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One BEELYUN Dollars . . .
  • Makes sense, people use the alphabet every day. Don't understand why more people don't just pirate letters though.

  • [Question] what exactly is hard about adopting IPv6??
  • I use ProtonVPN. They don't use IPv6, so neither do I.

  • Who else cried during Bluey's 'The Sign'?
  • Episode is cracked.

    It's basically Uncut Gems, toddler edition.

    Want to teach your kids what anxiety is? Here's half an hour or Bluey in which all the characters are on the verge of a mental breakdown.

  • Looking for cable management advice
  • If you don't care about the underside of your desk, buy a box of cable clamps and hammer those fuckers in a line along the back edge.

    Then buy a bunch of tiny zipties and zip them to the clips. Leave enough room so if you need to, you can get a pair of scissors in and cut the ziptie off.

  • You control the children you created (the sims)
  • I don't think you can call an independent novel/movie part of a 'franchise'.

  • Todd Howard: 'We Don't Need to Rush' Next Fallout Game
  • Even this is a stretch to be honest. Their games aren't easy to mod. Minor updates break shit. You need to consider mod load order. You need to "clean" the base files before loading in any big mods.

    Their games are made of fucking speghetti code and they don't care. They could fix it, but they don't. They could clean their own base game files so this isn't necessary, but they would rather force people into the ecosystems of Creation Club.

  • Todd Howard: 'We Don't Need to Rush' Next Fallout Game
  • This is one point I contend with: Fallout 76 didn't become good with patches. I'm not unconvinced that there's a conspiracy for Bethesda to create the impression online that the game became good with updates.

    That's just me though.

  • A cool guide of ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer
  • Thank you...


    How pungently insightful.

  • Todd Howard: 'We Don't Need to Rush' Next Fallout Game
  • There are some films I enjoy which are objectively bad, and that's okay.

    If people want to enjoy Bethesda games, it's fine, each to their own.

    However, if you want to talk about game design, there is a lot of evidence which supports the claim that Bethesda don't know what makes a (objectively) good game anymore.

    Unfortunately, Bethesda are the only ones in town who are capitalising on "Bethesda style games". (With the exception of a few, like The Outer Worlds, and Cyberpunk 2077).

    Bethesda's strong suit is their physical world building - but everything else has been getting worse.

    The running joke is that the players mod the game to fix after launch. Except it's not a joke, and it's really not funny when the devs actually expect the community to fix their game. They could simply pay someone to implement every single fix from the UFO4P and UESSP, but choose not to. They do not care about quality.

  • Todd Howard: 'We Don't Need to Rush' Next Fallout Game
  • Who cares? Bethesda is long past the point of developing a good game.

    They could take all the time in the world and it would still be shit because their formula for game development is pathetic.

  • A cool guide of ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer
  • Do some people use 21 day months or something? What am I missing?

  • [Digital Foundry] Assassin's Creed Shadows Gameplay Trailer Breakdown: RT, 30FPS, Virtualised Geometry + More
  • I meant as a playable character.

    Also, no, I didn't play it lol. My last Assassins Creed game was Black Flag

  • You control the children you created (the sims)
    1. Pokemon
    2. ?
    3. My Hero Academia
    4. Attack on Titan
    5. Zelda?
    6. Animal Crossing
  • [Digital Foundry] Assassin's Creed Shadows Gameplay Trailer Breakdown: RT, 30FPS, Virtualised Geometry + More
  • I don't think Ubi went "woke" but it does seem kinda disrespectful IMO.

    Imagine if in Assassins Creed Origins, the main playable character was white. There would be an uproar.

    For what Assassins Creed is worth (and it isn't a lot, and hasn't been for a long time), the stories are about the history of the country, as much as the people within it.

    To take the perspective away from a native citizen betrays that intent. If Ubi wanted a "fish out of water" character, they should have continued to elaborate on Desmond's story.

  • 14 June 2024
  • Sexy bastard is wearing fishnets.

  • Was Michael Jackson guilty?

    I remember at the time, lots of people being on the fence and didn't know what to believe.

    Where do you land now, after all this time?

    Thoughts on Space Games, Part 1: Top-5 AAA Games
  • I just finished playing X3: Terrain Conflict, and I'll never play another X game.

    As an achievement hunter, I normally play past the point of normal enjoyment, but this game told me, more or less, to go fuck myself.

    The first kick in the nuts was completing "Dead Is Dead" mode.

    You don't get to save (with the exception of shutting the game down, but the save will delete upon starting it back up).

    The game is prone to crashes, meaning you can have your entire save wiped in an instant because the game decides it doesn't like it when you use the fast forward function within 10 seconds of a cut scene.

    On top of that, one of the campaigns requires you to set up a massive complex of microchips and silicon, which also has a chance of triggering a crash each time you place a factory down.

    The final 2 achievements are basically "grind until we say stop". Which functionally resulted in me leaving my computer on overnight, four nights in a row.

    The fact that the devs left the game in this state is inconsiderate at best, and disrespectful at worst.

    Besides, the game is basically just an excel sheet simulator, it really isn't very engaging.

  • I want daylight savings time to end. Who do I whinge to?

    I fucking hate DST. It's like dog diarrhoea splashed over a fat girls tiddies.

    I know a lot of people hate it, surely it's time for this moronic practice to end.

    So who do I email about this? Is it my MP?

    Banned shows and approved shows (for young children)

    Also, why?

    Banned shows:

    • Paw Patrol - Seems soulless, I haven't watched much, but there seems something very wrong about it. Intuitively, I feel like my kid shouldn't watch it (though, I can could be convinced I'm wrong, if I am)
    • Cocomelon - objectively soulless - don't try to convince me that this show is anything but toddler crack.


    • Sesame Street
    • Bluey

    Both of the above shows seem to me like they are made with care and have the best interests to teaching children good morals and language skills.

    Who is responsible for requesting/issuing cell phone coverage upgrades?

    The city I live in, Port Macquarie, has awful cell phone reception basically everywhere (I'm on the Vodafone network).

    Is this something I can bring up with the local council, or elected representative?

    I can't believe I live in a city of 50,000 people and I'm unable to receive phone calls from my house.

    I never got the lightcone 'Before the Tutorial Mission Starts'

    Does HoYo ever repeat these kind of events, or is it unlikely that I'll ever get this lightcone?

    Is it worth switching to BTRFS for the average user?

    I'm having trouble understanding all the benefits of BTRFS and how they'll apply to me.

    Copy on Write and auto-compression seem like they will free up a bit of space.

    What other practical benefits will I see from using BTRFS? Are there any noticeable performance benefits?

    I use my computer to dual-boot. I don't need snapshots because I have a custom script for a fresh install. I use my PC for gaming and work. I've got an NVMe, two SSD's and one HDD.

    Thanks in advance!

    YSK: Paths have different base aggro

    Place your tank on one side of your team, and your squishies opposite, to mitigate AoE damage

    YSK: Paths have different base aggro

    Place your tanks and your squishies on opposite ends to avoid AoE

    Suggestion: custom buttons

    Right now we've got share, bookmark, upvote and down vote.

    But I share and bookmark less than I block communities (curating my feed), and hide posts (so I can refresh without scrolling past the same stuff).

    The latter two are in the extras menu. It would be great if I could swap these buttons.

    Thanks for all your work! This is my favourite Lemmy app!

    I kinda wish related communities shared a common instance

    One of the most annoying parts about That Place, and also Lemmy, is curating your feed by blocking communities you have no interest in seeing.

    I am not a sports person, so I need to block each sports team manually when I see it, and also each individual sport. It would be so much better if I could just block an instance called "Lemmy.sports".

    I'm glad Lemmy.nsfw is the default porn instance, I think we need to see more of this.

    I know it's too late to change at this point, but I think a feature to catagorise different communities would be nice, so I could block "sports" if I wanted to.

    Alternatively, maybe down the line see a feature to import a community to a new instance without users having to migrate manually.

    Zozano Zozano
    Posts 11
    Comments 680