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  • I'm no rust expert, but:

    you can use into_iter() instead of iter() to get owned data (if you're not going to use the original container again). With into_iter() you dont have to deref the values every time which is nice.

    Also it's small potatoes, but calling input.lines().collect() allocates a vector (that isnt ever used again) when lines() returns an iterator that you can use directly. You can instead pass into your functions directly.

    Strings have a method called split_whitespace() (also a split_ascii_whitespace()) that returns an iterator over tokens separated by any amount of whitespace. You can then call .collect() with a String turbofish (i'd type it out but lemmy's markdown is killing me) on that iterator. Iirc that ends up being faster because replacing characters with an empty character requires you to shift all the following characters backward each time.

    Overall really clean code though. One of my favorite parts of using rust (and pain points of going back to other languages) is the crazy amount of helper functions for common operations on basic types.

    Edit: oh yeah, also strings have a .parse() method to converts it to a number e.g. data.parse() where the parse takes a turbo fish of the numeric type. As always, turbofishes arent required if rust already knows the type of the variable it's being assigned to.

  • What Are Your Favorite Hidden Gem Android Apps?
  • Qownnotes

    It's a desktop app, but can sync with self-hosted cloud servers. It's also literally just text/markdown files.

  • An entire state's population just had its data stolen in a ransomware attack
  • For sure, but as long as clickbait works they'll keep doing it.

  • What have been your favourite animes you've seen?
  • I mean yeah, but why? Like what did you like about it?

  • [News] Steam Deck OLED review: Includes specs on new screen and other improvements
  • If they had made the deck more powerful, the old ones would suddenly have been obsolete.

    I'm pretty sure it has more to do with current chip technology not actually changing that much in the, what, 2 years since the deck first released?

    Also obsolete is a pretty strong word for what - if it had stronger internals - would likely end up being more expensive than current models.

  • An entire state's population just had its data stolen in a ransomware attack
  • To be fair, "an entire x" does have markedly different connotation than "x". The emphasis is that it's, well, the entirety of x. It's the difference between "i ate the cereal" and "i ate all the cereal".

  • What have been your favourite animes you've seen?
  • Claymore (the end was kinda mid)

    Genuinely curious - why do you like it? I see this at the top anime of all time. I watched it a few years ago and i thought it was absolutely horrible. Like 2 or 3 out of 10.

    I feel like the only reason i can see is "the main character is a bad guy" but that doesnt excuse trope-y terrible writing, flat characters, and mid-2000's animation that aged horribly. Am i missing something?

  • What got you into coding ? (aside from money)
  • Honestly, it's because a bunch of programs i used disappointed me (performance, functionality, [being a web app at all], etc.) and i figured it couldnt be that hard to do it better. In some cases i was right, in most i was wrong. As it turns out though, I really like programming so i guess i'm stuck here

  • Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002'
  • I mean to be fair, those errors arent really meant for you (the end user) in the first place.

  • What′s new in C# 12: overview
  • To be clear, fall through is implicit - when the case being fallen through is empty

    That's even worse... why isnt an empty case a syntax error?

  • What′s new in C# 12: overview
  • I’m not sure I understand your point about fall through having to be explicit

    As far as i understand it, every switch statement requires a break otherwise it's a compiler error - which makes sense from the "fallthrough is a footgun" C perspective. But fallthrough isnt the implicit behavior in C# like it is in C - the absence of a break wouldnt fall through, even if it wasnt a compiler error. Fallthrough only happens when you explicitly use goto.

    But break is what you want 99% of the time, and fallthrough is explicit. So why does break also need to be explicit? Why isnt it just the default behavior when there's nothing at the end of the case?

    It's like saying "my hammer that's on fire isnt safe, so you're required to wear oven mitts when hammering" instead of just... producing a hammer that's not on fire.

    From what i saw on the internet, the justification (from MS) was literally "c programmers will be confused if they dont have to put breaks at the end".

  • What′s new in C# 12: overview
  • the ergonomics expected of modern languages.

    As someone learning c# right now, can we get some of those "modern ergonomics" for switch statements 💀

    I cant believe it works the way it does. "Fallthrough logic is a dumb footgun, so those have to be explicit rather than the default. But C programmers might get confused somehow, so break has to be explicit too"

    I miss fallthrough logic in languages that dont have it, and the "goto case" feature is really sick but like... Cmon, there's clearly a correct way here and it isnt "there is no default behavior"

  • What is your favorite Python syntactic sugar?
  • Generators probably. It's the one thing i genuinely miss about python when i work in rust.

  • Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode
  • Ick. At the very least, i've seen it a LOT less in VSC. The fact that something as simple as rainbow brackets uses the freemium model in intellij sucks. I mean the fact that it's not a builtin setting is dumb too but that's beside the point

  • The temptation is always there
  • I feel like it's like pointers.

    "Variable" refers to the label, i.e. a box that can contain anything (like *ptr is a pointer to [something we dont know anything about])

    Immutable describes the contents, i.e. the stuff in the box cant change. (like int* ptr describes that the pointer points to an int)

    Rust makes it very obvious that there's a difference between constants and immutable variables, mainly because constants must be compile time constants.

    What do you call it when a variable cant change after its definition, but isnt guaranteed to be the same on each function call? (E.g. x is an array that's passed in, and we're just checking if element y exists)

    It's not a constant, the contents of that label are "changing", but the label's contents cant be modified inside the scope of that function. So it's a variable, but immutable.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Saying "non negotiable" doesnt actually hold up in small claims, nor against basic resistance in most cases.

    Look up your local laws, in some places carpets must be replaced at the expense of the landlord every X years, or if there is any kind of damage (caused by regular wear and tear) that could be a trip hazard. Pictures from move-in, carpets not being replaced when you moved in, etc. all help your case.

    Last place i lived, I spent 30 minutes arguing on the phone with my previous landlord over flooring and got my 700 dollars back. Turns out most of the time they only vaguely know the laws they're quoting, so if you come with confidence, prep, and a willingness to take it to small claims, they'll fold to save themselves the effort.

  • Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode
  • The freemium and constant "are you sure you dont want to pay?" from some intellij plugins is insulting enough that it's hard to believe any developer would praise it. Presumably this doesnt happen in vscode because it cant happen in vscode, not because people arent shameless enough to do it there.

  • The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 (Still No Excuses!)
  • That depends on your definition of correct lmao. Rust explicitly counts utf-8 scalar values, because that's the length of the raw bytes contained in the string. There are many times where that value is more useful than the grapheme count.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I think it was this issue. Looks like maybe it got fixed some time this year? Iunno, i'll look into it at some point

  • Rust Vs Go: A Hands-On Comparison
  • code that's been written today has been made obsolete by a language feature in the latest nightly build

    I mean couldnt you say that about any language? There's lots of old C code that's obsoleted by features in C11. There's lots of stuff written in python today that's obsoleted by stuff in the 3.13 alpha. It's just kinda how things go.

    Doesnt the edition system prevent this from being too big of an issue anyway?

  • Walnut356 Walnut356
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