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Iran and Argentina have applied to join BRICS! The west is finished! Iran applies to join BRICS group of emerging countries

Iranian official says membership ‘would result in added values for both sides’.

Iran applies to join BRICS group of emerging countries

Iran and Argentina have applied to join the BRICS economic alliance, despite Russia and Iran being very sanctioned by the west. Its obvious the global south doesnt care anymore about the west, the west is finished.

BREAKING NEWS: Former communist guerilla fighter elected President of Colombia! No, this is not a joke Colombia Presidential Election: Colombia Election: Gustavo Petro Makes History in Presidential Victory

A former rebel and longtime legislator won Colombia’s presidential election on Sunday, galvanizing voters frustrated by decades of poverty and inequality under conservative leaders.

Colombia Presidential Election: Colombia Election: Gustavo Petro Makes History in Presidential Victory

Gustavo Petro, leader of a leftist antiimperialist coalition (which includes the Colombian Communist Party) and former fighter in the communist guerilla group M 19, just won the presidential elections in Colombia! He is the first left wing president in the countrys history! He defeated Rodolfo Hernandez, a Trump style alt right billionaire who was quoted in a radio interview a few years ago saying "I love Adolf Hitler and his philosophy, he was a murderer but i still love him". YESSS this is great news! A spectre haunts Latin America.

Edit: Among several things, Petro made it clear he would reestablish diplomatic relations with Venezuela and recognize Maduro as the legitimate president (Colombia had until now recognized Guaidó). Rip bozo for Guaidó the loser.

Edit 2: Petro also promised to enact land reform. In Colombia there was never any land reform done, so peasants live in almost feudal conditions, with landlords, oligarchs and corporations using far right death squads to enforce their will on the peasantry. In fact, the new vicepresident, a black woman, is of peasant background, having herself lived under such conditions.

Edit 3: Btw, this is Colombias first black vicepresident ever. Will the libs still simp for her if she doesnt suck up to the US? 🤔🤔🤔

The Fake Xinjiang Allegations Caused me to Lose my Job & Friends
  • Damn, thats fucked. Maybe anglos are especially deranged i dont know. Here in Spain ive never seen anything like this. Like my parents, who are very left wing, almost communist (i guess you could call it "communist with liberal characteristics") have an old friend who is very right wing, possibly even fascist (he served as an officer in the spanish military during the fascist dictatorship). While they ofc rarely talk politics because the discussion can get very heated, they nevertheless are friends, and its not like they dont know each others political ideas. I dont know maybe anglos are more brainwashed than us.

  • The Fake Xinjiang Allegations Caused me to Lose my Job & Friends
  • Sorry to be blunt, but if they blocked you just because of your political opinions, then they were never your friends. A real friend doesnt care about your political opinions, he may disagree but he will always be your friend no matter what. Heck here in Spain when we had the Civil War in 1936 you would have literal fascists helping their communist friends flee the country and escape execution at the hands of the fascists. Thats what real friendship looks like mate. Dont even bother with those losers.

  • Why is BadEmpanada such a liberal?

    Why does BadEmpanada always have to fuck up and act like a liberal? Like hes recently stated that "tankie is just a buzzword used by liberals" and also made a based video debunking the Holodomor and exposing the double genocide theory, but then he still makes trash like this. "Grover Furr is basically a stalinist holocaust denier" "Hes not taken seriously by anyone [meaning liberal academia]" "Only 14 year old Twitter stalinists read him". "Hes not a serious historian" No analysis of his books, no evidence, no arguments, just the good ol "if liberal academia doesnt approve what you say then its wrong" spiced up with some double genocide bs ("stalinist denial=holocaust denial"). Like literally, Furr cites the same "respectable historians" BE cited in his Holodomor video and arrives pretty much at the same conclusion about the Holodomor, that it wasnt a genocide nor man made (as in intentionally made). And yet, somehow, Grover Furr is a "stalinist holocaust denier". How can you be this stupid? I dont understand, please help.

    BREAKING NEWS: Russia launches MASSIVE bombing campaign on Ukraine in retaliation for Ukraine bombing several civilian villages in Russia

    In the last days, Russia had warned the nazis several times of stopping the bombing of civilian villages in the border areas of Russia via Tochka U missiles. After another attack today, the response was swift. Kiev, Kharkov, Ivano Frankivsk, Nikolaev and other cities are being hit. The targets are military and electrical infrastructure together with government buildings in Kiev. Reports say half of Kiev is out of electricity now and the last remaining oil refinery of Ukraine has been destroyed. We will see what new details we get. Hopefully the Rada gets hit and we get a Zelensky soup.

    UPDATE: Unconfirmed reports say the building of the Ministry of Defense and the central headquarters of the SBU in Kiev got hit. Hopefully many nazis were denazified.

    Mariupol has pretty much been liberated! Azov has been crushed! Time to celebrate! 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀

    More than 98% of Mariupol is under russian and DPR control. Yesterday the last strongholds of the Azov Battalion were the Azovstal industrial plant (a huge industrial complex in Mariupol) and the port of Mariupol. The port has already been liberated by the brave russian and DPR forces, only Azovstal remains, which Azov has made into a fortress. Its okay though, in Azovstal there are no civilians, so the russian artillery will have no problem carpet bombing the Azov nazis to hell. Reports are also emerging of american, british, french and swedish military officers being trapped in Azovstal together with the nazis (they were probably training and aiding Azov). Apparently they are begging Russia to let them out. We will see what happens next, but still, time to celebrate boys! Mariupol is free, Azov has been crushed! 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀
