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Junior dev VS FAANMG dev
  • My point wasn't that FAANG isn't exploitative (my bad if it came off that way, I didn't mean for that), it's that everywhere else is also exploitative to some degree (most probably less so than FAANG, there are definitely a few that are worse though), and that it could still be reasonable to work there for some people.

  • Junior dev VS FAANMG dev
  • The other consideration is that pretty much every company you could work for as a software developer is going to try to take advantage of your work. Most companies are morally bad at best and morally terrible at worst. If you discourage any good person from working there, the problem will only snowball from there.

    If working at FAANG gives you the resources to support things you're passionate about, and you're willing to stand up for your values when they do something bad, there isn't a problem with that IMO.

  • [Vent] Please avoid BusyBox
  • I just want developers to consider their deployment environment and maybe generate and include more capable, POSIX BB instead of just choosing the smallest and most useless.

    This is completely fair, but the only example you gave to show this was about regexp in OpenWRT, and it seems from the other comments like there are several ways to go about doing this. You mentioned half of your RAM being free, but on the flip side of that, something with half as much RAM or less would be struggling a lot more. Admittedly I don't know much about OpenWRT but routers aren't exactly known for being powerful systems, so to me this seems like a perfect use case for a leaner set of utilities.

    To your other point, languages like Python and Lua might not technically be everywhere but it they are common enough and simple enough to learn that you really are holding yourself back by avoiding them. Lua in particular is used by a lot of Linux projects (e.g. Neovim and Awesome WM are the most recent that I've used but there are tons of others) because of how easy it is to embed a configuration/plugin API into existing codebases.

    Tldr; you're being dissed because the only example you gave about BusyBox being overused is (on the surface at least) a valid use case with easy solutions that you seem to be intentionally ignoring.

  • [Vent] Please avoid BusyBox
  • To be fair learning lua isn't exactly a hard process, there's a reason it's embedded into so many other tools. If you're familiar with python you're like 85% of the way to writing something basic anyway.

  • Soperule
  • Github contribution graphs (basically how much code you committed over time)

    *Unfortunately this graph is from Google images, not my account :(

    Edit: maybe I should have included a screenshot of light mode because it looks closer to the shower panels, oh well

  • It's called attaining divinity
  • Another interesting low-level interpreter/emulated system to look into for anyone else trying to get started with this type of thing is the CHIP-8! It's a pretty basic 8/16-bit instruction set (there are 35 opcodes, the instructions themselves are mostly simple) and there are tons of detailed guides on making one and writing roms for them.

  • I'm Not a Programmer, but Here’s Why Linux Is My Daily Driver
  • To be fair, studying computer science isn't always indicative of knowing your way around tech anymore. I'm an undergrad in CS right now with some experience as a TA. The amount of people who got points off of submissions (for a 2nd year class) because they didn't know how to zip a folder correctly and submitted an empty zip file is honestly depressing.

    That being said, even knowing what Linux is probably puts your tech literacy above most people so I doubt that was the case here.

  • What's the impact of distrobox (and by extension docker/podman) on battery life?

    I'm trying out NixOS on my laptop right now and I'm loving it so far, but I was thinking of setting up distro box for ubuntu (mostly for a few developer environments dependent on it) and arch (for packages that aren't on nixpkgs yet). I was wondering about the battery life hit on a laptop and I couldn't find anything definitive on google/ddg. Has anyone here noticed a difference?

    new wolf
  • Ok but like let's be real who actually fights with their wolves instead of just leaving them sitting in their base somewhere. Can the armor be dyed? That might help a bit

  • What's something you want to tell us lemmy users ?
  • For me windows uses 3-5gb of ram on idle just after starting up. This is pretty consistent across multiple computers for me. On the same computers (I dual-boot on both my laptop and desktop) Linux idles at about 800mb-1.2gb. This was even true on KDE which was one of the "heavier" feature-rich desktop environments. I think Gnome might have been 1.5gb ish but I haven't used in a while. Either way, it used way less RAM than my windows installs which could noticeably impact some resource intensive programs like blender or davinci resolve

  • best foss replacement for microsoft launcher?
  • I've been eyeing lawnchair to replace my nova setup for a while but neither aurora/play-store nor F-droid have the newest release, is there a repo/manager to download from that doesn't involve manually going to the GitHub and installing it? Edit: lawnchair is one word

  • Good luck web devs
    Alt text:

    Twitter post by Daniel Feldman (@d_feldman): Linux is the only major operating system to support diagonal mode (credit [Twitter] @xssfox). Image shows an untrawide monitor rotated about 45 degrees, with a horizontal IDE window taking up a bottom triangle. A web browser and settings menu above it are organized creating a window shape almost like a stepped pyramid.

    Edit: alt text

    Reminder to clear your ~/.cache folder every now and then
    Alt Text

    A screenshot of a file manager preview window for my ~/.cache folder, which takes up 164.3 GiB and has 246,049 files and 15,126 folders. The folder was first created about 1.75 years ago with my system

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