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Backwards toilet paper
  • It's good to show the wrong way intentionally here. We don't want to confuse people that this could be a real house, with a real bathroom, so I can appreciate that they intentionally do things wrong so you could walk in, see the TP is in the wrong position, and instantly go:

    "I'm in a Lego bathroom, this is not real"

    And boom, no more being trapped inside the lego bathroom.

    Those are the rules.

  • The Oligarchs Who Came to Regret Supporting Hitler | They helped him in pursuit of profit. Many ended up in concentration camps.
  • To seize their assets as "state" assets after their deaths. It's a somewhat common tactic of fascist regimes to treat their oligarchs as piggy banks.

    Anytime you need some more money for the "state" (aka the dictator's pockets), you knock off an oligarch and seize their assets.

  • 'Maybe the problem is you' ... Linus Torvalds wades into Linux kernel Rust driver drama
  • Also a reply so you can understand a bit how things typically work in FOSS projects.

    There's a democracy in healthy ones, but ultimately, there has to be someone at the top that has the final say. The project maintainer/main contributor. Someone who gets to be the tie breaker, or absolutely final authority on what does or doesn't make it into a patch/version/etc.

    This is extremely common, and generally healthy, in these kinds of ecosystems.

  • 'Maybe the problem is you' ... Linus Torvalds wades into Linux kernel Rust driver drama
  • I don't know if it's complete devotion, but Linus has a reputation he's earned the difficult/hard way.

    If he says something, people should take it seriously and consider his words. That's not to say he's right all the time, but you'd better have a damn good reason for disagreeing with him.

  • Reddit community banned as user spat with Musk intensifies
  • Different servers have different rules and federation lets them enforce it in a fully distributed and discrete way.

    This is how the internet should work. Think of each host as a BBS forum, each one has its own rules. Don't like it? Go to the other.

    The nice thing about the Fediverse, is that you're not locked in to one server/set of rules.

  • Best Buy plans to close 10 to 15 stores by 2025 Best Buy plans to close 10 to 15 stores by 2025, according to recent earnings call

    Best Buy announced that it will close some of its stores by 2025, according to a February 2024 earnings call by the company.

    Best Buy plans to close 10 to 15 stores by 2025, according to recent earnings call
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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