What do you think got way too much hate than it should've?
Funko Pops, to me.
I understand that some of them are fairly overpriced, but I also really like them as is. It doesn't work on all characters, but it sometimes work on a lot and there's so much representation and variety that it's good to have a few.
If people want to talk about waste of plastic and vinyl, they should bark at the companies who make teeny tiny figurines that serve no purpose and have so little detail that spending any money on them is a waste.
Waterworld is a fantastic movie. Creative world-building, unbelievable sets, stunts and performances (Dennis Hoper as an over the top villain? Yes please) I just can't understand all of the hate it received!
Imo they aren't getting nearly enough of hate they deserve. I'm not against figure collecting in general but FP are the ugliest motherfucking thing i ever seen in this department, for the same amount of resources, labour and energy they could produce something much better. In fact, a consistent long serie of figures faithful to the original (not ultra-deformed) across so many franchises would been great, but alas only thing there is are those unholy abominations.
Nickelback. Hate started as a joke but became real. Not like they're groundbreaking, but they don't deserve the amount of actual hate they got.
Also Korn's dubstep album. Not every song was a hit, but there were quite a few bangers on that track list. Get Up got me into dubstep and still goes hard.
Crocs. I got my first pair when I was a teenager and they still work now (edit: 30yrs old); though I recently got a new pair because the bottoms were completely smooth on the old pair.
"Ugly" cars. Aka Pontiac Aztec, PT Cruiser, Fiat Multipla, etc. Yeah, they might be ugly as sin, but they're more interesting from a visual standpoint. I'd rather have the road filled with ugly cars than filled with cars that mostly look the same.
Microwaving food. Too many people think that it's radiating the food. Its just making the water molecules in the food wiggle and heat up to warm the food through internal collisions.
For whatever reason, we've decided as a society that women wearing wigs/weaves/extensions to make themselves feel attractive and nice is perfectly normal, but if a man does it it's laughable and pathetic. I say, wigs for anyone who wants them!
Also before the accusations start, I'm not a bald dude lol.
Windows Phone, particularly Windows Phone 8.1. It had its flaws, the biggest being the lack of third-party support of course but the UX was the best I've ever experienced on a mobile device.
The UI was very different from Android/iOS but felt more consistent and intuitive. The Live Tiles especially were just such a good feature to get as much information as possible on one screen. And it all looked so incredibly good for the time with its silky smooth animations.
It's a shame Microsoft ruined it all with Windows Phone 10...
Cyberpunk 2077 - it was overhyped as fuck but as someone who ignores the bullshit grind mill of video game journalism it was a decent game on release that became pretty fucking awesome after patches and the expansion.
I think most of the hate came from the people who grew up with the 2003 show, which ended abruptly, leading them to believe that TTG was meant to be a replacement.
Most of the hate has died down now, but I still think all that contempt was unwarranted.
Mass Effect Andromeda. The hate was so intense it caused the publisher to disavow the series entirely.
The hate was because people were comparing Andromeda (the start of a new trilogy) with the entirety of the first trilogy. People were upset that Andromeda wasn’t grander in scale than all three former games combined. The gameplay was fine, and it was clear that they were trying to build the story up just like they had done with the original trilogy. There were several DLC chapters planned, and it was going to grow into an entire series of its own.
It’s like people forgot that the original trilogy spent an entire game just introducing the main villain. Like you didn’t even realize who the main villain for the trilogy was until the very end of the game. But when Andromeda did something similar, people got baby-mad about it.
Babylon 5, that show was brilliant and I don't get why it gets the hate it does, if you love space courtroom drama and intergalactic diplomatic shenanigans, then Babylon 5 has you more than covered.
You want a deep multi level story? Yep got that.
Space racisim? Got that as well.
A will they won't they love hate relationship between to opposing alien species who may or may not have killed a substantial amount of each others species? hell yeah we got that in bulk!
That show is worth the watch. If they had just the slightest bit of extra money to get better cgi, we would be talking about Babylon 5 different.
The Pontiac Aztek. It had awesome features I'd love to have in my car today. Tailgate with molded seats and cup holders. Speakers facing out of the back. A cooler. Foldable and removable rear seating. MP3 cd player from the factory.
Also, Funko Pops deserve more hate than they get. But I don't like figures of any kind, I collect staplers.
Starfield. The game isn't bad, it just isn't as good and the game design was especially outdated for its release window. It's legitimately a better RPG than most Bethesda games.
I'm fairly confident modders will actually be able to salvage it despite its flaws.
I was surprised when I learned that Pikmin 3 is often disliked or even hated. It's shamelessly my fave game of the series. I get that the story is shorter than it should be and it's more linear but it has this charm that's unmatched, and I enjoy the graphics style so much that it inspired several facets of my artstyle even. Also the mission mode is just the right difficulty and a ton of fun!
I think generative AI is a great recent example. It's a neat toy, it has some practical applications. The problems that people ascribe to it aren't inherent in the technology, but are simply symptoms of underlying social problems in a capitalist society.
For example, people complain that it takes jobs away, but the whole idea that we have to work for the sake of work is idiotic to begin with. Technology that frees up people from work should create more free time for people to enjoy. The reason that's not happening is because capitalism is not a rational economic system.
Another common argument is that it's very resource intensive and wastes energy. This is true, but there's no reason to believe this won't be optimized. In fact, we've already seen a lot of optimizations happen in just a few years that now make it possible to run models that used to require a data centre to run on a laptop.
However, more fundamentally, wasting energy is once again an aspect of the capitalist system itself. Before AI we saw stuff like crypto, NFTs, and so on. Much of the technology that's developed under capitalism ends up being frivolous or even actively harmful. So, it's not generative AI that's the problem, but the social system that guides allocation of labour and resources.
High Guardian Spice. I'm not personally an enjoyer of it, but the amount of criticism it received was vastly, vastly out of proportion simply because it was "woke".
I... I don't think of these at all, I just ignore their existence.
Personally, hating on people who post things on social media that are slightly offensive to others get more hate than they should. We should reach out and try to explain the issue in a civil matter instead of just loosing it because that doesn't make us any better. And if the person doesn't want to understand or care, just ignore them and move on.
Hating on products because either are bad, or underwhelming is ok as these companies know this and clearly don't care because they are already making money off it. However this is only recent due to all the Enshittrification we are getting force fed by these same companies.
Buying music as CDs. Sure they were expensive at their peak, but they came in high quality, I could rip and do with them as I wished, while still having an offline copy. I have a lot of my old ones from childhood
The Berkeley professor jam.
It has a lot of really cool elements. Most of it is really good. Everything is just all at the same time in the clip which is... Challenging to listen to.
Pokemon go. There were always people eager to tell you how it's not very good. Like, ok. Do you want me to stop having fun now, or is there a grace period, or?
Though ironically I do have a bit of a "fun police" impulse around dungeons and dragons via "oh my gosh why are you doing a social intrigue game with this rules set" I've been working on keeping that to myself.