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Tiny little minds rule
  • Tiny little minds, and small smooth brains, it's up to us! We must save humanity!

    (Please, we must, why aren't we revolting? Why aren't we building guillotines, guys??)

  • Wrong Answers Only: what is this style called?
  • It's called "I want the hell out of those pants, do they come in short, small lady sizes, please"

  • Syzygy (astronomy)
  • If those are the only episodes you remember, emphatically yes; I (internet stranger) highly recommend a re-watch! From the beginning.

    If you're not a big sci-fi fan in general, and aren't looking to forgive a little outlandishness from time to time, and/or don't usually appreciate some dry, yet campy humor, it may just not be for you. But, otherwise, it's very entertaining, especially by standards of modern TV writing.

    I probably re-watch it every few years, though admittedly it's less enjoyable here and there, but it ended as well as it could have given production yadda yadda. It has its faults, but they're understandable when following along with a little easily found online trivia. The final, "new" seasons I couldn't get through, though. I've tried, but no. Wouldn't recommend.

    Sorry, two sentences turned into many, because clarification.

  • CBT


  • Real fans know
  • To be fair, they pulled this with DS9, first. Slow, thoughtful intro theme, set to a nice visuals? NOT ENOUGH NOISE, ADD TAMBOURINE MAYBE JINGLE BELLS, ONE TEMPO ONLY, SHINK SHINK SHINK SHINK! ๐ŸŽบ BWAA BWAA BWAA BWAAAA! ๐ŸŽบ

    Sorry, I'm still annoyed.

  • Makes my head ache to look at.
  • Man, every house I've lived in had these, except now, not in the one I own. Welp, time to replace all the generic shit with slightly yellowed, swirly faceted acrylic! And at least one has to have a weird crack in it.

  • It'll show up soon, along with a sticker for your closest national park.
  • Our 2012 Subaru with a Megaman decal and a Cthulu-fish just saved my spouse from being horribly killed by a driver who blared through a red, t-boned the shit out of the driver's side and flipped him, absolutely crushing the car, but not him. We're 100% getting another, (an older Outback if possible) and I will wallpaper that mofo in COEXIST if it keeps either of us as...not dead.

    Below: just about all we could salvage from the impound after it was decoupled from the other driver's car, flipped upright, towed and totaled. We have their front Honda emblem, though, cause it was stuck in our car!

  • I modded a scanner to into a camera, this is 'Eik'
  • Yes! Marvelous! I'm so happy to see more of your gorgeous work. I just love it - as a concept, and its results; what a damned cool way to art.

  • The feeling of styrofoam rubbing noise
  • Oh, no. The relatable meme is audible, with physical manifestions. Now arriving without calling first: thoughts and memories of allll the other noises that do this, too. Haha. แ••(โ€ข_โ€ข)แ•— Oh, no.

  • Daddy bong legs
  • OoooBong Johnson, just about killed me.

    Thank you, internet. I'm ruined forever, but I'm appreciative to understand these lovely, little things, of our mysterious extraneous language.

  • What movies & tv shows use Dolby Atmos really well?
  • Also, just a fantastic show. Feels like time to do a re-watch, being reminded of it, and though I don't have fancy speakers, I'll have to pay extra attention to the audio.

  • We have our own instance:
  • My brain originally interpreted this as .palace, not .place, and I think I discovered our house's true name. C'mon, honey, to the Autism Palace! ๐Ÿฐ

    (Also, this is awesome!)

  • Some shit happened.
  • My new therapist's office sets a recurring bi-weekly appointment for their patients, which I find fantastic, and it's been a great start, but it's still relatively new and we're getting familiarized enough to work out a specific treatment plan, so every two weeks, she'll open with a genuine: "How are you?" and it's a toss-up in my head between: "Are you sure you wanna know? Or should we get shit done..."

  • there is always one
  • Can confirm, unfortunately. We're not laughing, but we are relieved.

  • How much time do you spend on Lemmy?
  • I just keep it to my phone, and have an app timer set for 1 hour +5 minutes. It's nice if I'm at home, I know it'll cover my daily walking steps, as I pace donuts around the house, which also gets me off my ass and moving, so when I want to browse Lemmy, I try to do so whilst pacing. Regardless, when I get the notification saying the app will shut down in 5 minutes, I know how long I've been on, and kinda do a self-reflective check on how well the time was spent.

    If I'm writing a comment that will take time and attention, though, I often just switch to a note, and copy/paste, cause I'll work on something like that for much longer, before often deciding not to post anything, at all. (เธ‡ใƒ„)เธง

  • Star Trek's Putln
  • Durka! I thought about his character, too, but I couldn't remember the actor's darn name, or character name, only that he also fucked up Moya and her crew, lol. I can absolutely see their resemblance, most definitely. So many menacing pale dudes in great sci-fi shows

  • Star Trek's Putln
  • Are you maybe thinking of the also fabulous Wayne Pygram (Scorpius), or Shane Briant (Kaarvok)? Cause Steven Berkoff (Hagath), even though he would've fit right in, wasn't on FS, unfortunately... Unless there's a joke or another reference which I'm missing, which is also 100% possible, lol

  • You understand?

    John Malkovich's voice and spectacular cadence in your head:

    • "It is estimated that Santa's sleigh weighs 353 thousand tons. So, traveling at 650 miles per second would create such enormous friction that Santa and his reindeer would burst into flames. You understand? Like a meteor entering the atmosphere. This is a scientific fact."
    What's an amusing thing to say before going under general anesthesia?

    Last time, I used: "Anybody need anything while I'm out?" and that went over well. May not make it through this surgery on Friday, so I turn to Lemmy for top-notch suggestions for my potential last words!

    epilepsy Windows_Error_Noises
    Partial Seizures be like: "Hold my drink..."

    I like to pretend I'm surfing time and space, communing with the Universe...

    [ Image - A white-robed, light-skinned, white haired and bearded figure, resembling a wizard/druid/viking, kneels against a large, forest tree; their head lain against the bark, their eyes closed.

    Text - " transcending the fabric of reality (getting dizzy from standing up too fast) " ]
