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What is your favorite Scandinavian country?
  • Iceland. It's such a pretty island.

  • Person dies after falling into jet engine at Schiphol airport
  • How does someone fall into a running Turbine?

  • Researchers explore mining seawater for critical metals
  • And in 10 years: Fishes are dying due to the severe lack of nutrition in sea water after humans exploited it for mining of metals. We're not learning of past mistakes.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ne, das meinte ich ernst. Ich musste schon Anzeige gegen unbekannt stellen, weil in mein Auto reingetreten wurde. Bin auf der Selbstbeteiligung sitzen geblieben. Ich hatte noch nie ein Auto, was so viele negative Reaktionen hervorgerufen hat.

    Edit: typo

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ich habe von vor längerer Zeit einen Model 3. Letztens in Düsseldorf durch die Innenstadt gefahren und dann gehört, wie jemand zu seinem Freund gesagt hat "Mir wäre das so peinlich einen Tesla zu fahren. Wie kann man nur Tesla fahren." Oder vor zwei Monaten beim Charger gewesen, während ein Obdachloser an mir vorbelief und sagte: "Wie kann man nur diese Schrottautos fahren?" Ich werde mir keinen Tesla mehr holen..

  • Induktive Fahrspuren: Reisen ohne Pausen?
  • I see what you did there!

  • Inflationsrate verharrt im April bei 2,2 Prozent (
  • Wie oft ich gehört habe: "Die Inflation ist doch eh ungenau und Fakenews." :(

  • We might be closer to changing course on climate change than we realized
  • To the negative - that is. They only care about money now. Not what comes later. :(

  • WMO schlägt Alarm - UN sieht "Planeten am Rande des Abgrunds"
  • Ich habe dir Hoffnung in diese Menschheit aufgegeben. Krieg fällt leichter als an seine Mitmenschen zu denken. Auf Propagandisten zu hören fällt leichter als auf Wissenschaftler. An sich selber im Jetzt zu denken fällt leichter, als auch mal ein paar Jahre weiter zu denken. :(

  • Investigators say they confirmed pilots' account of a rudder-control failure on a Boeing Max jet
  • I think Boeing should rethink their strategy. How are their Stockprices not at the bottom of the ocean yet? Cutting so many corners and risking so many lifes should not be legal. This should definitely be prosecuted. Either ban all the current executives or ban the planes.

  • Russia attempting to develop nuclear space weapon to destroy satellites with massive energy wave, sources familiar with intel say
  • Great, now they want to fuck up space too. Earth isn't enough it seems.

    When will this madness finally stop? :( I'm just trying to survive here...

  • count how many chickens died for your next plate of wings
  • I mean.. I get your point but.. isn't this the wrong place to post this? Like... c/vegan.. does that ring a bell?

  • Leipziger Voodoo-Meister wird von Magdeburger Familie entführt
  • Ich will ja nichts sagen, aber die Story könnte auch mit "Florida-man kidnapped Voodoo -master" beginnen..

    Deutschland wird immer wilder.

  • With the World Stumbling Past 1.5 Degrees of Warming, Scientists Warn Climate Shocks Could Trigger Unrest and Authoritarian Backlash
  • Maybe living a healthy life wasn't such a good Idea for me after all. Now, I'll probably experience all the worst times on this planet till the very end :/

  • Demletzt
  • Es schmerzt immer wieder aufs neue diese Sätze mit "Desto..." Oder "Umso..." zu hören.

  • Advertising
  • Cutting is meant literally here. Cut in half by a train.

  • Chinese Age-verification
  • Minors are not allowed to play during specific times and only for a set amount per day. That's probably why it asks thr info. It'll prolly be sent off to some state-owned server to keep track of its citizens.

  • Subscribe to game release news

    Hi! I was wondering if there is any site or service where I can subscribe to a specific chosen game's release news? Let's say I want to get notified once the latest Metro game got released - or maybe the sequel to Atomic Heart. It could be in one year or in 5. In any case I'd like to not miss such a release and get notified (maybe) by mail. I'm not looking for a newsletter however. I remember "bandsintown" has this with my selection of bands and their events near me.

    I'd really appreciate any news about that! Thanks <3 PS: If this kind of content doesn't fit here please just remove it.

    Reddit Shizu
    Do you think Reddit has still a chance?

    Hi all! What's your opinion? Let's pretend reddit would give in to the protest and cancel the plan to increase the API pricing. Would all of you go back to Reddit or stay on Lemmy?

    I mean.. what has been said by the CEO cannot be unsaid now. We all now know what we are in the eyes of the CEO.

    Shizu Shizu

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