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  • Because you aren't open to conversation. You just want to quip that you have secret knowledge and everyone else is an idiot, and smugly feel superior as you read Russian propaganda.

  • Machine Threat Level Scale
  • He said it was blown out of proportion, don't put words in his mouth.

    There were literal TV spots on whether or not planes will drop from the sky. The threat was overblown.

    Lots of people did tons of work to keep systems online, but even if they all failed the end results wouldn't have been that bad. Money would be lost, but loss of life due to Y2K would be exceedingly rare.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Let me know what sources you'll accept, because there is an abundance of evidence about the massacre, including photographs.

    The only people contesting this is the Chinese government and fringe groups.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • I see that you linked an opinion article, however you have misrepresented the article and it's implications alongside my statement.

    At no point does the article say if you compare numbers, or mention other atrocities you are denying the Holocaust. It is saying the damage caused by the Holocaust was on a scale that is not analogous to other atrocities and it is possible to attempt to trivialize the Holocaust by turning it into a numbers game. There is much about how Baltic people may use this as a deflection for their own involvement with the Holocaust, but that's clearly conjecture.

    Also I never said to compare Stalin to Hitler, I said mentioning Stalin's atrocities existence will get you called a Holocaust denier. I'm sure you see that you proved my point.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Eh.

    I feel that if you are posting on the Internet and no one is telling you to kill yourself or making vague threats at you then you're just boring.

    Besides, edgy kids are going to do edgy stuff. They disagree with my world view? Put 'em up against the wall! Heck the obsession with communist Russia likely stems from the fact that it was the defacto bad guy in most media.

    It's harmless stuff from harmless people trying to figure out how to make the world better. Authoritarianism is easy, you can stop dissent, you can get rid of "undesirables," you can mold the conversation. It takes time and effort for a group as young and angry at the average hexbear user (that I've interacted with anyway) to learn compassion, empathy and to respect all life.

    TL;DR - their hearts are in the right place, they are just lazy.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Don't defederate from hexbear, they aren't that bad.

    They aren't great, it's like a bunch of very confident college kids refusing to listen to anything that challenges their beliefs. There is a high percentage of trolls, but it's the Internet. I've seen some shockingly bad takes, like tiananmen square had no casualties, or as highlighted by this thread, criticism of the USSRs well documented atrocities is tantamount to Holocaust denial.

    Just ignore them and move on.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I think more convenient and user friendly is a bit of a stretch.

    My wife gets confused by the remote and different profiles. My parents needed me to explain how to use Netflix more than once. Saying going to your PC and finding a torrent is convenient and user friendly isn't true. But the point that having to search where to stream a particular movie or show isn't user friendly is also true.

  • Yet another new player post
  • As far as longevity of models go, I built a necron army when they came out in 3rd ed. Two sets of models would be suspect now, wraiths and the tomb Spyder. One set of models no longer exists in the game, pariahs.

    That was about 20 years ago. You'll be fine.

    Paint what you buy and don't buy if you had models to paint. Also know that your models look great.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is a lousy article rehashing an article behind a paywall.

    The cost they have is $87 a month. There is so much that's confusing about this. They don't specify how many streaming services they are counting in that, but it's a good guess that is about 5, each at about $17 a month. I feel I have too many streaming services and share accounts with family, and I can stream from about 7, pay for one and watch 1.5. If I couldn't share accounts, I wouldn't have the accounts. I pretty much watch star trek and whatever show someone tells me to watch.

    They also don't specify what $87 a month gets you in cable. Around me that's about basic cable prices, which is significantly less content presented in a less convenient format and is almost entirely reruns filled to brim with commercials.

    Not only is the article missing key information it also misrepresents the information it has.

    Note: I'm sure people will tell me to pirate everything, but there are reasons to not pirate. And it doesn't address that this is a poorly written article giving incomplete and incorrect information.

  • Sci-fi gripe: holograms for personal devices
  • Sure, but why?

    What is gained by a holo-display in your hand? It looks futuristic? If you wanted the experience of talking to someone face to face, why would they be a 6 in version projected into your hand? Why not face to face?

    It's solving a problem that doesn't even need to exist. Hologram stuff is poorly thought out in media.

  • Sci-fi gripe: holograms for personal devices
  • Worse than that, when they are talking on a hologram phone the speaker is always looking down at the hologram and the hologram is looking up at the speaker. On both ends. If it was a hologram of the speaker they would be looking down.

  • Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous
  • I'm not worried.

    The reason SNW is better than DISCO and ENT is that the characters are real and complete. We know exactly what type of person Ortegas is, and seeing her do stuff is exciting because I'm invested in seeing her grow and change.

    Compare that to Detmer from DISCO, I'm not sure what her job is, didn't know her name for serval seasons and couldn't tell you a thing about her personality. I don't care if Detmer lives, dies or grows. She's a person who exists in the background.

    The hard work of establishing the characters is done. I will be happy to see them go stuff.

  • Q: What are the five (5) video games from the 20th Century that you want to be able to play again today? And why?
  • I'm pretty sure you can play my entire list now, but frankly nearly every game worth playing is playable. My list are games that are better than modern games.

    Master of Magic - Civ with magic that hasn't been done as well since. I haven't checked out the recent remake, but this game was miles ahead of the competition and still stands up as better than most fantasy civ games.

    Dune 2000 - basically a Command and conquer reskin, but the factions felt different and balanced.

    Dragon Warrior (quest) III and IV - the best RPGs on the NES. III was the finale of a trilogy of games, very customisable and satisfying. IV changed your perspective repeatedly across the story, and I had never seen that in a game before.

    SimCity 2000 - probably the best city builder. Newer games looks nicer, have more systems and are generally more nuanced and detailed. However those newer games tend to get bogged down in details and it becomes more difficult to get into them. For me this hit the right balance between complexity and ease.

    Shingen the Ruler - for some reason I am convinced that it was called shingen the conquerer, but can find no evidence of this. A sengoku period grand strategy game on the NES. I always want the total war games to be more like this game, but instead the real time battles feel far less satisfying and tactical that a turn based version.

  • City blocks, bus, or other?
  • It depends on the goal of the base.

    I've always wanted to do a fully automatic city block, where each block produces exactly one resource, but get bored before that happens.

    I'm currently working through seablock, and that's some crazy spaghetti. The limited space and the general lack of speed means that there is a lot of tearing down and optimizing my builds. In traditional Factorio resources and space is basically unlimited so optimization isn't necessary, in seablock a clogged belt means the entire factory stops running. So now I'm focused on efficiency.

  • Supermarket AI meal planner app suggests recipe that would create chlorine gas
  • I thought the debate was if the AI was reckless/dangerous.

    I see no difference between saying "this AI is reckless because a user can put effort into making it suggest poison" and "Microsoft word is reckless because you can write a racist manifesto in it."

    It didn't just randomly suggest poison, it took effort, and even then it still said it was a bad idea. What do you want?

    If a user is determined to get bad results they can usually get them. It shouldn't be the responsibility or policy of a company to go to extraordinary means to prevent bad actors from getting bad results.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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