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Nostalgic Distros?
  • I have fond memories of Kubuntu Feisty Fawn and the whole suite of KDE apps that were around back then. It's nice to see that Amarok got a new release recently after such a long time.

  • Trying to get DOS 6.22 on an SD Card, to then run via an ISA IDE to SD Adapter on my Commodore PC-10 III, but It doesn't wanna boot. What am I doing wrong?
  • I haven't played around with SD adapters but there is a common problem with compact flash cards that gives the same symptom. They won't be bootable until you fire up DOS 6.22 and run FDISK /MBR, which is an undocumented command which gives no output but fixes the boot record. I would focus on getting the floppy drive working or buy a gotek so you can boot floppy images from USB and get into DOS that way.

  • Whats the best Universally usable CRT Monitor for computers all trough the 80s and 90s?
  • It could have been another colour with an anti-glare screen/film over the top with a tint to it.

  • What games can you not get into because they feel too outdated?
  • Do you mean Dune II? Emperor was the 2001 reboot. Two button RTS controls were around since at least as early as Warcraft: Orcs and Humans in 1994.

  • What's your movie pitch idea?
  • Bomb squad movie where the bombs are wired to Jenga towers.

  • Bernard Cribbins Presents Prestel - The Post Office Viewdata Service
  • Shoutout to John Newcombe's live viewdata service, Telstar. Instructions on how to connect from various platforms are on his website. I often dial in with my BBC Micro to catch the latest news headlines.

  • Easiest way to connect C64 to modern computer screen?
  • You can buy a C64 DIN video cable that will put out s-video, composite video, and audio. From there, you will need a converter box to go from s-video or composite to HDMI. There are cheap and crappy converters and there are better expensive ones but the C64's video output is never going to look amazing anyway.

    Alternatively, you can skip the converter box and buy an old TV with s-video input instead.

  • My reddit comments keep coming back
  • It applies to comments and posts to the extent that they are attributed to you, about you and/or their content is specific enough to render you identifiable. In practical terms, this means that a data controller can in most cases keep the content of your post by anonymising it, which is why when you delete your account it shows "[deleted]" in place of your user name above your old posts. If the content of the deleted posts, even in aggregate, allows me to find out who you are, then you would have grounds to insist that the content be deleted (or sufficiently anonymised).

    Source: I was a DPO for 5 years.

  • Anyone here going to get a Commander X16?
  • I'm not interested in programming for it myself so the way I see it, its desirability very much depends on network effects and whether it gets a big enough user base and software library. I think there is a good chance of that happening but I keep seeing new projects muscling in on the same space like the Foenix computers and the Agon which makes it less likely that any one of them will be a thriving 'platform'.

  • doskey
  • There is an awesome enhanced DOSKEY with tab completion:

  • Where I can buy the cheapest non-counterfeit MC68000/MC68HC000 within the EU?
  • I think you've probably found the cheapest you'll get in Europe. When I want genuine obsolete parts from China, I usually go to Utsource rather than eBay or Ali.

    Most likely your remarked chips are real 68000s, especially because the package is not used for much else. They often re-mark chips to make them look like they have a higher rating or simply to give the appearance of being new even though they are perfectly good ICs. It sucks, but they can often be used reliably.

  • What was the first modem you ever had? How fast was it?
  • I wish I could remember but I know we were quite late adopters so it would have been reasonably fast. My family first got a modem because my brother was stuck at home with a long term illness so he was tutored remotely over telnet for a while.

  • Atari ST internal storage?
  • I installed a Gotek at first but found it awkward to select from a large collection of images. I think it will be more convenient to use a hard drive to run games and it is sometimes useful to have a real floppy drive available when I need it.

  • Atari ST internal storage?
  • Thanks for the info. I think I will be using an external interface after all because the 4mb upgrade unfortunately doesn't leave any space around the 68000 due to being right next to the MMU on my board.

  • Atari ST RAM upgrade

    I'm fitting a Marpet 4MB upgrade to my STFM today. What a hassle! PLCC socket hot glued on top of the surface mount MMU, interposer board inside the metal can and further mods needed to disable the onboard RAM.

    GOTEK setup for reverse sleeper
  • Thanks; when I've had the chance to clear some workspace I may set up a test bench and try a variety of floppy images from Winworld to see what works. I vaguely remember once having to use Winimage to copy files from a 360k image into a newly created 1.44mb image for one machine. Unfortunately, that approach (aside from being a bit inconvenient) wouldn't work for floppy booter games but perhaps it could be done with a raw copy tool and the correct arguments.

  • GOTEK setup for reverse sleeper

    My latest project is an XT-class build in a modern looking case (Sergey's Xi 8088) complete with LED fans, window in the side panel, etc.

    Normally, I would try to source real floppy drives for a project like this. However, in this case, to make it more modern-looking, I'm going GOTEK+FlashFloppy.

    My question is: let's say I want to be able to use most kinds of DOS floppy images, including 5.25", 3.5", double density and high density. If I configure the GOTEK in the BIOS as a 1.44mb drive, would it also accept 720k images? Would it also take 360k or 1.2mb images or would I need a second GOTEK configured as a virtual 5.25" drive to cover all the bases?

    Atari ST internal storage?

    Does anybody have any experience of trying to fit internal storage into their ST? I'd prefer to have everything all in one unit drawing from the internal PSU if possible. I'm using a 1040 STFM.

    I've seen references to a product called Lightning ST which has a wiki page but no indication of whether or where it is for sale.

    I've also found this project: but no reviews or information from people who have built it.

    If you have tried it, what kind of clearance issues did you have? Did you run without shielding? Did you cut parts of the shielding away? How does it fit with other expansions e.g. 4mb RAM?

    Upgrading my A500 to Kickstart 2?
  • I'm not actually sure what the minimum requirements are for 3.1, except I know that 3.1 upgrades were sold for the A500/A2000 so it should work on a classic configuration. I know that the newer Hyperion updates to AmigaOS raise the requirements quite a lot, so I wouldn't try going to 3.1.4+ without an accelerator/fastram.

  • Upgrading my A500 to Kickstart 2?
  • I'm not sure about compatibility lists but from what I understand, it's only a handful of early and badly behaved software that requires 1.3. It's probably better to just install 3.1 and use Relokick as needed to run incompatible software.

  • It's too quiet. Do you feel somebody behind you?

    Spooky late night text adventures on my BBC Micro model B, courtesy of [](Ozmoo for Acorn).

    SanguineBrah SanguineBrah
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