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Well, are you??
  • that's a murder of crow

  • Anime fans
  • I feel like here should be a funny pun of the name tehe, but I can't think of one; so pretend this comment is a valid and hilarious pun

  • Thank to Andrew, I search and found this on know your meme.
  • Do you know that in terms of










    beyond-friendship human companionship, your mom is very seasoned?

  • Rule
  • Assuming the problem is infinite and considers physical factors, then it would happen at one point

  • Rule
  • um aktualy 🤓 the original problem was purely for philosophical purposes but not entertainmenatal purposes

  • data_irl
  • the size exaggerated the difference in height too

  • Zero punchline
  • antimeme is like "antilougehatiusmeme"; it starts with "anti" and ends with "meme". No, "antilougehatiusmeme" is a made up word, but my point still stands.

  • Rule
  • I have dementia 😁👍

  • Rule
  • I have dementia 😁👍

  • Rule
  • I have dementia 😁👍

  • Rule
  • I have dementia 😁👍

  • Rule
  • I have dementia 😁👍

  • Rule
  • I have dementia 😁👍

  • Rule
  • I have dementia 😁👍

  • Rule
  • I have dementia 😁👍

  • What should I do in this position? (I've never moderated a community before)
  • 0. Don't

    1. Attempt to keep things in order

    2. Cede the community (that's the word, right?) to the Reddit mods if they come, hopefully

    3. If step 2 doesn't happen, do step 0.

  • WillJohnathan Will Johnathan

    Rebirth of u/WillJohnathann

    never gonna give Ukraine up

    Posts 3
    Comments 16