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Got to find a leftiest place.
  • Not sure why rothschild conspiracies are marked as antisemitism when they specifically refer to one family and have nothing to do with that family's judaism

  • Got to find a leftiest place.
  • no worries, thanks for being receptive yea

  • Got to find a leftiest place.
  • if i had to guess, probably. it's somewhat of a plausibly-deniable dogwhistle for 'asian = yellow'. not saying you meant that, just that I don't blame the mods for their hypervigilance here

  • Got to find a leftiest place.
  • doesn't look like that was what you were banned for shrug-outta-hecks

  • Got to find a leftiest place.
  • don't see where you mentioned Tiananmen Square lea-think

  • I loathe Israel for a lot of things, but my most personal reason is that they've absolutely trivialized the term 'antisemitism'

    I was at a pro-Palestine campus protest and there were times where I was instinctively uncomfortable because they were really hammering in the whole bit about reported 'antisemitic action on campus' being a non-issue and I had to remind myself that they aren't talking about people acting against Jews, they're talking about people acting against Israel.

    It's my most personal and privileged grievance against Israel. I no longer know if a supposed threat to my safety is a bullshit bludgeon to silence pro-Palestine voices or if the yank reich is actually in town and I need to commute for the rest of the week.

    I'll never forgive them for it. I'll never forgive them for a lot of things, but this is the most personal grievance I have, and since I'm born and raised a cracker suburbanite, it's the only one I truly, directly feel in my personal life.

    I don't want this to override, you know, the actually important grievances that are at stake for Palestine here, and I don't want to make myself the center of this issue when I'm very much not at all, but I guess I've just been stewing in this for a bit, and I want to uncap it before it somehow causes me to become a weird crank through lack of addressing the root of the issue and it festering into my belief system !shrug-outta-hecks

    Demerara Rebellion (1823) - New General Megathread for the 18th of August 2023
  • until the bug is fixed the DPRK soldier emote will be comically large on other instances for immersion purposes dprk-soldier 07

  • Ruth First - New General Megathread for the 17th of August 2023
  • New tagline just dropped, just append the clueless emote and we’re golden

  • Ruth First - New General Megathread for the 17th of August 2023
  • Do they think the houses just collapsed after land reform

  • Ruth First - New General Megathread for the 17th of August 2023
  • I love the one landlord arguing in the meta thread like yeah dawg you are a parasite on society we are trying to explain it to you in the most cordial way possible mao-wtf

  • Ruth First - New General Megathread for the 17th of August 2023
  • 196 mods leaking dms with our admin team publicly after we literally roll out the red carpet for them badeline-jokerfied

  • how is Lemmy going for you?
  • three years ago after /r/cth got banned I switched to as my primary forum. After the API stuff caused Apollo to get shut down, I cut myself loose entirely from the reddit ecosystem. Haven't looked back lenin-laugh

  • Mariola Sirakova - New General Megathread for the 15th of August 2023
  • I parsed through peppino and gustavo this pass, might do another tomorrow rat-salute-2

  • Mariola Sirakova - New General Megathread for the 15th of August 2023
  • if you need to reroute, climb up the ladder and go in through the vent. Dog-things die to one melee. Do not use the lean-aim. Use pistol and smg, mostly pistol when possible since it's more accurate. Go for headshots, don't leeroy jenkins, remain as stealthy as possible, stagger your enemies as much as you can so you don't get overwhelmed, yeah. You're going for surgical precision, not a bumrush, so plan your strategy accordingly

  • :smuglord:

    it's already added !smuglord I just wanted to showcase my 30-minute photoshop trip

    feedback WhyEssEff [she/her]
    title colors are broken on mobile safari
    neurodiverse WhyEssEff [she/her]
    currently have the worst kind of executive dysfunction where I can't even focus on an unproductive thing, flailing helplessly as the grooves in my brain refuse to slot neatly into any provided stimuli
    humanity is beautiful

    I'm a bit tired rn and I just went on a walk with me and my thoughts alone. I started thinking about how much it took for us to be here and how we naturally will work for the betterment of the quality of lives we never experience for no reason other than it feels good to do that, and I know it's the cliché-est cliché but I really think it's so easy to lose sight of the fundamental beauty of humanity when we're trapped in the misery machine of capitalism. I truly believe our existence on this earth is a beautiful thing, even within the circumstances we find ourselves in, and I'm so grateful for being allowed the cosmically unlikely opportunity to experience it. I love you all, I hope you're having a great day :meow-hug:

    neurodiverse WhyEssEff [she/her]
    Is CC-305 Voluntary Self-Identification a noob trap or is it actually helpful in applying for jobs?

    I've been applying for internships for the past month in the Data Science field, and I've been marking yes each time even though I was unsure if it would help. I've been getting only rejections so far, and while it may just be a number of factors, I can't help but consider all constants. Is this a known issue or am I just being paranoid?
