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Wait, Not All Wine Is Vegan?
  • My husband is extremely allergic to eggs. We’re not vegan but we often eat vegan and buy vegan products to make our lives easier. He doesn’t drink red wine because of this. I’m kind of shocked that they don’t need to divulge this on their labels. Sulphites are labelled, but for an allergen that can actually make people very ill it’s so weird that it’s not a requirement like with food products.

    He notices this with craft beer as well, though not to the same extent as red wine. We used to go to craft beer fests all the time and sometimes he would get a terrible stomach ache and heartburn out of nowhere. We looked it up and egg white albumen can be used to increase the foaminess of craft beer.

    I really wish we could improve the labelling requirements in North America. We often see food that is labelled vegan but “may contain” egg or other very non vegan products. I don’t think that’s good enough for vegan people and it’s certainly not good enough for my husband as cross-contamination is a very real concern. Just Egg has this issue - it shares equipment with things that contain egg.

    Vegans 💪 egg allergic people

  • rejection anxiety and real pain
  • I don’t put in effort to the extent that it bothers me about it. If it’s convenient sure. If not oh well next time.

    One of our friends used to get all bent out of shape because she would prepare all of this food for a party and no one would eat it. I was like girl, stop preparing food then if it’s making you upset. If people get hungry we’ll order pizza.

    Sometimes the things you think people will be into are not the things people want to do.

    Scale back. Neuroboring people don’t put as much effort into coworkers and social connections as much as I think ADHD brains do because I don’t think they think about it that hard. I learned this when I invited coworkers to my wedding and 2 showed up for like an hour - and I’m pretty sure one of them dragged the other.

    People with kids are super flaky too.

    I’m just saying yeah you aren’t the priority to these people. Find people who will make you the priority. Keep looking. These connections happen slowly and change over time.

  • rejection anxiety and real pain
  • It sounds like you might not know the people who bailed enough to invest that much emotionally into them.

    If you thought you did and now you’re not sure then it sounds like you can now have some clarity that they might not be as close to you as you feel to them. Time to pause and question why you’re putting emotional energy into people who aren’t invested.

    I’ve been working on this a lot myself. I kind of realized that I was investing a lot of time and energy into friends who live a 5 hour drive away and it’s really convenient for them to have me always drive there. On the flip side none of them have ever made the drive to come visit me. So instead of rearranging my whole life to make a weekend work with them and expending great energy and effort to do so, I started bowing out more often. It’s been better for my peace. Love my friends but I don’t have to run myself ragged visiting all the time because they certainly aren’t doing that.

    I put together a huge birthday party for my sister including this whole group. My birthday came around? No one did anything for me and they were all busy, even my sister. That’s fine, it’s telling me I don’t need to make the effort in the future.

  • Conservatives call on Elon Musk to step in after Liberals provide loan to Ottawa-based satellite operator
  • Telesat is a Canadian company. The benefit extends beyond just the satellite internet service. We get a domestic provider of this service so we don’t have to rely on Elon and his ketamine delusions and ties to Russia. This will also create Canadian jobs and boost our economy.

  • rejection anxiety and real pain
  • If you’re planning on sinking much money, time, and effort into an event it’s best to do formal invitations with RRSPs.

    It’s really hard to organize something for a lot of people to participate in and requires a lot of communication and reminders.

    I think you discovered who your true close friends are and now you can scale back and not let the rest of them (the bailers) in on your cool life. Something I’ve had to deal with but is better in the long run.

  • Jill Stein Is Killing the Green Party
  • It makes total sense for Russia to make Jill Stein a Russian asset because it neutralizes an anti-oil organization. Oil is very important to Russia’s economy so of course they don’t want any phase-out of fossil fuels.

  • How Israel Built a Modern-Day Trojan Horse: Exploding Pagers
  • This isn’t some technological triumph. This is terrifying. This is the military-industrial complex testing its capabilities. I know these batteries were specifically made for this, but what’s to stop a malicious actor or government pushing malware to civilian phones to explode a battery?

  • Do aliens exist in our planet?
  • Several things.

