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RFK, Jr. staff block Palestine dialogue after the candidate agreed to it
  • Banking on name alone to get him where he needs to be.

    Amerika loves political dynasties, but I don't think they love em that much so as to elect a guy who doesn't say shit about his actual plans and beliefs.

    Though sleepy Joe got elected pretty much entirely on the basis that he ain't Trump, so who knows.

  • If you call this journalism I swear by Allah I will shoot myself right here
  • A paragraph or two... I mean, I can give you a couple of examples I suppose.

    Kim Il-sung is called the "Eternal President" not because of some esoteric, Oriental mysticism that posits that he is still president of the DPRK, but because he was the first and last president of the DPRK. He is the eternal president quite literally, and it's fucking weird how much western media obsesses over this as if northern Koreans believed his spirit still ruled over them or something.

    The DPRK never "abandoned" Marxism-Leninism or socialism in favor of "Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism" or Juche. The WPK are scientific socialists, and honest science necessitates changes in understanding and practice. Juche is not an economic system, Juche is a sociopolitical ideal intended to rectify the contradictions between the self and the other, between the individual and the community, between the proletarian, the professional and the intellectual. Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism could be read more closely as Socialism with Korean Characteristics, if one would want to. It is not deviation or abandonment.

    "Supreme Leader" is a term often weaponized to evoke that same sense of Oriental mysticism and brainwashing.

    The DPRK's parliament is called the Supreme People's Assembly. The WPK leads the SPA. What do you think the chairman of the WPK (a position which Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, and Kim Jong-un were all elected to) would be called?

    I am unsure what else to say. DPRK is great on disability rights. A majority of the country has a mobile phone. There are video games in hospitals. People eat groceries. Kids go to school. The beaches look wonderful. Pyongyang has a fantastic public tram service.

    Any time a news outlet claims DPRKorea said something negative about other "races" (notably in that shitpile "The Cleanest Race") they are deliberately mistranslating the word "nation" or "nationality" in order to construct the narrative they desire. Any specific questions?

  • Libs making death threats for critical support to Russia
  • I want to respond to this comment telling you that you should be killed for something you said, to make a point, but I won't because it's gross. You're a human being, I'm a human being, and neither of us are fascists. It would not be fun for either of us to receive a reply, ostensibly from a 'comrade', that us and our kind deserve to be exterminated.

    It seems to me Monsieur is immature and uneducated, especially if they are equivocating critical support for Russia to fascism, or even accusing Russia of being a fascist state when compared to, idk, any other European nation. They need to log off and reflect on the way they interact with others.

  • Libs making death threats for critical support to Russia
  • Not tasteful? He told a communist user directly that they needed to be killed.

    If not a fascist, if not a liberal, just a fucking moron. Regardless, a provocateur, and he deserves ceaseless mockery.

  • Libs making death threats for critical support to Russia
  • The fact that Popper is the one constantly cited re: the paradox of tolerance almost makes me immediately dismiss anyone who brings it up, even if the point is there.

    Popper was an anti-socialist hack with very little useful to say. Unfortunate that he had that one good thing to say.

  • Progress vs Regress
  • I know plenty, including family members.

  • Lib makes death threats
  • look at em go

  • Liberal wet dream
  • We have seen this wet dream realized in Yugoslavia. Remind me how that's going?

  • Liberal wet dream
  • Libs be like commies are fascists and then go on to constantly propose breaking up socialist countries into literal ethnostates

  • If you call this journalism I swear by Allah I will shoot myself right here
  • Strange that this ostensibly weak and unstable nation has such a strong intelligence agency so as to be able to pay us to defend them online.

    FWIW I'm a broke statesian. Here's the thing as well, you parrot propaganda and then disengage when it is examined critically and thoroughly, something many of us have devoted literal days of our lives doing.

    I am more aware of the inner workings of the DPRK state than any bourgeois "journalist". Many of us are. If you'd like to learn with us, I'd suggest not implicitly accusing us of being bots or paid actors.

  • statement from dotworld admin on blocking the Hexbearianists
  • Yeah, they don't really need any excuse whenever they've already manufactured an imaginary enemy out of us. Regardless of how, idk, normal and sane or whatever we all tend to be (because we're human fucking beings), to them we are

    1. warmongering Putin stans
    2. LGBTphobic (hilarious given our demographics)
    3. basically Nazis, maybe even worse
    4. Sinophiles and Islamophobes
    5. literal bots
    6. terrorists

    on and on and on. Reading those comments is simply a sight. There is no conversation to be had.

