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  • The strategy I use is to reroll the first shop until I get something that scales like green, bus, or square. Unfortunately that means I have to spend 10 minutes rerolling every time I restart. Would be nice to have some way to influence the first shop, maybe pick a handful of cards that don't ever show up. This game is so reliant on getting the right jokers that it doesn't make sense to start a run with a garbage shop roll.

  • How was this show made
  • Waited for time to pass and dust to settle to respond.

    I appreciate this.

    Understandably, I think people in mental health-focused communities are sensitive to feeling like their experience is being invalidated. Consequentially, sometimes i feel as though it is hard to speak a different opinion for fear of being labeled as someone who invalidates.

    I'm not here for arguments. If differing opinions will result in that then maybe I will bite my tongue. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders based on this comment so I believe the community is headed in the right direction.

  • How was this show made
  • Thats very dismissive of you and does not fit this community well imo.

    That's not your place to decide.

    pushing your assumptions on others is a dick move.

    Don't really know what assumptions I pushed here.

    Telling people you feel your existence is denied because someone says "autistic people don't have powers" is just not a good look. Calling names and picking fights with people who don't agree with you isn't either.

    Unfortunately for you, I'm not leaving this community just because you want me to. I will be blocking you because I didn't come here to be called a dismissive dick. I suggest you do the same.

    Have a nice day.

  • Capcom is organizing an event where you can try out a Steam Deck at six Capcom operated stores nationwide in Japan
  • It's playable but it struggles to maintain 60fps on the lowest settings, I even modded out the environments with a potato mod. So if you don't need things to be pretty it still is functional, but you can feel the frames dip fairly frequently.

  • 'Sedition Panda' convicted of assaulting officer on Jan. 6 after judge calls defense argument 'absurd'
  • It is so weird seeing that story come back around again. The first time I heard it was something like 15 years ago and it was nonsense then, too. Now conservatives flaunt it like it's some kind of new bombshell. Nope, just as fake now as it was then.

  • What are things considered romantic, to be avoided in a relationship?
  • I can absolutely relate to what you're describing. Sometimes you need a break from a specific person, and it is not because you dislike them, you just really need a break. This is, from what I can tell, not a common neurotypical experience and so not something that neurotypical folks can relate to, and it's hard to put it into words as a way that sounds anything other than "I don't like being around you".

    The closest I can come to putting it into words is that sometimes my mind behaves like a cat. One moment you're both enjoying each other's company, the next I'm totally full and need to go. It's not about any specific person, it can happen with anybody I'm around.

    It's good that you're working to understand how to express your experience to others, it's difficult but worth the time to strengthen relationships. Hopefully your partner understands that it's not the easiest thing.

  • What are things considered romantic, to be avoided in a relationship?
  • You left their party after a couple hours to relax. I'm guessing you were feeling a little overstimulated and needing a break, and your partner probably realized this as well and was willing to let you decompress.

    Then you accepted an invitation to socialize with someone else, which to your partner probably seemed like you needed a break from them but not someone else. Of course, this is not a one-to-one situation, I'm sure swimming and a sunset is much more restful and relaxing than a birthday party, but from their perspective they probably wished you could have stayed but respected you needed a break. Now they're finding out that you didn't necessarily take a break from socializing, so it looks somewhat more like you needed a break from them.

    Again, I know that isn't exactly what happened, and it isn't the message you meant to give with your actions, but that's my attempt to see things from their perspective based on what we've been told.

  • Don't
  • And whatever you do...

    Don't! Just don't. And if you are about to, do not. So say the hooded figures of the dog park, which, may I remind you, does not exist.

    And now...the weather.

  • Watched episodes 2&3 of DS9, thoughts

    My partner is into DS9 and suggested we watch some last night. For some reason episode 1 was not available on Amazon Prime.(?) We watched Past Prologue and A Man Alone. As someone who is only barely familiar with the Star Trek universe, here are my thoughts:

    • Sisko is a fantastic leader and also terrifies me. His smile makes me uneasy. "Go over my head again, and I'll serve yours on a platter."

    • Kira's morality is super questionable and I'm amazed they didn't kick her off the station after episode 2.

    • Bashir is a dork and also needs to take a hint and leave Dax alone. Clearly they aren't interested.

    • I do love Dax as a sort of early mainstream media conversation starter on gender. The Trill overall are just a brilliant way to frame the idea of how gender and sex work.

    • It's rough seeing Odo so accustomed to hatred. When he just dips behind a glass door to watch as a mob call for his death...

    I'm surprised by the level of dysfunction in the crew. I sort of always saw Star Trek as a bunch of Space Paladins that always did the right thing but in DS9 everyone has their own motives and interests and it's super interesting to watch them come together. I think I'll keep watching and see where things go.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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