    1. Everyone seems to be stuck on the fact that travel to get here would be interstellar and that’s impossible. Another hypothesis could be that they’re inter-dimensional or ultra-terrestrial, possibly living in the ocean.
    2. The famous videos released by DOD and reported on in the NY Times.
    3. If the accounts of these videos by trained military pilots is to be believed then a) they can accelerate many times beyond what any known military craft can to the point where the structural integrity of any known aircraft would fail. b) They were observed entering and exiting the water.
    4. If a) then maybe our smartphone cameras cannot see them clearly due to speed or cloaking technology. I’d point to the “Jellyfish” video leaked this year where the UAP was captured by infrared only. Source.. Most normal cameras can’t see lots of things.
    5. Kirkpatrick was clearly running diversion tactics on this issue before he left to the Department of Energy. He lied about meeting with individuals about Skinwalker Ranch (the individual produced receipts), he’s purposefully deceptive with his wording - “aliens”, “UFOs” when asked specific questions about Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) and UAP, and gets the facts about the most famous cases wrong when trying to discredit them. Most recently he claimed that one of the videos was an optical illusion because it was filmed during the day but the video was in fact filmed at night.
    6. J Allen Hynek, head of Project Bluebook, which was a government program to debunk UAP. The guy who coined the phrase “Swamp Gas”. He finished his work with Bluebook and basically did a 180 and for the rest of his life claimed the government had pressured him into coming up with debunking theories. He believed in UAP and became an advocate for the rest of his life. Why?
    7. Rendlesham Forest case, which prompted the US Government to medically pay one of the soldiers who was subject to the phenomenon.
    8. The former Canadian head of our DOD and other very senior government officials which speak freely after retirement and say that there is a coverup. Recently Harold Malmgren presidential advisor to Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford, claimed that he was briefed on “Otherworld Technologies.” Obama saying famously in that interview that there are things in our skies and we don’t know what they are. He could have just said no they’re not real - why didn’t he?
    9. Famous reports in WW2 of fighter pilots seeing metallic orbs, just like the ones still reported today. There was no drone tech back then.

    What would be enough proof if what we’re dealing with is beyond our current comprehension? Do they need to trot it out on live TV? Lyme disease wasn’t discovered until relatively recently like the 70s or 80s iirc and it was because a Doctor got it. Up until then they were saying it was juvenile arthritis.

    I’m just saying that there has been a lot going on recently if you pay attention.

    Either a lot of really high level officials are lying or military/intelligence is. Knowing how going public with this stuff can ruin your life, what possible motivation would they have to lie. There is no big money in this.

  • Spring/Summer Light Hoodie

    Just finished this. Took about a month. The pattern is free!

    Since it’s unisex I used a Caron cotton cake in DK I think and knit the small size. I followed the guidance on the label for needle size. It started as an experiment and ended as a happy accident.

    Also, I modified by adding the panel in the hood and icord string.

    2 Pilots describe 'bizarre' lights and 'triangles' over Canada in air traffic control audio

    At least four flights reported 'multiple lights sometimes in a triangle formation' high above the Canadian Prairies one morning earlier this month, according to air traffic control audio obtained by

    Pilots describe 'bizarre' lights and 'triangles' over Canada in air traffic control audio

    This is from one of our major news outlets in Canada.

    Help with Feker Alice98 original factory driver

    Hi - don't judge. This is my first mechanical keyboard and I'm playing around with something in budget that meets my needs as a beginner. I know it's not the best but I'm genuinely looking for help and knowledge here.

    Yes, I know the allegations about the software/drivers for this keyboard being flagged as malware and have done research into this, though apparently not enough research. I downloaded what I thought was the driver for this keyboard but did not realize that it was a Via driver that broke the battery indicator and any possible connection to the (apparently terrible) software.

    Would anyone have access to the original driver so I can roll the keyboard back to factory settings? The factory setting reset (function + esc 3 sec) doesn't roll back these changes. I tried to download one on Weiyun based on advice from the other site but everything is in Chinese and it does not seem to work.

    Alternatively, does anyone know who I might contact to obtain this driver? I contacted the seller on AliExpress but they are spotty at best.

    Many thanks in advance.

    Mike Turner’s Involvement with Radiance Technologies

    X-Post from the other site; text below if you don’t want to visit. Found this interesting and didn’t see it 3 months ago when it was posted by u/UrdknotWreav:

    By now we all know Mike Turner is the DOD's knight in shining armor, who's gonna protect the DOD's fragile and brittle reputation, from the hordes of savages who are demanding more hearings.

    The below publicly available information about Mike, might become handy at some point.

    To summarize:

    So Mike Turner, helped funding Radiance technologies. The company where both Travis Taylor and Jay Stratton are currently employed. Jay Stratton, Travis Taylor and David Grusch all have worked together in the UAPTF.... WTF?

    We have Mike Turner in the center, connected somehow to Radiance Technologies, Wright Patterson AFB, Department of Energy, receives shitloads of money from Lockheed Martin and other defense companies.

    As you can see there's way more to Mike Turner than meets the eye. Is he perhaps one of the gatekeepers?

    Thunderbird Sweater

    Now the heatwave needs to end so I can wear it.

    Coworker/Friend makes her kids her personality and won’t stop talking about them.

    I’m pretty close with this person outside of work and we used to have good non-work conversations but now I feel all I get is stories and photos of her children. We work in a tight knit team so I can’t really avoid them.

    I got no less than 3 updates this weekend about a sports event with her kids including photos; more photos and another update about said event this morning; another photo of another child; updates about what her toddler was doing, and updates about how her kid made the track and field team and she absolutely needs to take time off work to go.

    I don’t ask for this and I don’t really respond when she does it. I prefer to talk about other things. We used to talk about other things and now it’s kids 99% of the time to the point where it feels really one-sided. I tried to talk about a concert I went to this weekend and got really lukewarm reception.

    I’m thinking I need to tone it down and say goodbye to the relationship/chit chat for a while? I feel if I tell her bluntly I’m tired of hearing about her children it will hurt her feelings. Any ideas?

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