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Black (by Finnbeard)
  • Ooooh very pretty birb!

  • Snep Witch (by Windm)
  • God I miss autumn now

  • I don't understand fashion and clothing, but here was my best attempt to draw something akin to a male goth outfit
  • Thanks! I think it turned out pretty hard to read, but I still like it.

  • Discussion: What started your furry awakening?
  • I think mine was just a slow gradual thing, not a singular event. I googled werewolves a LOT though, and drawing animals is a lot easier than drawing people, so my art mighta been a key factor.

  • My spicy boi, Salamander
  • Thank you! This guy and his twin are the only reasons I can draw fire.

  • My spicy boi, Salamander
  • Thank you! The style was pretty experimental but I'm still so happy with how it turned out.

  • Furry Void_Lizard
    My spicy boi, Salamander

    Also features my signature from my previous name lmao, same style but different letters

    To my fellow trans furries: Did you have fursonas that matched your preferred gender before you found out you were trans?
  • If you want to force a more feminine look on a neutral fursuit head, maybe try large eyelashes and/or maybe a pink hair clip? I'm the opposite way, looking feminine when I want to present as more masc, so my tactics won't work for you lol.

  • NSFW
    Daily discussion chats! Let's come up with furry topics.
  • I always enjoyed worldbuilding and "how would this work" type of threads. Coming up with designs for furry shoes, headgear, clothing that allows use of wings or spines, etc. I'd also love to see more fursuit stuff, the fursuit community on this site only has like 5 posts so far.

    It might also be a good idea to advertise different communities linked to this one that people might not know about, or something to drum up interest as we're all settling in from the migration. Let people know there's a chat community, a fursuit community, a greymuzzle community, etc.

  • Positively surprised with the mod team over a the /r/furry subreddit. They're still closed!
  • I was there for 10 years, and either I'm more like than mods than you, or I just didn't see the same things you saw, cuz I wouldn't say they were overly strict. Yeah, the place was very SFW, almost to a fault in some ways, but it gave an option to people who didn't want casual NSFW stuff. The only banning I can remember was a teenager posting weird fetish art and trying to pass it off as cute SFW stuff.

    Either way, I'd be very excited if a bunch of people from the subreddit moved over here, losing that community (and the fursuit subreddit) is the only reason I'm sad reddit is kinda dying.

  • Fursuit Pictures & Creation Void_Lizard
    The progress pics of creating the back of the jaw on my suit (more images in description) Before hiding the seam, looks bad Left side seam hidden by small chains Front view Right side seam hidden by leaves Old picture before the jaw was added

    The base was a free 3D wearable wolf skull model from Thingiverse. The bottom jaw didn't fit right, so I had to remove the back part, and over the winter I got around to crafting a fix for that. The new jaw section is EVA foam, painted with white acrylic, sealed with some poly stuff I found under my kitchen bench from house work.

    I tried really hard to hide the seams where it connects by the molars, hopefully it's convincing at a glance? The character is my fursona, who is a necromancer-druid, so that's why there's plants everywhere.

    The main image was actually a test piece, but I was so happy with the shape and size that I just used it as the final piece. The image was taken blindly when I was trying to see if it was fitting correctly, forgive my fingies being so visible.

    To my fellow trans furries: Did you have fursonas that matched your preferred gender before you found out you were trans?
  • one of the literally millions of obvious signs that I was trans – the signs I chose to ignore

    lmao me always roleplaying as a guy and having basically ALL male characters growing up before I knew I was FtM. My child brain just thought they were neat and it was nothing else :)

  • A night in the city park (Ryezealous)
  • I love the colors of the city in the background, so charming and calm

  • If you could live as your fursona in an anthro version of our world, but it had to be sometime in the past, what year or era would you pick?
  • Kinda why I'm going with pre-civilization. While we don't know if neanderthals or the other humanoids recognized anything but biological sex (that I'm aware of anyway) they're now known to be more compassionate than portrayed when I was growing up. My fursona is a druid, so no coal factories or microplastics is a good trade off for having to hunt your own dinner. The fact that so many bones have been found with near-fatal but somewhat healed injuries also means that those kind cared for the wounded enough, despite them not being able to help hunt or protect the group, that they survived what would cause an animal to starve to death or be easy food over. That right there is a damn sight better than the healthcare where I live already.

  • Finally joined Lemmy, starting off with art of my bi boys!
  • Glad to see you took part in the Exodus! Yeah, hoping to see some more familiar faces here. That's the main thing I was concerned about when switching sites, the loss of the community. I was on the furry subreddit for over a decade and now we have to start over with building a community.

  • To my fellow trans furries: Did you have fursonas that matched your preferred gender before you found out you were trans?
  • To reword the question, did you have a fursona whose sex matched your gender. If you were born male and only had male fursonas, then it'd be a no, but someone born male with a female fursona would be yes. To add to it, I wonder about people who had trans fursonas before they knew they were trans themselves.

  • To my fellow trans furries: Did you have fursonas that matched your preferred gender before you found out you were trans?

    I (FtM) only had chick sonas until I actually realized I'd rather be a dude. Anyone else, or did you all have fursonas not of your born sex?

    Furry Void_Lizard
    How else would a skully give a kiss?
    I think I'm floating (by Hax)
  • Amazing how just adding a slight color filter and doing the scattered light thing can really sell the underwater look!

  • Wish you were here! [Rhyu] [M]
  • God that sky is gorgeous

  • My undead druid fursona, blossoming with grief
  • Alright, good to know! As for the picture, it's sort of a world building piece - I made a disease that's similar to the fictional illness hanahaki disease, which is when someone with unrequited love coughs up flowers. My version is when someone is grieving a lost one, and it's cured when they make peace with their loss. The flower they cough up is always chrysanthemums. This character is closely related to death and gets the disease by proxy from ghosts and people visiting the graves he tends. In the picture, he's experiencing the grief disease, although it's not his own sorrow.

  • ref sheet of my sona done before art break(Art by me)
  • Aww, they're cute! Any specific inspiration, or just whatever you like?

  • My undead druid fursona, blossoming with grief

    Does the "link to artist's stuff" rule apply if the poster is the artist? Anyway,

    Finally joined Lemmy, starting off with art of my bi boys!
  • lmao hella yeah, all my boys are bestsexual

  • Fursuit Pictures & Creation Void_Lizard
    It's a beautiful day to go missing in the corn fields with me
    To trans furries out there, how much does being a furry relates to your gender?
  • I always felt so welcome in furry circles, to the point where finding out someone is a furry basically makes them 100% safe to talk about subjects like being trans around them. It seems like with other groups, like video games or art or different hobbies, being in the same circle and getting to know someone doesn't mean they won't turn into an ass if they find out you're LGBTQ+. Furries just seem so much more open and extremely unlikely to be opposed to how someone identifies, you know?

    As for myself, I always found myself (FtM btw) using female fursonas until I was pretty sure I might be trans, and made my first male sona. It felt really good. I also just have mostly male characters and sorta always did, so maybe that shoulda been my first hint lmao. Honestly surprised I never had a male sona "just because" before I found myself.

  • Furry Void_Lizard
    Finally joined Lemmy, starting off with art of my bi boys!

    Left to right: Stygian the Hisuian typhlosion, Skullamander the pyre dragon, Void the carnocerv, and Spectre the Gulusgammamon

    Void_Lizard Void_Lizard

    (He/Him) Hello, I'm Void! I'm an American transmale furry artist with an interest in world building, horror, and video games. My primary fursona is an undead necro-druid with goth and haunted wilderness themes. I'm 30, so kids need not be here.

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