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Cheap Australia-based static site hosting
  • Cheapest VPS I'm using in Aus so far is BinaryLane. $4.13/mon ($50/year). Seems OK, has dedicated IPV4 (yes you can get VPS behind CGnat4 + IPV6), IPV6 works after a bit of finangling. No backups. I only put it under low stress though.

    Robtec does OK shared hosting (notably they offer an alternative to Cpanel) and was happy to permanently whitelist my home IP for SSH access. Quantumcore used to do this on request too but now it's only temporary, I have to keep contacting them every 6 months or so.

    then delete everything and then upload on the old host

    It's really annoying that good file transfer protocols (like rsync) also tend to require ssh access :| I wish shared hosts were a little less garbage sometimes, but I guess they have to deal with too many abusive customers for that to be cheap.

    Neocities isn't Australian but looks kind of cool. Apparently a "neocities supporter" can use rsync, here is a person doing it specifically with Hugo.

  • Cheap Australia-based static site hosting
  • static site generators

    Do you need SSH access to generate the site files on the server? Or just a method of uploading your site files after generating them locally?

    Cheap shared hosts are a pain with SSH access, most will do it with a support ticket but often time limited or through an IP whitelist. A cheap VPS is really the only reliable option here.

  • Cheap Australia-based static site hosting
  • EDIT: Woops thought parent said shared hosting, not VPS. I meant for Quantum's shared hosting.

    Quantum gave up on email reputation a year or so back, so make sure you're not also wanting outgoing email for anything (alerts, logs).

  • Fake job ads waste applicants' time and harm their wellbeing. So why are companies posting them?
  • Sorry to hear you're feeling crap.

    I'm having trouble looking for work for the past few months. Very few replies, the first "no" I got actually made me feel a bit more human.

    I'm convinced that some of the jobs I've applied for or enquired about are not real or just for external-advertising-before-hire requirements. I've gotten some rude responses after daring to ask questions (eg: jobs funded by research money tend to have fixed funding start dates that might not be for another several months). Most straight up ignore me.

    An old boss of mine thinks that my CV isn't conforming and mundane enough, so I'm giving his suggestions a go.

    What sort of work are you looking at? I design electronics and get into arguments with computers.

  • The UK's second-biggest city is so broke they can no longer keep the lights on
  • This council also got suckered in by Oracle. Nothing deserves such a fate.

    Do not EVER engage Oracle with a business deal. They are the epitome of "it will cost a lot more than you budget for", that's their speciality. You can try and blame customisation scope or wrong support people, but even if you got those right they'd find some other way of milking you.

  • HP bricks ProBook laptops with bad BIOS delivered via automatic updates — many users face black screen after Windows pushes new firmware
  • Windows update fetches all sorts of things now. If the hardware advertises X device then Windows update will check if it has anything for it. Approved vendors can provide all sorts of guff. Historically that has included drivers that intentionally brick your devices. HP probably packaged up some software that updates the BIOS and got it into the Windows Update DBs.

  • HP bricks ProBook laptops with bad BIOS delivered via automatic updates — many users face black screen after Windows pushes new firmware
  • This is something HP should have handled.

    If a bad update is rolled out then it's the responsibility of the software maker partner (HP) and the distributor (Microsoft), not just one or the other.

    Those laptops are THEIR products, not Microsoft’s.

    Both Microsoft and HP have branding on their laptops and a responsibility post-sale for the reliability of their systems. Hardware, firmware and OS responsibilities are all party to this chain of failure.

  • Lemmy 0.19.4
  • I have some uploaded image problems.

    (1) The Lost Powers of Childhood is missing an inline image upload on the first comment ("Bonus: in this..."). According to the message source the image should be at I think this might have occurred before the upgrade, I recall having to look for it a week ago, but I'm not sure.

    (2) The new Profile -> Uploads page has lots of odd gaps:

    It's not showing some images I've uploaded, eg this MSY catalog screenshot isn't listed there.

    EDIT: (3) Front page isn't showing thumbnails for posts made after the transition date either:

  • COVID-19, flu cases escalate in NSW [FULL TEXT IN POST]
  • I just spent the last week sick with what I thought was COVID (my brother & niece got it a few days prior), but I've been negative on all the RATs I've done. Could be the flu instead, not sure.

    Lots of cold sweating, fever shakes and discomfort. Not as severe as my previous interactions with COVID.

    (Sydney NSW)

  • The best computer from 2014
  • And they claim cheap SMRs don't exist yet xD

    Here they are in an MSY (Australia) catalog from 2012:

    Ritmo == SHAW == A-Power, all were in-house brands at MSY. I suspect the 1500W and 1200W might have been the same thing with varying amounts of lying, but perhaps they did also size the components slightly differently.

  • Bushcare at Wolli Creek: Met a turtle

    Encountered this fellow during bushcare today. He was sitting right on top of the bridal veil roots we were pulling, looking suspiciously like a rock.

