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[Serious] What's your hot take?
  • I have recently learned that the new helicopter parent type is the snowplow parent - these are the ones that not only shield their kids from the world, but also fully manage their lives for them. I work for the University of California and seeing how absolutely helpless these kids are is scary.

  • To those of you who drink tea: What brand of tea do you drink?
  • Shaka tea, either ice tea in cans or brew hot from packets.

  • Almost died
  • More like day 2.

  • Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims
  • Temu is absolute cancer in terms of business practices so no surprise here at all.

  • Namibian court declares laws banning gay sex unconstitutional | Africanews
  • It's 2024 and we're still looking into other people's pants.

  • University of California Union’s Gaza Solidarity Strike Spreads Across Campuses
  • I am a UC employee, our union informed us that we're currently not allowed to do a sympathy strike and that they are going to be fighting this contract clause so we could.

  • The Overton Window seems to be shifting
  • Kylie Jenner adding to environment pollution with her private jet? No biggie. Kylie Jenner supporting Israel? Cancel immediately.

    Y'all should have cancelled her ages ago.

  • TIL of Waldorf schools
  • The con for me is that each individual school interprets the concept in their own way with no oversight. The one I was looking into for my kid many years ago was so strict with their rules it was scary. We did a trial day with my kid and we were instructed to not eat anything in the morning because breakfast is a very important part of the start of the day.

    Breakfast prep with all the serving, singing and saying gratitudes took almost an hour, for a bunch of very small kids some of which had to get up at 5 am so that they could make it to school on time. It was excruciating to watch and they were clearly very hungry.

    This ceremony approach continued through the rest of the day, with every little thing taking a lot of time and every kid was expected to religiously play along. It was enough for me to nope out and I didn't look into it anymore.

  • What do you wear for work?
  • No dress code here apart from some safety stuff like closed toe shoes, so jeans, T-shirt and sweatshirt.

  • What's the closest you've come to having a car accident?
  • If being run over counts as an accident I've had a heavy truck blast past me a foot away from my face because the guy decided that all the other cars that stopped in front of the crossing to let me go were just slow idiots.

  • Why UC grad students are going out on strike
  • I mean not only it doesn't do anything for UCLA and others, they're also striking for the union that screwed them with their contract. I really don't understand any of this.

  • Why UC grad students are going out on strike
  • I still don't understand why they didn't choose to strike at any of the campuses that called the police on their protesters.

  • They Supported Biden in 2020. What Made Them Change Their Minds in 2024?
  • I feel like NYT just wants Trump back so they can continue with their righteous bullshit about Gaza. Their recent questionable "polls" are very reassuring about that.

  • Do you like olives?
  • Lindsay's are good. But not as good as kalamata.

  • Do you like olives?
  • Hey you gotta share.

  • Helium leak delays Boeing’s historic Starliner mission at least another week
  • If I were one of these people slated to take the flight I would nope the fuck out. This is what they found, how many more issues are they going to "find"(because they kept quiet about it like they always do) once this thing takes off?

  • Do you dream? How often?
  • I dream every night and it is always some kind of a crazy bizarre acid trip that may morph into a nightmare on occasion if I had a bad day or something is weighing on my mind. I've had this all my life and sometimes when I don't dream (which is extremely rare for me) it feels weird waking up.

    But that's the regular stuff, the insane stuff is that I have dreams that reoccur and evolve for decades, and it's like getting a new season of a show that you watched two years ago, but with new characters and plot lines.

  • Is climate change affecting weather forecasting?

    I'm in NorCal and the weather has been all over the place this winter. It is hard to get a reliable forecast, sometimes even for the same day. I was wondering if it has something to do with the weather prediction models that were built before the climate change?

    What is the weirdest food your cat wants to eat?

    By weird I mean outside of regular cat diet, things like cornflakes, ketchup or banana bread (these are real examples from my and my friends' cats).

    86 The hostage situation at Hamburg Airport ends with a man in custody and 4-year-old daughter safe

    The hostage situation at Hamburg Airport has ended around 18 hours after a man drove his vehicle through the gates of the airport with his 4-year-old daughter inside.

    The hostage situation at Hamburg Airport ends with a man in custody and 4-year-old daughter safe

    The hostage situation at Hamburg Airport ended Sunday afternoon, around 18 hours after a man drove his vehicle through the gates of the airport with his 4-year-old daughter inside, authorities said. The man was arrested and the girl appears to be unharmed.

    What is this forbidden muffin?

    Coastal redwood forest, Northern California

    RozhkiNozhki RozhkiNozhki
    Posts 7
    Comments 235