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I fucking hate the job search
  • It's fairly insane that from Romford to Sutton which is only 30 miles, it's roughly an hour and 45 minutes.

    I just went to the Wiltern in downtown LA last night and it's about the same distance as Romford to Sutton from where I live, and without traffic, it takes 40 minutes, with traffic an hour.

  • Tesla in self-drive mode slams into police car in Orange County
  • I mean I live in Orange County, I lived in Fullerton for 10± years.

    Every other car in the OC is a Tesla.

    My point is that this isn't an "if" it could happen, as more than a "when" will it happen.

    If you read that article and live in the OC anyone would say "yep, sounds like Fullerton"

  • ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Showrunner Terry Matalas Tackling Remake of 1980s Sci-Fi Movie ‘Enemy Mine’ (Exclusive)
  • I almost feel like this is rhetorical, but I'll answer anyway.

    It's about money. As simple, and shitty as it sounds.

    We see all these remakes and sequels happening because there is a built in fan base. It's guaranteed to make some profit, or at the very least break even.

    An original movie made by an unknown writer and director is a huge gamble. Shit, even with well known ones. It can still be considered high risk.

    So a studio has to make these types of movies, so they can fund the one original which may be a possible flop.

    And yes, I am this interesting at parties if you were wondering.

  • The Degradation of Democratic Norms is abstract
  • Im a fairly progressive person.

    When he ran I was totally going to vote for him.

    Then he chose Palin as his VP. Not because she's a woman. I thought that was dope. It was when she spoke. Bridge to nowhere bs totally ruined him.

  • Who is watching this?!
  • Well it's still JLo. If you aren't much a fan you won't be too impressed. Imo she can be fairly one directional in her movies.

    That said, when I watch a movie that has heavy CGI I try and take a step back throughout the movie from all the special effects and evaluate an actors performance.

    Ya ok sounds pretentious, but I try to imagine the environment they are in when acting. It's basically nothing but a green box, with someone off to the side reading lines.

    If they can give a fairly believable performance I'm impressed, because we see all the special effects, editing, direction and production. The actor has to imagine it, and hope they don't look like a dumbass in post.

    65 was alright. Wanted more dinosaurs though lol

  • Ah the memories
  • Dude I remember seeing the first debate before going on a backpacking trip with my parents.

    My parents at the time I considered Republican, but not conservative. When they saw the debate they laughed and made jokes that the dude will never win.

    Then when I came closer to the election, they turned around. Thinking he was awesome and the answer to the "government" problem.

    Now, they aren't hard-line Trump supporters, but their views have definitely changed towards being a lot more conservative. I've seen their stances change quite a bit since then.

  • ‘It’s time we put a felon in the White House,’ California sheriff says
  • I read it and watched the video.

    The video was of sarcastic tone, but he was totally serious about his support for Trump.

    He makes it seem like California is just this lawless place of criminals running around everywhere, because of what he claims of slashed police force budgets and closed prisons.

    When he had a deputy get caught with a bunch of fentanyl supplied by the cartel, and his police force had an increased budget of 270 million since 2019.

    He's totally one of those "rules for thee, not for me" kind of people.

    Riverside sucks anyway.

  • Judge Dumbfounded When Man with Suspended License Attends Court [on zoom] While Driving
  • It's usually less that that too. Typically if you show you have got your license within the time of getting the ticket they let you go. If he just showed up and said he has an appointment or was going to make one, the judge would've made another date so that he could prove he got his license. Then no fine or jail.

    Happened to me. I was pulled over without a license. Immediately went and got my license. They made a date but the mailing address they sent to I wasn't there. Being dumb I thought meant it was handled.

    Lo and behold like 10 years later, when I'm getting hired for my current job they say I have a bench warrant. I went down to the courthouse the next day, the judge gave me a real weird look since it's been like 10 years, and said " do you have your license " I showed it to him, and then let me go.

  • This Photo on Amazon for Q-tips
  • I have wet as well. And you shouldn't.

    You might be getting some, but you are pushing the majority back into your ear. It's probably why you feel like you must keep cleaning them, because it's never actually getting out. Eventually you'll get a clogged ear, and if you haven't experienced that yet, it fuckin sucks.

    Your ear will naturally push the earwax out. Think of your ear as a conveyor belt. When new skin is made it pushes the earwax down the ear canals.

    Best thing to do is wash and clean the outside of your ears well everyday. You can use a Q-tip for that. Listen to music at a reasonable level, wear ear protection at concerts, and try to give your ears a break from headphones and earphones periodically.

    If it's really bothering you, get some hydrogen peroxide or ear wax remover and put it in your ear for like 10 minutes. Then use a hand bulb with warm water. Don't do this all the time though.

  • that place is more and more shitty all the time
  • Dude you hit the nail on the head right there. I've been thinking of installing Reddit back because some of the content I enjoyed there is just not here.

    Ive tried to recreate the subs I had on Reddit to here, but it's empty. So I just browse All and block anything that has to do with politics, but it's impossible because everything is just lefty politics in some way. Like I'm a liberal person, but I feel like I'm considered right leaning from some of the shit people say on here.

    And if I don't have NSFW off it's just trans everywhere.

    Like do what you wanna do, be who you wanna be, but I don't wanna see THAT lol

  • me irl
  • I hate the notion that being an introvert means to be shy.

    You can be talkative, charming, and charismatic and be an introvert. It's all how you recharge your social battery.

    I consider myself to be an introvert, but I am not a shy person. At times I can be, but that has nothing to do with me being introverted, more like being insecure or anxious in that moment.

    I love hanging with my friends, talking to new people, going to open mics or karaoke but when I do, I need time to myself, recharge, and be alone for a few days afterwards.

  • Have you tried...
  • You can be an introvert and be talkative, and you can be an extrovert and be shy.

    It's all how you recharge your social battery.

    I consider myself to be an introvert, but I'm very talkative in social situations. Sometimes I can't shut the fuck up. When I'm done hanging out though, I'm sitting in a dark room for a few days playing video games not hanging with anyone.

    I worked with a guy who drove 50 miles to come into the office just so he could be around people, but hardly said anything to anyone.

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