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  • It's kind of their whole thing though. It's how NASCAR got started. Without it, it would kill a large part of their tourism.

  • Stuck
  • Tbf, there are American beaches known for being drivable. Specifically, Daytona Beach.

  • temperature
  • I like that Fahrenheit has a narrower range for degrees. 1C is 1.8 degrees F. So, F allows you to have more precision without the use of decimals. Like, 71F feels noticeably different to me than 64F, but that is only a 3.8 degree difference in C.

  • I bet the Vulcans never tried to "Save Daylight" by changing the clocks twice a year
  • Me: As long as you leave an hour later why do I give a shit.

    Probably why I'm not the boss of anything.

  • Solanum Smoothies
  • Since when are green tomatoes toxic? I eat fried green tomatoes every summer...

  • Good....buddy....
  • I was a bit before I realized it was a pine cone.

  • I have never understood that.
  • The shorts kind of help feel warmer if you are bundled up everywhere else. It focuses the feeling of cold on your legs where it feels less bothersome.

  • I have never understood that.
  • That's why I'm storing up on brown fat in my youth.

  • I have never understood that.
  • It's like a game of chicken where you win by being the last one wearing shorts deep into winter.

  • Average TS developer
  • Maybe they should be illegal?

  • Average TS developer
  • To add to this, vegetable is a culinary term and not a scientific term. Whereas, fruit can be both. Tomatoes are scientifically a fruit, but generally not from a culinary perspective.

  • Nikki Haley to launch $10m ad campaign in bid to overtake Ron DeSantis in GOP fight
  • Ron is the bigger shithead. I wouldn't like it but I could probably stomach Haley being president. However, for that reason, Haley will also never win the GOP primary.

  • Nikki Haley to launch $10m ad campaign in bid to overtake Ron DeSantis in GOP fight
  • Winner is also 77, unhealthy, and going through a very stressful period of his life. Probably a decent chance of him dying of a heart attack or something.

  • Just to get a second set of eyes on it, that's all.
  • I actually highly recommend visiting the JKF Museum in Dallas (which is at the location he was shot). It was an interesting experience. It was cool to compare the pictures of the location with the present day. A lot of it is exactly the same except with thicker foliage.

  • 13 Months
  • There are 14, they can start on any day of the week and they may or may not have a leap year.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • What are you talking about? Google does not give law enforcement information without a warrant or valid subpoena.

    You clearly have no idea how any of this works and are fear mongering based on sound bites you may have heard. I work in this field and I know that Google (at least in the US) won't just hand over data without a valid warrant or subpoena. Now this can be a FISA warrant where the defendant (imo) doesn't have proper due process rights, but it is still a court order requiring them to comply.

  • 13 Months
  • I don't like the idea of my birthday being on the same day of the week every year. Based on the IFC Calendar, mine would be on a Tuesday every year and that would suck.

  • 13 Months
  • Guess the Jews win the Design the Most Convoluted Calendar contest.

  • 13 Months
  • Big Calendar would never allow for this. Imagine only ever having to buy one calendar!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yeah, I realize it's worse than that... When did I say otherwise? I even started off the comment by stating that Apple and Google's privacy features were made for anti-competitive reasons, not to benefit the consumer.

    Your type of fear-mongering isn't really helpful though. It just makes people feel powerless to large corporations and makes people try to address the wrong issues. It's important to accurately state what they are collecting and how they are using that data. We spent a decade complaining about Google not respecting privacy and selling data and what we got was Google gaining even more power. Because, that wasn't what Google was doing or their end goal.

  • Relay for Reddit API Subscription Fees

    One of the remaining 3rd party Reddit apps (Relay) has begun discussing what it would be charging for subscription fees. Imo, they actually seem somewhat reasonable. The weird thing is that every upvote or downvote is an API call so you can rack up a huge number of API calls from voting.

    Also, while the costs might be reasonable now, there's nothing preventing Reddit from jacking up prices again.

    Edit: Also, there wouldn't be any NSFW content with the app.

    Why are we focused on a room temperature superconductor instead of a less cold superconductor?

    As I understand it, superconductors work best at temperatures approaching absolute zero (-273.15C). For example, Google tells me that the superconductor in an MRI operates at -269C.

    There has been a lot a buzz lately about room temperature (25C) superconductors being discovered, but why is room temperature the focus? Why not focus on superconductors that work in reasonably cold environments? For example, we can easily get temperatures to -15C in a freezer. Why not create superconductors that work in that temperature range rather than 25C?

    New Pixel Ads

    They are pretty cringe but I did get a chuckle out of them.

    New Pixel Ad

    These are pretty cringe but they did make me chuckle a little. Very reminiscent of the I'm a Mac, I'm a PC ads.

    Meta: Is flair a thing with Lemmy?

    Was curious to know if that was an option on Lemmy. Although, in some regards, it is kind of nice not knowing what team someone supports.

    Not sure if she counts...

    DNA tests has her at 25% Corgi, 50% Border Collie, 7% Chihuahua, and then a mix of a bunch of Terriers for the rest. She mostly looks like a mini Border Collie but I feel like her personality is very Corgi.

    ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam

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