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YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps
  • This is why I pay for YT Premium. No way in hell am I watching ads, but I do want to be able to use the platform, and the money has to come from somewhere. So far it's been pretty good value, although SponsorBlock is of course still required.

  • Plant Milk Is Better For Us and the Climate. So Why Do We Subsidize Dairy?
  • It is! I enjoy it, but I've mostly cut it out, along with a bunch of other foods, just to keep my calorie intake down. I try to only use it where I see it as a necessary component, like when making lattes or on breakfast cereal. Where in the past I might grab a giant glass of milk I now substitute water. Except with brownies, obviously.

  • Vigilante Pedophile Hunter Killed While Confronting Teens
  • I'm not familiar with this guy's technique. How did he go about baiting potential targets?

    The usual methods of the past used text and staged images, so the targets didn't see the real person until a meetup. I'd suppose though that with the advancements in live video filters over the past several years there's no reason this guy couldn't just dress in drag and apply appropriate filters so he appears as required.

  • Auto loans could pose a bigger threat to young Americans than student loans. For the first time, the outstanding volume of auto loan debt just surpassed student loan debt.
  • As long as you don’t need to get a new loan for 7ish years

    Yep, and depending on the severity of the debt and other factors you'll mostly just pay higher interest rates on loans for several years. You have to fuck up pretty bad before nobody will loan you money (though that probably depends on a lot of demographic factors too).

  • Auto loans could pose a bigger threat to young Americans than student loans. For the first time, the outstanding volume of auto loan debt just surpassed student loan debt.
  • They'd legally still on the hook for the difference, and if it's a large enough amount for the creditor to care about they'll come after you for it using the variety of means available. In the US that can include taking the money from the debtor's bank account or having their employer take it out of their paycheck before paying the debtor.

    There are some ways around that. You can self-employ and ignore the garnishment request, but that works best if you have a constantly changing client list, like a roofing contractor or wedding-dress-maker or whatever. You have to be careful about keeping cash in your business because they can show up with the sheriff and take any cash, or in extreme cases they can seize non-exempt property (like, they wouldn't generally be able to seize the lawnmower you use for your lawnmowing business).

    Also, just not having any money is a pretty good defense. There are limits to wage garnishment for example.

    But yeah, in a lot of cases it's not even close to being worth the effort to chase someone down to collect, so you get a ding on your credit report for a few years, and then almost nobody cares.

  • More than $35 million has been stolen from over 150 victims since December — ‘nearly every victim’ was a LastPass user
  • Nothing major as far as I can tell. Here's an overview via SuperUser. KeePassXC might be a better option for some use cases if you're mostly not on Windows as it does not require .NET. Note that "KeePassXC does not support plugins at the moment and probably never will", but it does have built-in support for some things you might want a plugin for in KeePass2.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • After more than 20 years of DVRs and on-demand content it seems really weird to me that anyone watches broadcast content (other than sports) anywhere other than waiting rooms.

  • Do younger people go home earlier now? Or go out less? Is it since COVID?
  • It's funny how much this varies from family to family. We never eat dinner before 9PM. Usually two meals per day, lunch at maybe 1PM and dinner between 9 and 10PM. We're just doing desk-work though, so no extra calorie needs. If I'm doing physical stuff I'll usually add a light breakfast.

  • Where would I go/whom should I ask about the process of self-funding a motion picture?
  • About 15 years ago I saw an independent film at a local theater and it turned out that the guy who made it was couch-surfing the country showing the film at small theaters and was staying that night with a friend of a friend, so after the showing we went over to the friend's place to hang out and talk.

    The guy who made the film was pretty cool and told us lots about the process. Basically he spent a year and all his time and money on it, borrowed money from everyone he knew, and pulled favors from all his friends and their friends to get access to locations for shooting, costumes, props, etc.

    What it came down to was that at that level there is no process. You just call in every favor you can, make lots of promises you can't keep, max out your creative problem-solving abilities, and hope like hell you can get it done enough to show before you completely run out of money and friends.

    While we enjoyed the film quite a lot the dude was not terribly happy with it (all he could see at that point were mistakes and limitations), and was beyond broke (that's why he was couch-surfing his way through the cities he was showing in, he could barely afford transportation to the next city).

    Film making technology has come a long, long way since then, so you could probably make a similar quality film much easier and cheaper now (I wouldn't be surprised if the expensive cameras he was renting at the time are outclassed by what you can do now with a nice phone and a second-hand Canon). But the rest is probably pretty similar. Lots of dollar-stretching and creative problem-solving.

  • Why do so many Lemmy instances use weird TLDs?
  • huh, Windows still distributes a handful of .com programs. Neat.

    I liked .com back in the day because it was easy to write assembly and dump it through the MSDOS 'debug' program to create an executable.

  • Plex GPU hardware encoding on TrueNAS?

    I'm working on adding some storage to my Debian desktop-grade home server that I use to host a couple of VMWare VMs, and some Docker services (GitLab, Plex, misc software dev tools). I'm intending to set up TrueNAS Scale to manage my new storage (and just to play with it's container features), and I'm interesting in maybe adding hardware to allow Plex to do hardware transcoding.

    My question is if I have my Plex Docker container running via TrueNAS and I install an appropriate GPU, can I give Plex access to that GPU for hardware transcoding?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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