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This scratching is not normal on a new pen right?
  • Sorry been a bit useless with keeping up lately. It doesn't stick out. They're very clearly a scratch as plastic has been removed (divot rather than proud or debossed rather than embossed or indented rather than protruding.... sorry got a bit carried away there with the synonyms and antonyms 😅). All three blemishes are different too - different angles, curves, lengths and depths.

    I decided not to sweat it any more though. Yes, it's annoying to have a scratched pen straight out of the box but it can't be replaced with something unscratched and the nib writes so smoothly it makes up for it 🙃

  • Which distro do you find the most visually appealing?
  • Pantheon desktop (Elementary OS)

  • Introducing Docs in Proton Drive – collaborative document editing that’s actually private | Proton
  • Awesome! This was one of the last things keeping the NPO I volunteer for from switching to Proton. Hopefully sheets won't be too far behind (as we use those quite extensively too) but at least we can start migrating our documents in the mean time.

  • Hongdian M2
  • Heh, mine arrived just this morning in record time (ETA was not for another 3 weeks!). I don't have a Kaweco Sport to compare to since after reading and watching reviews on them, I decided to go with the M2 instead.

    I am yet to ink it up (saving that for tonight) but it feels nice in the hand so far and light for a metal pen (I prefer lightweight). I'm looking forward to seeing how flexy/springy the nib writes!

    My spouse is jealous mine has a farting cat and his Hongdian Black Forest doesn't 😹

  • This scratching is not normal on a new pen right?
  • I contacted the store I got it from - they looked through every Twist they have an unfortunately all of them are scratched like that. 🙁 Does Pelikan usually have QC issues? I wouldn't expect perfection on a cheap pen but that many being scratched seems pretty bad.

  • This scratching is not normal on a new pen right?

    Brand new Pelikan Twist came with multiple scratches at the top of the barrel. One on each side. All about the same length as the one in the photo except for one that goes under the sticker (not counting the mould line on that side).

    Kinda feels a bit 1st world problems but I'm poor and this is the only Pelikan I will ever (short of winning lotto and getting incredibly lucky) get to own and feels disappointing to get a brand new pen that's already scratched.

    How can I fix this rotation issue?
  • I think you have to manually enable it (may depend on your distro/DE) but SDDM works fine with Wayland as it stands now.

  • Privacy Focused DNA test
  • Use instead. Ancestry asks if you want to be part of x y z. Say no to all. Also opt for Ancestry to destroy your sample. Once your test is completed, download the raw data file. Then request your data and account to be deleted.

    You can then use services like Promethease to give you information on any potential genetic issues.

    I don't know if 23 and me offers the same level of privacy as only have experience with

    Make sure whichever service you use, you read the privacy statement.

  • Do you pay for some pirated contents
  • Yes, absolutely. I used to pirate almost everything because I was too poor to afford most things. Nowadays I can afford more (albeit still poor so some piracy is still out of necessity for monetary reasons). Sometimes I pirate as a try before I buy. Watching/reading reviews just doesn't always cut it and the only way to know if something is useful/enjoyable if trying it out first. And some things I intentionally pirate even if I can afford because I have an ethical and moral objection to giving money to the company/creator (like Amazon, Disney, Adobe, etc.). And in those instances I also try to pay it forward as much as possible by direct supporting creators, donating to FOSS, charities, FSF, Internet Archive, etc.

  • Linux's New DRM Panic "Blue Screen of Death" In Action
  • Reminds me of my Windows XP days when I used to customise the hell out of everything I could... custom boot screen... and yes custom BSOD. Which I switched to red 🟥❗ One day my PC RSODs in front of a family member and he said, "Oh shit, that must be really bad if it's red instead of blue!" 😂

  • How to download and remove DRM from an Amazon documentary?

    There's a documentary that's more than a decade old that now only exists on Amazon Prime. I have searched everywhere for this but the website (and thus DVDs being sold) doesn't exist any more, there are no torrents, no second hand DVDs for sale that I can find online..... I'm OK with buying the doco from Amazon (albeit not happy about giving Amazon any money) but once I've bought it I don't want to be locked into Amazon's infrastructure (I do not trust streaming services to keep such niche videos available indefinitely).

    So how would I go about downloading and removing DRM from Amazon videos?

    I read an old post about mp4decryptgui but that hasn't been updated in 3 years so I don't know if it works any more.

    The only other methods I've found involve buying expensive Windows only software (I'm on Linux but can dual boot if absolutely needed).


    (Also please excuse the freshness of my account - for some reason Kbin threw an error every time I tried to post using my usual account.)
