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  • Don't blame me. I voted for Jean-Luc Picard! 🗳️

  • Travelling Kitty 😹🛂
  • I'm not trying to torture you. Fancy a tasper egg? 🥚

  • Travelling Kitty 😹🛂
  • I know right!? Such a shame. They had United Federation of Planets, Romulan Star Empire, and Bajor versions, too.

  • Travelling Kitty 😹🛂
  • Interesting. This is not a proper passport. It's a passport wallet that holds credit cards and a passport, such as you see here. But now I'm intrigued enough to try that on my real passport. 🛂 💳

  • Travelling Kitty 😹🛂
  • He's a refugee with the Ferasans.

  • Travelling Kitty 😹🛂
  • Of course I will. He's good kitty. 😻😹😺🐾

  • Travelling Kitty 😹🛂
  • Only if you have been assimilated. Having a look at your username, it seems you could help with that! ;)

  • Travelling Kitty 😹🛂
  • He does! His battles by taking naps are glorious! Qapla'!

  • Travelling Kitty 😹🛂
  • I googled the place I bought it from. They're out of business. 🙀😿🛂

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You forgot Riker's chest hairs!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • A good ship does not make a good captain. A good captain makes a good ship. Some of the best stuff you can get is from the crafting system. And that can be done without spending a single cent on the game. Combine crafted stuff with special mission rewards and Star Trek Online is a very enjoyable game.

    And you don't need a top of the range build to run the story quests. You only need that for elite runs or specialized PvP. The story is very enjoyable in any ship at all. Have fun in your rust bucket. ;)

  • Review of Subspace Rhapsody
  • So was I, which is saying a lot because musicals aren't my scene.

  • USSTuring USS Turing
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