a confusing way where people assume it starts at zero despite it not being the case, and sometimes intentionally so. But that's just the case here.

  • Number of monthly active Lemmy users rising again
  • Well, it does make sense, doesn't it?

    What we're interested in is not the number of users, but the trends: whether the number is increasing or decreasing over time. Starting the axis at 0 would not be useful in this regard, as the trend would be almost completely obscured.

  • How am I supposed to decide who to vote for in local elections?
  • It varies everywhere, even from state to state in the US.

    The US system is kind of broken - they ask you to vote for way too many things. Where I'm from I just vote for a party - I basically say "yeah, the green party are cool", and then the party decides who to put in which position should they get enough votes. I can give a +1 to candidates I like personally, but I don't have to.

    In the US you might be asked to vote for school boards, a sheriff, and a bunch of weird positions. There's no realistic chance you'll make an informed decision for all of them.

    Sadly, it's very important you still vote, because the republicans are using this broken system to fill these positions with far-right lunatics. So basically seek out information as much as you can, but at the end of the day just vote for whichever Democrat is on the ballot whenever in doubt. They're not guaranteed to be good - in fact they're likely to be pretty bad - but they're pretty much guaranteed to be the lesser of two evils.

    Still might vary though - local politics are weird, and there are no rules set in stones. Some places you still have decent republicans on the local level (or so I've heard).

  • Opinion: Climate scientists are finally learning what Indigenous elders like me have been teaching for generations - The Salt Lake Tribune
  • I guess nobody ever argued indigenous wisdom wasn't wise, we just found it way too difficult to monetize.

  • Oak plant stand w/ intermediate shelf
  • True! I'm also lucky enough to come from the countryside with a father who is an avid tool collector, so whenever I'm on holiday back home I have a lot of things available, including a lathe and a band saw. I really should make more active use of it, even though I live too far away for it to be practical to build anything big.

  • Oak plant stand w/ intermediate shelf
  • I do some woodcarving now and then of smaller stuff like knives and cups, but I live in cities and move around a lot, so it's not all that convenient to get into proper woodworking. I did create a couple of outdoor benches once (that a friend still has on his balcony around a decade later), but they're more sturdy than they are good looking!

    I recently moved into a more spacious unfurnished apartment and started a three-year contract with work, and my partner and I have been discussing maybe building some furniture for it. Nothing yet though - so far just making it liveable has been the priority. :)

  • Oak plant stand w/ intermediate shelf
  • I think it's a good size, any smaller and it would seem off balance with the wider bottom of the shelf.

  • thank you google maps, very bikeable trail
  • How bad is it when you end up cycling into a pit like this, potentially at some speed? Has the water made the soil soft in the road leading the front wheel potentially getting stuck and throwing you off, or will you most likely cycle through with a significant splash and be on your way?

    I guess a huge part of it might be the problem of not being able to see so well what's under the water, in case the road has been damaged?

  • Oak plant stand w/ intermediate shelf
  • Beautiful! And thank you for the description of the progress - it's inspiring, even though I'm far away from attempting anything like that myself at the moment.

  • Danish PM calls for 15+ age limit for social media in EU
  • You never know what kind of moronic ideas can find a political majority. Especially not when it comes to technology and surveillance.

  • Danish PM calls for 15+ age limit for social media in EU
  • But then the EU is also pushing towards interoperability. If Threads require ID checks and is 15+, but also federates, 13 year olds will just go elsewhere.

    I guess the age limit could best be enforced by parents, who would be able to tell their kids they can't use social media before they're old enough. Sure there will still be kids around, but there will be fewer of them.

  • Israel Massacres Children, Which The Western Press Says Is Fine
  • Sensationalist bullshit.

    The pictured paragraph from the Atlantic leads up to the following, which concludes the article:

    None of this excuses OCHA, which jeopardized its credibility by repeating dubious numbers, long after the reasons for doubting them had been explained. That credibility is a precious resource. The IDF claims to have killed “at least 13,000” combatants—lower than Netanyahu’s estimate—but refused to comment yesterday when I asked if it had any idea how many civilians it had killed. The correct answer is, well, a lot. It would be nice if, before the war is over, some trusted third party could verify this macabre estimate with greater precision.

    What the journalist is basically saying is that the IDF is acting as if it has a lot to hide, comparing it to extremely unfavorable historical examples. Basically saying that if they're any better than armies we demonize from the past, they should allow the scrutiny of international press.

    Israel can argue until the end of time about their actions being "legal", and whether they're right or not doesn't matter all that much: "legally killed children" are not that easily distinguished from murdered children. Because at the end of the day it's the same fucking thing, which any moderately intelligent reader will manage to arrive to without having a public meltdown first.

    "Legal" is a funny word. The Nazis were famously legal in everything they did. Legality does not presuppose morality. Even if Israel successfully argued they had legally killed thousands of children, the IDF is still child murderers. And the fact that they will not allow free press anywhere near their actions is more than a little bit of a red flag.

    The article is not a defence of Israel or the IDF. Taking words out of context to try to sow division does not do us any favours.

  • Tom Waits - "Road To Peace" (2006, alternative folk rock) Tom Waits - "Road To Peace"

    Listen to the full album: "Road To Peace" by Tom Waits from the album 'Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards' Lyrics Young Abdel Madi Shabneh was only 18 years old the youngest of 9 children he'd never spent a night away from home and his mother held his photograph up in the ...

    Tom Waits - "Road To Peace"

    Tom Waits is not afraid of going dark places with his song writing, but it hardly gets darker than this.

    It's been spinning in my head a lot lately, for obvious reasons.

    aasatru aasatru

    Just passing through.

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