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Make it stop.
  • As the population of people raised on the internet increases, you'll see far more anger responses to the idea that being raised on the internet is bad for you.

    Nobody wants to believe they might not have done it right.

    That being said, kids generally do dumb things, and your initial comment seems a bit harsh for something as silly as rizz tag.

  • This is just adorable
  • But those are all personality traits you need to discover and address before you're married. If you're the one bringing those concerns, you need to get yourself in check before jumping into long term relationships.

  • This is just adorable
  • My partner and I are like this. We've been together for 14 years and are legit best friends.

    I have a feeling too many people paired off right away and decided their first serious relationship was the one, and never actually found an equal. Maybe they married more out of fear of being alone rather than actual desire, or they just can't tell the difference between sexual novelty and love.

    Even a lot of my married friends start identifying more with boomer humor than romance after 2 or 3 years. Way too many communication issue, or ideas of traditional roles or how things 'should be' leading to resentment or exasperation.

    Court long and marry late. And don't hide your real self when dating.

  • Donald Trump Airport? Trump on the $500 bill? Republicans can't stop honoring ex-president
  • They're large flippered dog like creatures that take over docks and harbors.

  • Really popular ones too.
  • That's a caveat I inform people of beforehand. I am really into movies, but I have very discriminate taste, so I don't watch very often because movies are generally dogshit. All my friends know, I will watch anything with them, but I'm going to talk mad shit the entire time. This is a really fun group activity in most cases, and often helps less informed people see through the bullshit that is modern media, but sometimes there's someone who doesn't get it, or needs to hyperfocus on the screen.

    That signifies to me:

    1. This person doesn't understand the point of hanging out in a group

    2. This person falls for blatant marketing

    3. We will probably not be good friends

  • 3 June 2024
  • I may be missing something here

  • Spotify is raising the cost of Premium subscriptions, again
  • You're supposed to vaguely imply the existence of those, not just give away secrets in public bruh

  • Spotify is raising the cost of Premium subscriptions, again
  • It replaces paying for Spotify because its possible to download Spotify premium. Best of both worlds. Use Spotify or YouTube to find stuff, send it to a seedbox, load it later at home.

    Biggest downside is most phones don't have SD card slots anymore.

    Sent from my (slightly salty) hacked pixel 7

  • All cats are the same
  • Could be a picture of all of them sitting in cardboard boxes

  • All cats are the same
  • I mean, I like the picture, bit you could have a cat a squirrel a coyote and a horse all doing this and say all animals are the same. It's kind of just how quadrupeds stretch.

  • Microplastics found in every human testicle in study
  • If we want to get conservatives on board with environmental protections, we should just start a conspiracy that the perceived rise in trans people, gays, and autistics is due to plastic ester groups in the environment. Then tell them that these groups are represented in the media so much now because the petrolium companies don't want us to see it as a problem when the science breaks.

    Brb, gotta go convince some trumpers single use plastic is making their kids gay.

  • Shrimps
  • Semi pro chiming in here: the infographic took an idea and ran the wrong way with it. Women are more sensitive to color, but it has to do with the context. They pick up more subtle colors without direct comparison. Its not that men can't see the difference between lavender and piriwinkle when they're next to each other, they're just more likely to think their the same color if viewed sepparately.

    It's also worth noting that around age 35, both sexes lenses have yellowed enough that there's no notable difference.

  • A cool guide My girlfriend created a helpful infographic for her brother, who struggles with housekeeping.
  • Pretty solid list, but I would add a bedroom category. Also I feel like I wash blankets more often than every two.months, but I have a sweaty girlfriend.

  • There’s Little Science Behind 'No Mow May': Ecologists don’t agree on what makes for the healthiest lawn. And restoring biodiversity requires more than doing less.
  • Nail clippers it is.

    Most of the grass i have is different from my neighbors, so I would assume it's some kind of native saw grass. The blades are significantly wider and more coarse.

  • There’s Little Science Behind 'No Mow May': Ecologists don’t agree on what makes for the healthiest lawn. And restoring biodiversity requires more than doing less.
  • I don't know what bind weed is, but I like dandelions okay. You kind of have to, you're never going to win against them.

    Just tell yourself bees like them.

  • There’s Little Science Behind 'No Mow May': Ecologists don’t agree on what makes for the healthiest lawn. And restoring biodiversity requires more than doing less.
  • Where im at, if I didn't mow until June my lawn would be three feet tall and i'd have several tickets. Still, I don't mow until may, and then just the front for another few weeks.

    You want biodiversity? Don't weed, don't spread any pesticides or growth chemicals, and don't let the natural grass go so long it chokes out the other plants. And the real key, is don't do any of those things for years. From the street, my yard looks like a yard. It's a different color than the neighbors, but it's still green. Up close, it's a salad. More violets, Moss, clover, flowers, wild lettuce, and a hundred things I can't identify than grass. Its full of bees, caterpillars, beetles, butterflies, and stick bugs.

    I got my neighbor on board, and we're single handedly keeping fireflies alive in the city. I started seeing bugs I haven't seen since I was a kid.

    As an added bonus, since it's a smaller proportion grass, I don't have to mow half as often to keep it looking 'nice'.

    I'm not an ecologist, but I feel like it's a solid step in the right direction.

  • Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip
  • Well yeah fuck that guy and this program and it's implications, but this particular issue doesn't sound too unexpected considering the scope of the procedure.

    I'm all for the science, but you know this is going to be some directly streamed ads hellspace we'll never escape from if it comes to fruition.

    Here's a good rule for this sort of thing to move forward: No implants before right to privacy and freedom from advertising.

  • What was made beautiful?
  • The most impactful examples to me are architecture and furniture. Art deco and nuveau buildings were beautiful, even minute details were meant to be looked at. The same goes for craftsman and machine age furniture. Everything has become so minimalist and utilitarian since the eighties.

  • Looking for what I can do with my android TV

    I've got a Sony android TV and it... Kinda sucks with the constant 'reccommended content's (ads). Every update just adds more scrolling shit I don't want to see.I want to know what different programs I can try out, and maybe a different os I can put on it. I'm looking at smarttubenext currently, and I want to know of other things I can use to customize my experience.

    Any recommendations?

    Is it possible to clone my standard windows setup?

    I manage several computers, and every time I set up a new one I go through the same motions. Install w10, disable a bunch of shit, add the same list of programs, delete the same default apps, setup Firefox how I want it, run through Oosu, disable several services, and add some registry keys.

    Is it possible to have a USB boot media that will do all the tweaking for me? As of right now it takes close to two hours every time, if could just plug in a drive and run the installer, it would make my life a lot easier.

    SadSadSatellite SadSadSatellite

    How many fucking letters can I use? I'm sick of editing this shit, just fucking accept the bio, damn.

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