    The thing that bugs me the most is the admin worship. I'll be the first to say as a regular user here, any of you admins start doing silly shit I won't "respect your decision", I'll criticize your asses for it. I know you'll listen, though, because you're not petulant liberals who throw tantrums when presented with the mildest criticisms.

    Dotworld really does seem to be becoming just like reddit. I thought the whole appeal was decentralization and community building, but I guess it's really just an ego-fluffing project.

  • If you call this journalism I swear by Allah I will shoot myself right here
  • The DPRK has only existed as a political entity for 75 years. Kim Il-sung is their founding father. He died in 1994.

    Do you expect them to not venerate him to some extent? The WPK ejected the Japanese and Amerikan imperialists who raped and murdered millions of Koreans -- who stripped them of their national and cultural heritage, their language, their names, their fucking humanity. The WPK brought that all back. Kim Il-sung was chairman and president. The last president before the position was abolished, hence the title "Eternal President".

    Kim Jong-il was his son and helped manage to maintain Korean sovereignty in the face of the collapse of most of the socialist world, in the face of the west turning its guns towards the now destabilized smaller socialist nations. He died in 2011. He was general secretary of the WPK.

    If Abraham Lincoln died 12 years ago, how do you think Amerikans would treat his memory? If George Washington died 30 years ago...

    I do not know why I waste my time. Maybe for those reading this actually interested in learning, for those reading this that are not so horribly racist as to utterly dehumanize an entire people. Your complete ignorance of the ways Amerikan civil religion permeates this nation is very telling, as is your abstraction between Amerikan and Other civil religions.

    I live on Washington street. It borders Monroe street and Jefferson street. All literal slaveowners. Yet you take umbrage with a nation's reverence for the man who helped lead his people in liberating themselves from people with mindsets just like yours... in living fucking memory! Those poor, brainwashed Koreans. They just need to be Westernized/Japanized/liberalized/vaporized/insert-whatever-racist-bullshit-you-believe-here, right? Not like they're human beings with the agency to make their own fucking choices. Fuck you.

  • I guess this explains why the US ruling class hates China so much.
  • Watch In The Name of the People.

    It's a Chinese cop show, but instead of poor black people like in Amerika, they hunt down corrupt party officials and bourgeois scum circumventing Chinese law. It's amazing and available for free with English subs on YouTube.

  • NSFW
    if you want to have some quick laughs, check out this liberal crying about us lol CW: comm linked has sinophobic depiction of Xi Jinping (you know the one)
  • Admin/moderator of r/AgainstHateSpeech, or whatever it's called. They are almost hilariously infantile, yet it is in no small part their fault that reddit quarantined r/GenZedong after they brought the sub under further scrutiny during the apex of the Uyghur genocide discourse.

    Of course, us commies were deemed genocide deniers (I mean, you got me there I guess) and anti-Uyghur racists for criticizing violently Sinophobic myths and exaggerations, and then quarantined. I'm sure there are other reasons, but IIRC the quarantine is primarily the result of BardFinn's efforts.

    Otherwise, they are the archetypical ::reddit logo stormfront moderator. Language policing, banning any and all dissenters, stirring shit up. Probably a fed.

  • NSFW
    Beehaw hates civilians


  • What's the most deranged political hot take you've ever seen?
  • Yeah, iirc he made mention of Farrakhan having some good ideas and having been inspired to read the Quran after getting out of prison. I made mention of Malcolm X and he said he'd look into him. Every time the question of fully blown segregation came up he 'Ahuhuah, I'm not like, totally racist or anything but you gotta admit that black people racist nonsense racist nonsense racist nonsense."

    Something something black people for black people white people for white people, with extremely little interaction between them and like, 'peaceful coexistence' as separate ethnostates?

    I think I remember pressing him quite a bit on shit, but he changed the subject when it became too critical or intense, and put up walls at certain points, "we've gotta defend our people" ??? who are our people? whites? Muslims? American whites only? Fuck, this shit is so incoherent. Defending 'our people' was a non-negotiable starting point.

    Like I said, wasted, so I let it be and went on talking about our favorite cigarette brands or whatever. But I won't ever forget it, and I won't be so utterly stumped the next time I encounter political ideals in such eclectic and fucked up forms. That interaction inspired me to read the (an anglicized version of the) Quran, and as is common with religious texts -- especially the high quality poetry as seen in the Quran -- I found the meaning I wanted out of it, and that meaning was mostly quite lovely.

    He, from my perspective, was projecting his fear and hatred onto Islam and the Quran and abusing them to solidify and justify his prejudices. He sought affirmation of his hate and he found it.

  • What's the most deranged political hot take you've ever seen?
  • I once had a coworker fucking uno reverso card me when he started talking some weird white Islamo-nationalist shit and then went onto some really racist tirade against black folk.

    He kept talking about the need to defend ones' own people, so I brought up the Black Panthers and what they stood for, what they did in service to not only black people but for the people entirely. I told him they protected their own and that our state killed them for it.

    He brought up Hitler. He said "just like Hitler, he was protecting his own"!

    I don't even remember what I said after that, I was flabbergasted and almost certain we were both wasted.

  • What's the most deranged political hot take you've ever seen?
  • It is far better, I think, to be specific on the work of history or theory you're advocating for than to tell others to read a book/learn history/etc. Many such works are integral to destroying the braincage of, for instance, Amerikan exceptionalism.

    In a hypothetical conversation wherein I am trying to dissuade someone from engaging in Amerika apologia, I would recommend Rogue State and Killing Hope by William Blum before anything else, while giving them my own thoughts and opinions regarding Amerika's crimes.

    Were the issue, say, unconditionally defending the traditional family structure, I would cite Engels' The Origin of the Family. The necessity of the state and the banality of most "anarchism"? On Authority and Anarchism or Socialism? by comrade Ioseb. I would also direct that someone to read these works.

    And other works, depending on specificity of issue and political learnedness of the individual being engaged with. If there is a point to my rambling, it's that literally saying "read theory", while potentially a funny (and fair) meme to throw at trolls and bad faith actors, doesn't do much for educating anyone. What theory? I think that's important.

    We should be able to understand that theory and history well enough to put it into digestible reality for the working class, of course. But directing others to that theory only strengthens communism's presence in political thought. Those who become educated in said theory will tell others who will tell others. This is good.

    And I guess, for honesty's sake and for anyone reading who potentially does the same, I have told others, in the past, to "read theory" without diving into specifics because I did not heed my own advice and thusly could not actually give them specifics. I was being hypocritcal in my posturing, at the time.

    It's definitely important to read and understand. It's also incredibly important to treat others with empathy and as fully cognizant beings capable of rational thought, who when guided towards genuine education and not hit with directionless platitudes may actually change their understandings of the world. For the most part, anyway.

    It's worth noting that no one expects you, the reader of this, to know everything, nor do you have to. We strive to learn as much as we can, and that is a worthwhile endeavor. Just as worthwhile is putting that knowledge into action.

  • Weird exchange with a customer today.

    They asked what our starting pay is. Funny thing is, I don't even remember. I could theoretically do the math backwards from paystubs, but eh. I know how much to expect.

    Regardless, I said somewhere around 13 dollars, but the company I work for is unionized so the shit pay is offset a little bit by ensured basic rights like the ability to actually take breaks, unlike any of my previous workplaces. Coworkers are awesome, even management's tolerable.

    They said they worked for a place that was "worker-run" but then it stopped being so worker-run so they quit. Then they said Walmart of all places had started hiring at 17 an hour, all positions, so that was still their first choice.

    To see a small wage increase (not even to a livable wage) sway a worker in real time against the right to negotiate with their employer as workers collectively... bruh. It just sucks.

    I once worked for a pharmacy where I made $16.50 an hour and I consider it one of the worst jobs in the world. It was so alienating, I had intrusive thoughts like


    "maybe in this hellworld the only way to escape this miserable unlife is to become the slaveowner. I am a slave to insurance companies. I am a slave to Big Pharma. I am a slave to my hitlerite managers. I am a slave to ungrateful piece of shit geriatrics who are upset they had to wait 5 minutes longer for their viagra than normal because insurance is trying to charge another customer $800 for their life-preserving medication and I'm trying to convince them fucking not to. Nobody is grateful or ever will be for your labor and all of your labor is in service of capitalist slaveowners. this will never change."

    etc. etc. It's maybe a bit worrisome that I remember that feeling so intensely, I don't know. At the same time, those thoughts and my internal battle against them were instrumental in creating a fundamental understanding in me that wages are not worth your sanity, your ability to take breaks, your ability to call in, your ability to take or leave more work at your request.

    I am so grateful for my new job tbh, cringe as it may be. I am learning to enjoy labor for labor's sake. Making actual, meaningful connections with people. And I get to take breaks, in fact I am forced to take a break. This is because we have a union.

