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George Takei's Based Voting Take [Rule}
  • That's not what he said and you know it, shut up.

  • Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly
  • My biggest issue with Epic is them very clearly doing the classic tactic of selling goods at unsustainably low prices in order to drive out competition before jacking them back up again. Their whole free game shtick can't possibly last forever and they know it.

  • Torture is a war crime rule
  • I don't think every piece of media has to promote revolutionary politics in order to justify its existence.

  • Torture is a war crime rule
  • Superman's primary villain is literally a white collar criminal that uses the system in order to stymie efforts to hold him accountable. A lot of superhero media could stand to be more critical of the police and prison system but it's a little more complicated to dismantle capitalism than it is to foil violent crime and respond to accidents and disasters.

  • So, Neuralink got FDA approval for human trials, and a certain fanbase is VERY excited about that
  • I'm in the awkward position of being genuinely excited by this type of technology while desperately wishing literally anyone but Elon Musk was pushing them.

  • James Cameron calls for regulations for tourist subs after Titan disaster
  • James Cameron actually has a lot of experience in submarine exploration, if any celebrity should be weighing in on this it's him.

  • James Cameron calls for regulations for tourist subs after Titan disaster
  • Human life has value, even when they're people you don't like.

  • James Cameron calls for regulations for tourist subs after Titan disaster
  • I take the radical perspective that people dying horrible pointless deaths is a bad thing and should be prevented. Yes, even stupid rich people.

  • James Cameron calls for regulations for tourist subs after Titan disaster
  • Unironically go fuck yourself, this is a sociopathic perspective. I don't have much sympathy for Mister "safety is waste" himself but the people he lied to about the safety of his sub didn't deserve to die.

  • Propaganda rule
  • TFW you really want people to stop talking about the molotov-ribbentrop pact.

  • Taliban Endorses Twitter Over Threads
  • Funnily enough they also endorsed Trump before the 2020 election.

  • Rulefish
  • I believe that's referred to as a "thumb". They're actually quite common.

  • lur(ule)k
  • Upvoted because I like owls.

  • Power of love rule
  • Not that responding to fascism with incredible violence isn't based, but stuff like love and hope and other lame sentiments like that are actually necessary to defeating it. People fall to fascism when they lose hope for a better future.

  • Rule 1
  • Dealing with climate change isn't a binary either/or thing, there's a huge range of potential outcomes we could fall into. Suffice to say that the more we do to reduce pollution now the better things will be in the future, even if we've missed our chance to completely avoid significant warming. We've only barely invested in renewable energy and it's still having a massive impact on emissions.

  • Rule 1
  • There's a difference between acknowledging the problem and going around telling people that the problem is hopeless and we're all doomed. I certainly didn't find it especially informative.

  • Rule 1
  • We need to make counter memes for this bullshit, everyone circlejerking each other over how hopeless the situation is doesn't help anyone.

  • Rule 1
  • I promise you we don't need fusion just to survive, we just need better policies. Please don't give up.