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i wish all people complaining about what poor people do with their time a pleasant shut the fuck up

if a person is complaining about "crackheads" there is a 1000000% chance someone in their family owns a Klan hood !fash-bash

  • holy shit that prosthetic is LONG. what the fuck were the makeup crew thinking? if hollywood was actually controlled by a jewish cabal like nazis claim there's no fucking way they'd allow this

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • LMAO god I love federation. i actually forgot people with their heads as far up their own asses as yours existed for a while there

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I have a PhD in particle physics from a top 10 university in the world

    no you don't

  • Madison on why she quit
  • I just hope this shit ends soon and I will be able to watch their videos again.

    do me a favor and stay the fuck away from normal people. this is a deeply disturbing mindset to hold toward someone who's speaking out against sexual assault and horrible workplace conditions. if you're a grown ass adult and not just a dumb child you should feel deeply embarrassed. your brain is rotted by the treats you consume

  • What's the deal with Hexbear?
  • As far as I can tell they embrace leftist unity which is something we could all use more of.

    not to mention that a lot of well-meaning libs simply need to cross the mental barrier of "liberal bourgeois democracy = the end of history" to end up on our side. they recognize, on some level, many of the basic problems of capitalism but lack the analytical tools and deprogramming to effectively criticize it.

    if exposure to leftist views outside the mainstream gets someone, anyone, to realize that smugly whining about "tankies" on the computer does exactly 0 good for improving their own material conditions, I'd say we've done our part

  • Water mountains
  • the existence of water mountains implies the existence of forest, fire, shadow and spirit mountains

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • about 6 years before, when the actual good version of the game first launched

  • Taiwan reports second large-scale China air force incursion this week
  • tankie shill-like activity

    Please review These Nuts

    you should feel embarrassed

  • chaotic neutral in action
  • i only see one in here? shrug-outta-hecks

  • chaotic neutral in action

    if the car he (allegedly) stole was a chud's lifted global-warming-mobile, it's chaotic good !sicko-pig