    I don't know if Walmart conditions have improved generally... but every time I've been inside a Walmart, I've thought to myself *If I ever find myself working here, I am going to redacted myself. I'll have to."

    I don't know. I'm having a strange time with it all. Unions are good, and I'm beholding a part of the struggle in real-time. Thanks for reading or even skimming 🫡

    Don't work at Walmart if you don't have to, kids.

    Video Games SovereignState
    [DPRK Souls]
    Leftist Infighting: A community dedicated to allowing leftists to vent their frustrations SovereignState
    We don't have to tail the fascist "Rage Against the War Machine". We're more popular than you think, the media just doesn't want us to know it. Thousands march in Washington, D.C., to launch new movement against U.S. empire - Liberation News

    Photo credit: ANSWER Coalition On March 18, the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, thousands

    Thousands march in Washington, D.C., to launch new movement against U.S. empire - Liberation News

    Nationwide protests shot off on the 18th and 19th. Did you see any coverage?

    The revolution will not be televised. RATWM is a fascist maneuvering and nothing more, attempting to recoup some of the brewing anti-war sentiment back into supporting capitalism and by extension imperialism. Libertarians, pedo "communists", and outright fascists? We don't fucking need them and I find it frustrating when people seem to think we do.

    RATWM was televised because it was backed by money. Dirty, bloody money coming from the likes of the Paul political dynasty. Their pathetic little gathering was not the revolutionary moment some people seemed to imply it was. It was a farce. The people will rise up and they won't need ghoulish demagogues to pay them to.

    How's it going Amerika?


    This is horrific, straight up fascist terrorism. Only gonna get worse.

    Video Games SovereignState
    Gamers having a normal one

    Victoria III wikipedia page had to be locked because of an edit war.

    Leftist Infighting: A community dedicated to allowing leftists to vent their frustrations SovereignState
    Not trying to bad-talk another community...

    But Jesus fucking Christ the Genzedong/genhoxha discord is giving me huge reddit vibes. I understand that it has a more direct connection to the subreddit proper so it makes sense... but I don't even want to call some of these people comrades. Lemmygrad seems pretty good at formenting actual discussion even if I roll my eyes at the occasional back-handed comment. The discorders are seemingly ready to leap at each others' throats over the mildest criticisms, including going so far as to extrapolate the absolute worst conclusions they can imagine without allowing the other person a chance to elaborate. Also, for such a seemingly thorough vetting process, there definitely exists a clique of people with nothing but disdain for AES and definitely people with no idea what they're talking about making super inflammatory and frankly ridiculous statements/accusations.

    It just feels so damn memey and I'm probably gonna leave. I see no worthwhile conversation happening on there, just 30-character twitter-style epic lib pwning with a refusal to engage in good faith with other communists. Like I said, not trying to shit on them or anything, just frustrated. If owning other communists online is your thing, more power to you I guess. Shit just makes me feel dirty sometimes and like I don't belong.

    Idk if this kind of post isn't allowed as it's literally bad mouthing another community, I'm just pretty upset about the experience.

    Protests in Iran

    BBC report:

    A better source’s report:

    Tudeh (communist) Party of Iran statement:

    A woman was seemingly murdered by the IRI’s religious police after being taken into custody for not wearing her hijab “properly”. Iranian officials deny this and claim she died of a heart attack. Looks like no one is buying this line.

    Danny Haiphong thinks a color revolution is underway because of Iran’s pivot to the east. I haven’t seen this sort of line taken by anyone else yet, but I’m more keen to trust the Tudeh Party than a non-Iranian, as much as Haiphong is usually right. From my understanding and their own statements, Tudeh is not clamoring for some relationship with the West and are very aware of and against NATO, EU and U.S. imperialism. I doubt they’d be in favor of these protests if they thought they were spearheaded by western NGOs.


    Lots of protests all over the country. Many chants recorded such as “long live socialism, long live communism” and “death to the dictator, down with Khamenei”. Complicating matters is that the murdered woman was Kurdish-Iranian and fittingly a lot of the protests began in heavily Kurdish regions of Iran. This is not to dismiss the plight of Kurdish people or their capacity for revolutionary struggle, but Kurds have been insidiously used and abused by the West to forment ethnic tensions in Iraq, Turkey, Syria and elsewhere before, and western media outlets are seemingly attempting to continue that legacy by drawing a clear divide by Iranian Kurds and non-Kurds.

