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back injury recovery tips?
  • Please don't let us convince you of anything as if it's medical advice cause nobody on the Internet knows I'm a dog and I can simply spread misinformation because I think it's funny.

    I'd want ice and compression. Probably laying out, doing stretching but not until it's painful. Maybe consider swimming if you have a pool available to you. Maybe take ibuprofen according to the manufacturer's instructions unless otherwise directed by a medical professional. Try to minimize walking as to not do more damage to it. I don't think there's much you can do besides common sense advice. I hurt my knee recently and my intention is to just suffer through it and seek medical assistance if it starts getting dramatically worse.

  • Ruth First - New General Megathread for the 17th of August 2023
  • I tried it to be edgy and counterculture, but then hawaiian became my favorite pizza unironically.

  • Marikana Massacre - New General Megathread for the 16th of August 2023
  • In the song it's "fuck your girl" but gender is a scam to sell more bathrooms. I made the line up myself sad-boi

    But yes, America is the greater Satan, of course

  • Marikana Massacre - New General Megathread for the 16th of August 2023
  • Do you love this shit? Are you high right now? Do you ever get nervous? I heard you fucked your boo is it true? You getting money? You think them comrades you with is with you?

  • Mariola Sirakova - New General Megathread for the 15th of August 2023
  • Angles, fashion, camera quality, (maybe even) touched up photos, rehearsed messages, and repetition. I wouldn't try and get creative or show personality, I'd just try to have that corporate broad appeal for descriptions. Always be going for in person after 5 text volleys.

    In my mind, you had to get lucky 4 times before expression is ever involved: she has to see your profile, she has to swipe, she has to be available & go on the first date, and she has to want to go out again. At that point, you get to express yourself and be human. Before that it's like being on stage for Miss America. They'll ask you, "If we all worked together, how would it make the world a better place?" but it's not as important as the talent portion or the swimsuit portion.

    I only found success in that realm strictly adhering to the meta and I'm prepared to never have another relationship again instead of going back on the apps. I have never felt less listened to in my life - I'd rather talk about my day with my old boss's boss

  • The era of cheap streaming is officially over
  • Write your own stories. I have an entire canon that I can draw from and more ideas for novels than I can publish in a lifetime. It's one of the few practices I've ever engaged in that I'm proud of.

  • Luigi Galleani - New General Megathread for the 12th of August 2023
  • Immediately cranking that shit to infinitygigachad-hd

  • Taiwan reports second large-scale China air force incursion this week
  • Chinese air force aircrafts entered Chinese air space?

  • Posting my favorite memes
  • For my money, I've found myself fascinated by the inner workings of games. Art directions, concept art, changes from beta versions, sound tracks, music theory of the soundtrack, and coding (panonenkoek, the guy who did watch out for rolling rocks in 0.5A presses). It lets me appreciate games that are pieces of art more richly and deeply. I know every surface texture and midi file of Majora's Mask. I have artist renditions of video game music on my playlists. Pallet Town on violin, Gusty garden galaxy on violin, song of storms on piano. I have a poster of a Pokemon card.

    Do I play many games? No, not really. It doesn't mean the flame dies out, it just means my interests diverged and morphed. The appreciation never left. The same inner child who would be saddened by the departure would get a kick out of my writing. The same critic who didnt like Tales of Symphonia's sequel put their money where their mouth is and wrote about an ex-main character from an outside perspective. All of this lets me expect less from games and be able to see the effort that went into the individual parts. The dev team doesn't need to fill the open world with big laser beams, it can let me soak it in for a while.

  • From the Deprogram sub, what do y’all think
  • "oh no! I only have 3 days to clean the house, get a meal plan, and learn Chinese!"

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 32
  • Maybe this whole federating business wasn't such a bad idea after all! Check this out: