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what's better to manage ports? ufw or firewalld?
  • Iptables. Because in the end its iptables, so I learned it from the beginning „the right way“ and i am therefore not locked into one or another

  • Decision of Next Os
  • Nah, I run my updates maybe once a week on average. If afterwards something breaks, I simply do a complete Rollback (with e. g. snapshots). If after the next update its still broken, then I start to dig in „what“ is broken and how I might fix it

    But as I said, it didn‘t happen to me yet - but I‘m also fairly new to Arch as well, so that‘s at least my plan on how I would go after it.

  • Decision of Next Os
  • Rolling release 🤷🏻‍♂️ there might be updates which cause issues where you might need to rollback, if you can handle that it shouldn‘t be a problem.

    I‘m using Arch myself since about 2 months and never happened that an update break something for me - when something broke it was my own fault.

  • The future of
  • Awesome! Will look to register tonight or tomorrow, when I find the time. Thanks for letting me know :)

  • The future of
  • Ok. I think Im gonna test it out aswell once migration is done

  • The future of
  • So the migration to mbin is done or just wanted to fix that first anyways? ^^

  • Cannot run Wayland on nVidia at all
  • Its working since months, so I guess you have the drivers installed. For me I needed the „wayland-protocols“ package to work on my RTX3070
    And the obvious once others have pointed out, the kernel parameters

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  • ok took me 3 days to test, apologies :D
    but unfortunately, no, doesn't work. Even the "old" iso stucks at the exact same position with the exact same behavior :(

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  • got some news. I don't think, that it might change something, but who knows.
    I added in grub the option "insmod progress" (which I found by googling somewhere). It should show, if kernel and initrd do load or not and now I can see, that the vmlinuz and initrd are loading to 100% and after that it hangs. So it looks like the kernel loads but then stucks.
    As said before, I don't think that this might change something in regards to further tests with my actual mobo, but I didn't want to left that out ...

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  • Oh I absolutely can relate haha
    Maybe one day I‘ll be here asking dumb questions again, watch out 😁

  • got told to crosspost over here to reach more people:
  • Alright, no worries! You invested so much time and effort trying to help me out, I can‘t thank you enough for that, really really appreciate it much!

  • got told to crosspost over here to reach more people:
  • Yeah I already got one in mind and looked it up on - any other option I‘d have to make sure the next one is alright? (Besides socket and compatibility with my other hw)

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  • Wow thank you so much for keeping up on it!

    I tried the earlyprintk options, but unfortunately none of them did work. Neither did the orher acpi options show up something, I do still have the exact same behaviour :(

    I will work through the troubleshoot link you pasted, thank you as well for that.

    Appreciate your help, I guess I‘ll start thinking about replacing the mobo

  • got told to crosspost over here to reach more people:
  • No worries, at least you tried and I‘m grateful for it.

    One last thing: so you would also go for mobo replacement? In my opinion its uefi/bios and a new mobo should help, but I like having more opinions…

    Thank you again for trying

  • got told to crosspost over here to reach more people:
  • yeah, that's the reason I am so desperate ... I understand, so maybe about time to look around for a new mobo?
    anyways, I wanted to thank you very much for your time and effort in figuring out and trying to help me, I really do appreciate it very much!

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  • took the video
    as you can see, absolutely nothing happens or shows up. (still uploading rn, should be available shortly)

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  • yeah, already played around with VirtualBox and WSL, but there are use-cases (e.g. in gaming) where just an emulation can't really show what's possible and what not, that's why I would love to have the dualboot, so I can reliably test everything without any excuses like "runs probably bad because of emulation"

  • got told to crosspost over here to reach more people:
  • appreciate it, thank you

  • got told to crosspost over here to reach more people:
  • Don‘t get me wrong, I‘m not complaining at all, in contrary, I am enormous grateful for any help I get.
    I posted alread in reddit as well - subreddits r/Nobara, r/linux4noobs and r/linuxquestions
    Asus-Linux has a thready-like area in their discord „general-issues“, where I made the thread…

    At first it is to learn how everything behaves, test my use-cases to see, if linux could become an all-dayer for me - that would be the main goal - until then the dual-boot to have a fallback option.

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  • yeah ... as you can see in one of my other comments, I already joined the asus-linux discord and asked the "same" question (really, nearly with the exact same words...) and got , unfortunately, absolutely no reaction to it (besides on comment about "you need to disable the nouveau driver")...

  • got told to crosspost over here to reach more people:

    got told to crosspost over here to reach more people:

    I don't know if and how crossposting functions in kbin/lemmy, so hopefully it'll work that way

    Varen Varen
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