    There is a fog of reporting currently, with a lot of protest info being relayed to western media by Chatham House, a British think tank known recently as having been pushing a lot of anti-Russia stuff. U.S. officials also immediately “demanded accountability” of Iran and claimed the act was “unforgiveable”.

    Any MENA comrades have thoughts? Do you think this could be a revolutionary moment, or a cynical attempt by NGOs to weaken Iran after they’ve closened to China?

    Leftist Infighting: A community dedicated to allowing leftists to vent their frustrations SovereignState
    On "degrowth"...

    I know very little about this subject. I had someone I know tell me a few months ago that for socialism to be sustainable, and to solve the climate crisis, U.S.ians are going to need to give up almost all A/C. They pointed out the fact that Amerikans are crybabies and even most of Western Europe does not use A/C.

    However, with Greece and Spain recently having caught on fire and with heat waves devouring the nations, as well as stories regarding people in hotter regions in the U.S. dying from heat stroke in their own homes because they couldn't afford their electricity bills, this read as sort of Maoist-lite, petty-bourgeois radicalism to me shifting blame on individuals when there are so many systemic industries contributing astronomically to the worsening climate. I was wondering, is A/C usage so detrimental as to necessitate its destruction? Should not the focus be on larger, more destructive industries and actually increasing the availability and affordability of A/C to hotter regions? Should scientific focus be moreso on creating a green A/C?

    Like I said, almost no knowledge. Feel free to roast my ass (pun slightly intended).

    Leftist Infighting: A community dedicated to allowing leftists to vent their frustrations SovereignState
    People claiming Zizek as representative of "the left" is a sick joke Pacifism is the wrong response to the war in Ukraine | Ukraine | The Guardian

    The least we owe Ukraine is full support, and to do this we need a stronger Nato

    ! !

    Zizek is either a psyop or incapable of critical thought.

    Photos taken from "Slavoj Zizek Presents On Practice and Contradiction". Note him disparaging anti-imperialism and accusing the CPC of basically the worst crimes against humanity, and arguing that in the future they will practice eugenics.

    Leftist Infighting: A community dedicated to allowing leftists to vent their frustrations SovereignState
    Y'all ever worry about how far deep the rabbit hole you're getting?

    Oliver Stone pretty much sealed the deal in my mind that the CIA assassinated JFK, that's one major so-called "conspiracy theory" cemented as probably true.

    The U.S. state has poisoned its own citizens before, dropped bombs on people in its commonwealths. Is it poisoning the water supply? What reason would they have? Weakening agents, toothpaste lobbyists putting shit in the water to rot our teeth in order to spike demand for their product? Testing bioweapons that cause esophageal cancer? Water that causes acid reflux at the behest of Big TUMS? Their justification for using bioweapons in San Fransisco and New York were to "test against a possible hostile bioweapon attack", so we know the Amerikkkan state doesn't need justification to do anything, it's completely arbitrary and irrational at times -- as fascism is wont to be.

    What about our news media? We know mainstream news outlets are bought and paid for by RFA and the NED and other NGOs the alphabet boys and the pentagon use to maintain hegemony. What about the news outlets we trust? We know the U.S. state will brazenly ban and shut down entire websites and newspapers if they're deemed a security risk (as they did with that Iranian website), but usually it's a soft-ban where social media and streaming corpos deplatform news outlets like the Grayzone, RT, Lee Camp, etc. Who's to say that the state department isn't carefully cultivating a drip-feed of true info to keep us content as a portion of the population "in the know", but just little enough to ensure that we aren't keen on the absolute, total, nightmarish barbarity of it all -- just little enough that the masses will consider us conspiracists forever. Does there exist a sort of "information bubble" that will never be popped until the state is destroyed?

    I've heard some people claim that we give the modern state too much credit, that it's much weaker than it was in the Cold War days because they refuse to adapt and change strategy, and it's led by a bunch of senile fools who promote shit like "cisgender woman of color CIA agent" propaganda. On the other hand, communists seem to be split on exactly how strong the state is -- are we all on a list, or is the bureaucracy so disorganized and overwrought that a true "list" is improbable?

    I don't know. Materially, if all of this is true, or if none of it is, it won't impact the fact that we need to organize, nor that Marxism is a science and framework for responding to the material reality as far as we are capable of witnessing it. It just bothers me. The neoliberal hegemon, in all of its cruelty, is capable of trying anything and for any reason, most usually profit.

    SovereignState SovereignState

    He/him. 24. Constantly on the brink of outright doxxing myself.

    I fear no glowies. Come get me.

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