    We probably shouldn't have handled him (I hope turtles don't get dizzy from being turned upside down). We put him back down and hid him under some other groundcover as a local Kookaburra was loitering.

    ! ! ! !

    Youtube WaterWaiver
    [transient] Youtube feeds broken, 404

    Anyone else?

    My feed reader was not happy this morning, all youtube feed URLS are 404ing. Both the old-style and new ID style:

    'straya WaterWaiver Gazza of Penrith

    Gazza is enjoying a quiet beer when he is asked to kill some monsters down at the pub.

    Gazza of Penrith
    Australian Tech WaterWaiver SafeWork NSW referred to ICAC over 'life-saving' device designed to protect workers from silica dust

    Safework NSW has been referred to ICAC over its handling of a $1.34 million contract for a device designed to protect workers from a potentially deadly disease, known as silicosis.

    SafeWork NSW referred to ICAC over 'life-saving' device designed to protect workers from silica dust

    I could not find any mentions of these problems online. The article itself has no technical detail.

    Looking forward to seeing what the actual problems are. It seems this is the first product to market.

    Guesses based off the general subject matter:

    • Silica concentrations probably vary depending on the exact position of your head, especially since it's heavy material. If you mount this sensor even a few meters away from a worker then it's readings could possibly become invalid, eg because an angle grinder is firing dust a different direction to the sensor.
    • Silica is a slang term for a very big category of materials. Some might look completely different to others under certain laser observations, leading to some getting missed (bad) and others materials triggering false positives (leading to the sensor's screams being ignored by workers).
    • Self-cleaning routines might be needed to stop it clogging up, otherwise the sensor starts reporting a higher baseline. They could either choose to report this ("pls clean me" light comes on) or ignore it (bury head in sand mode).
    • Alternatively it's performance might actually be fine, but perhaps it's still being spruked inappropriately. Government involvement in funding the project might (?) magnify this problem.
    0 NRA chief announces resignation days before trial

    The longtime head of the National Rifle Association says he is resigning, just days before the start of a civil trial over allegations he diverted millions of dollars from the powerful gun rights organisation to pay for personal travel and other lavish perks.

    NRA chief announces resignation days before trial
    Test to see if posting from a 0.19.x community is working


    I'll make an account through Slrpnk if this doesn't work.

    1 Engineered stone will be banned in Australia in world-first decision

    Australia's workplace ministers have agreed to implement a national ban on engineered stone, over concerns its use has led to a surge in silicosis cases among workers.

    Engineered stone will be banned in Australia in world-first decision
    'straya WaterWaiver

    “And then we’re going to add this suspension into some hexane. I mean here I’m just using Shellite because it’s from Bunnings and I dunno who else uses this so I feel like if I stop buying it Bunnings will stop selling it so, it’s like a couple of bucks and it’s like hexanes, it’s so good, Bunnings keep selling this please”

    I've discovered that my phone camera is doing some magic processing. Do you know what it's called?

    I accidentally held down the photoshoot button on my phone and ended up with a sequence of photos of the same scene taken over about 1 second. Interestingly the series of photos contains two very different styles of image:

    ! !

    The first photo looks how I'd expect. Sky is overblown from the clouds and foreground of the forest is dark.

    The second photo has somehow magically made the sky darker and the foreground brighter.

    At a guess I think a software algorithm is trying to separate the foreground and background, then individual levels adjustments are being applied to each region. Checkout these two close-up crops:

    ! !

    The first photo shows what I'd normally expect from a camera (bright light bleeding into the trunk), the second shows a white halo around the trunk on the sky (probably artificial/software blending from foreground to background). I think I can also see see some evidence of artificial sharpening on the trunk texture; or perhaps the photo was just better in focus (some of the photos were a bit blurrier than others).

    I'm using a Pixel 3 with OpenCamera.

    Does anybody know what this feature is called and more info about it? I'm particular interested in how binary it is -- it's either activated or not -- some some heuristic must be involved.

    Cut lump of camphor laurel trunk sprouting (zoom in to centre)

    Spotted at my local bushcare group last week. This trunk section has been sitting on the ground for months. The main tree (background) was hacked apart, drilled and poisoned by NSW Forestry, but it's also happily sprouting everywhere again.

    Camphor laurels are beautiful, toxic trees that you will see everywhere but sadly they're also weeds. The ground near them tends to be barren, they intentionally poison the soil (allelopathy) to avoid competition. I've been told that they were used to make shipping boxes because their wood resisted insects

    6 Internode and Westnet shutdown: TPG moves customers to iiNet

    Internode and Westnet are no longer taking new internet and mobile customers as part of an eventual shutdown enacted by TPG.

    Internode and Westnet shutdown: TPG moves customers to iiNet

    Internode used to be a high quality home internet brand.

    My understanding is that loyalty is never rewarded for competitive subscription services (gas, eletricity, water, internet, insurance, etc).

    I wonder how long until AussieBB enshitifies?

    I left my room for 15 minutes. My mattress protector now has avocado spots.

