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Maron chilling out
  • The very same. He's an old man at nearly 15.

  • Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 players actually want less authenticity, if this infinite shoe mod is any indication
  • The only mod I have is for saving. I get why devs setup the save system, but if I want to savescum, that's my business.

  • Welcome New Users!
  • Lurking has been my primary activity on Reddit. I shall try to contribute more.

  • Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform
  • It does seem like a lot of ads for "3% of inventory". I can't ever see a reason to pay for a subreddit.

  • Welcome, new users!
  • Hello, fellow Ottawan. I too am here from Reddit as well.

  • ZombApoc ZombApoc
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    Comments 6