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Well, Cities: Skylines 2 is here, and it's another broken game release.
  • Anyone buying a full price title without looking it up with a quick Google search or reading reviews on Steam is far gone from my compassion.

    lol, some things go without saying

  • Well, Cities: Skylines 2 is here, and it's another broken game release.
  • I doubt the average player looks up whether the devs came out to warn players their game runs like shit before buying it, I think they just buy it. Similar to how people probably don't check to see if a movie director has mentioned how bad the sound mixing and lighting is in a movie before going to watch it. Might be a crazy take but imo the onus isn't on the person buying the game to make sure the game is finished, let alone looking up articles on the game to make sure the devs didn't admit that it runs like ass and isn't finished. Though with how often it happens and how often there's people that excuse it maybe that's where we're at now, you reap what you sow and whatnot lol

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • There's a lot of commotion about how so many Jazz tracks that pop up in Spotify playlists come from clearly made up bands with one or two songs, millions of views, and no internet presence anywhere outside of Spotify.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Wow if there's one thing I really want to pay extra for is to have a computer randomly pick my music based off what I like. That's way better than what Spotify has already been doing: randomly picking music based off what I like! True innovation. Will the service also come with some sort of slider or bar that I can use to change how loud or quiet a song is? Maybe some other buttons that can let me skip or go back to a song, even pause and play it to my liking?

  • 'We could eradicate malaria by 2040’ says expert after revolutionary vaccine is approved by WHO
  • By the time 2040 rolls around we're gonna need some good news like this!

  • Former Bungie HR Manager Is Suing for Wrongful Termination After She Reported Potential Racial Bias
  • I for one am thankful we were born and raised in a society with no racial biases that could seep in to my work. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go back to writing up the only black person on my team for underperforming at the video game company with a history of racism and sexism B)

  • Former Bungie HR Manager Is Suing for Wrongful Termination After She Reported Potential Racial Bias
  • All the best workplaces that don't have a racism problem are the ones where lightly suggesting diversity training is met with hostility, denial, and sacking of the person suggesting it. Such actions really highlight how seriously said company takes concerns of bigotry at the workplace and proves they're giving it their all to make it as inclusive as possible.

    I’m siding with the employee who was treated like a racist

    Proving how incredibly not racist I am by taking incredible, personal offense at the suggestion of checking possible biases I may have as manager at a company with a history of racial biases, because I care about combating racism just that much

  • Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech
  • Yeah, I dunno what can be done to prevent this in the future but hopefully the event organizers can come up with something that doesn't amount to a "you must look -this- feminine to enter" sign by the entrance lol

  • Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech
  • I would appreciate more detail on how they determined whether people were lying or not, especially considering there would be no advantage to lying since the article mentions that self-identifying men were permitted to attend the event.

    Yeah, that's extra sketchy. Gives me more of the impression that by "female and non-binary" they meant "cis women and some enbys & trans women IF they dress up feminine". In an event that doesn't bar men from entering, why would any guy lie about their gender identity? What's the prize, getting to enter a convention that you could have entered if you didn't lie anwyays? As a trans woman that still presents masculine and has not started any HRT, it wouldn't be the first time someone assumed I was just lying about my identity to... I dunno, score brownie points I guess?

  • Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech
  • I can understand that sentiment. Plenty of things running on good faith have been chugging along just fine, and considering this conference has been happening annually since 2006 without any prior issue like this worth noting, it seems like that's been doing a pretty good job up until now. Again, not sure what measures could be taken that wouldn't also be incredibly invasive, transphobic, or a combination of the two.

  • Spotify Premium Will Include Instant Access to 150,000+ Audiobooks (UK/AUS tomorrow, US to follow)
  • For anyone interested in this news, don't forget to check out your local library. If you're in the US there's a good chance that your library card will also give you access to online audiobooks for free!

  • Why don't people get that AI copyright fuzzing is bad?
  • Fight for legislation that will stop requiring to run in the job rat maze to survive in the first place, to have a fighting chance

    Here, here. Or is it hear, hear? Either way I completely agree, though I very much doubt we'll see something like that in our lifetime. Still worth fighting for though!

  • Why don't people get that AI copyright fuzzing is bad?
  • Would love to see how well this argument goes with people already being affected negatively by AI. For how great this tech is supposed to be it somehow only attracts the worst people to defend it, funny that!

    Edit: Lol wait, maybe you already beat me to the punch. Great company ya got there

  • Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech
  • Is there any way this can be prevented in the future?

    Unfortunately, I can't think of any way to add prevention measures that wouldn't also open the door for some insanely transphobic practices. I think this is one of those things where you have to really rely on good faith behavior from the local community/people signing up for the event

  • Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech
  • Now I could be wrong, but I think there's probably one or two women and enbys in Florida :P They haven't been completely outlawed yet

  • Anti-China Rhetoric Is Off the Charts in Western Media
  • Significantly easier college admissions (despite using a standardized process), extremely generous business loans, proportional ethnic representation in government, vast infrastructure projects to bridge the salary gap, and celebrations of different cultures across the country. Not very capitalist of them

    Sorry OP but basically none of this has anything to do with not being capitalist. I don't even doubt that China is doing better in those departments than America, but that has more to do with how utterly shit America is at most things outside of building bombs than how communist China is. They should get some kudos for executing a couple billionaires, though, gotta at least give 'em that.

  • Last Of Us Studio Naughty Dog Is Cutting Developers
  • That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure if the game industry had different standards to other fields for that kinda stuff. Sacking a bunch of QA agents does not sound promising for the games they're working on....

  • Anti-China Rhetoric Is Off the Charts in Western Media
  • So funny how that all got memory holed and now you have people who genuinely still think it was a spy balloon of some kind (even in these very replies!) because they just never read anything past the headlines and never followed up on it after. Just completely lacking any curiosity or news literacy but will still scoff at the thought of them being victims of very obvious propaganda haha

  • Last Of Us Studio Naughty Dog Is Cutting Developers
  • Departments ranging from art to production were impacted, but the majority of those laid off worked in quality assurance testing. The sources said at least 25 developers were part of the downsizing. Full-time staff do not appear to have been part of the cuts.

    Sources tell Kotaku that no severance is being offered for those currently laid off, and that impacted developers as well as remaining employees are being pressured to keep the news quiet. Their contracts won’t be officially terminated until the end of October and they’ll be expected to work through the rest of the month.

    If I'm understanding right it sounds like only part-time contractors are getting cut. Do part-time employees usually get offered severance packages or is this (kinda ghoulish) business as usual? I wonder how much work those people will get done for the rest of the month

  • Michigan Legislature Advances Bills to Ban Conversion Therapy in the State

    The incredibly dangerous practice is currently banned in just 21 states and Washington, D.C.

    Michigan Legislature Advances Bills to Ban Conversion Therapy in the State

    >The two bills that would ban its use in the state passed along party lines, with 56 Democrats voting in their favor on Wednesday and 53 Republicans voting against them. The measures now go to the Democratic-controlled state Senate, where they’re expected to pass. They will then advance to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who is expected to sign them into law.

    What surprises me is only 21 states have banned this torture!

    SugarApplePie SugarApplePie

    She/Her || Interests: Tabletop RPGs, Fantasy/Sci-Fi, painting miniatures

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