    I left my room for 15 minutes to visit the shitter and came back to this:

    ! !

    It also hit my shelves twice and my sheets thrice. My mattress protector now has avocado spots.


    My window was about 10cm open at the bottom, so whatever the perp was it had enough of a brain to know how to get in and out withing getting stuck. No-one heard or saw anything.

    Given the high level of sophistication, speed and excellent criminal execution: I suspect an Indian Mynah may be at fault. I swear they understand English and spend their whole lives plotting schemes.

    Artists' impressions of the crime:

    ! !

    I would like to assume this wasn't actually malice and instead the Mynah was just curious, but I still think I need to consider appeasement strategies. Suggestions welcome.

    2 A mass tree killing on Sydney Harbour is 'worst act of environmental vandalism' locals have seen

    Another mass killing of trees has taken place in Longueville on Sydney's lower north shore, just months after more than 200 were cut down in a nearby suburb.

    A mass tree killing on Sydney Harbour is 'worst act of environmental vandalism' locals have seen

    I wonder if the fines are enough, assuming they find the people? I've heard that it's cheaper or more profitable to just accept the fines.

    > Councils can issue a maximum on-the-spot fine of $3,000 for illegal tree removals by individuals, or $6,000 for businesses. Mr Wrightson said the council was getting legal advice about the best course of action, which could include seeking penalties of up to $1 million through a prosecution in the NSW Land and Environment Court.

    300 tress x $6000 = $1.8million

    That's big if you chopped the trees for one house, but what if you chopped them for 10? Perhaps you would still get more than $180,000 extra each if they had better views?

    18 How are younger workers expected to compete with 'Generation Landlord'?

    The pathway to home ownership is not as simple as it used to be, and it's not the fault of younger workers, writes Gareth Hutchens.

    How are younger workers expected to compete with 'Generation Landlord'?

    Key excerpt:

    > According to the late professor Patrick Troy, here's how things were viewed in the early 1970s: > >> "The cost and price of housing continued to be a source of social and political concern. Over the period 1969-1973 the number of years' average earnings required to buy a house site increased substantially. In Sydney, it increased from 1.7 to 2.7 years, while in Melbourne it grew from 1.2 to 1.8 years." > > Compare that to what modern researchers have to say about Australia in 2023: > >> "Since 2001, the national ratio of median house price to median income has almost doubled to 8.5, and the time required for the accumulation of a deposit for a typical property has increased from six years median earnings in 1994 to 14 years currently."

    3 Younger people now even cutting back on essentials, as older Australians spend up on cruises and restaurants

    Young people are continuing to bear the brunt of rising interest rates and rent while older Australians are still splashing out, new spending data indicates.

    Younger people now even cutting back on essentials, as older Australians spend up on cruises and restaurants
    [Solved] What is the name of the adhesive used in iron-on patches and labels?

    I want to make my own iron-on labels and patches (small scale, for fun).

    Does anyone know what the name of the adhesive is? All I can find when I search online are people wanting to sell me pre-made patches, not information about their composition.

    I presume it's some low melting point (<100degC) polymer. For all I know a wide variety of things might work (maybe even PETG 3d printer filament, which softens around 70degC, or hot glue shavings), but I'd like to see if I can at least find out the name of what's commercially used.

    EDIT: Solved, see

    The Lost Powers of Childhood: "James, don't trust the adults, look at what they've been hiding from us!"

    The real reason we warn kids to stay away from the tracks. It turns out that confectionery is cheaper than gravel in some parts of the world (and resists water erosion better because of the wrappers). Sadly they didn't anticipate anthropomorphic erosion events such as this leading to extended rail line outages.

    Once the secret was out it became a nation-wide phenomena for kids to raid the tracks.

    Railway engineers have been attempting to address this problem by tweaking the infill composition. A recent experiment involved infilling with only licorice, however it turns out some kids still like it. Local newspapers claim the railway engineers were quite confused by this result.

    On the right the girl's hairdo reveals she had a recent near-miss at one of these railway digs. The adults now keep an eye on things -- if you pay close attention you will notice that there is actually an adult (or at least teenager) in this scene. Analyse the image closely and you might spot it.

    An aspiring railway engineer at the top of the sketch, wearing blue, is pointing out a flawed sleeper. Either that or he's making a fat joke about one of his friends sitting on it.

    The dirt desire-paths around the tracks show that locals regularly walk this line. Maybe it's safer than you think? These kids might not have been the first to raid this spot (how did they lift the sleepers?), I suspect the adults cracked it open sometime last night. Usually rail workers cover these sites with a tarp and signposts within a day of reporting.

    Prompt: "The lost powers of childhood. Group of children in a park next to a rail line, discovering flaws in the world. Chocolates are everywhere." Generator: Bing DALL-E

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    I once met a person that never drank water, only soft drinks. It's not the unhealthiness of this that disturbed me, but the fact they did it without the requisite paperwork.

    Unlike those disorganised people I have a formal waiver. I primarily drink steam and crushed glaciers.

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