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  • Heeeeeeeey. Hey. HEY!

  • Mozilla roll out first AI features in Firefox Nightly
  • Know what's even more opt in? An official extension. Installed only if someone wants it.

    I switched to LibreWolf and Mull a few months ago in preparation for this. I'll come back to Firefox if the investors pull their collective heads from their asses.

  • Also "parasite".
  • They are paid to abuse that power, by the billionaires. The billionaires also pay them to keep folks fighting over any topic that keeps the people away from realizing what they are up to. Usually most of the more ridiculous claims from folks at outlets like Fox come right before billionaires cram themselves a tax break into an omnibus bill or repeal some fundamental human right or cut critical parts of your social services and supports.

  • Meta is connecting Threads more deeply with the fediverse
  • This deadline they gave their users without announcing it that just passed comes to mind.

    Guarantee they give zero shits about anyone's copyright messages on comment on the 'verse. More tightly they integrate and the more this just becomes Facebook all over again

  • We cater any event!
  • Throw a dead horse into the mix and we have a party.

  • Smoak Errday
  • Ahh yes the Canadian Cannabis Tree. Its leaf the symbol of our pride, and our GDP bolstered by tapping its precious juices each spring in order to make CBD oil to sell to forward thinking states.

  • Tea Time
  • Yeah this. Biggest mistake most people that hate tea make is they dont bother learning that tea has specific temps for brewing depending on the leaves and that pouring boiling water off the stove on it will make most teas bitter.

    Many teas are best at 85-90C, just off the boil.

  • Does it make sense to get an ADHD diagnosis if I already have an ASD diagnosis?
  • This. ADHD can be medicated and trust me, its easier to deal with less of your symptoms than trying to live with them all at once.

  • Ctrl + Shift + A
  • Yeah that's fair. I'd have to figure out how people are getting on without layers, probably take myself back to basics and pretend I know nothing and see how the 'learn from scratch' track teaches these skills today.

    OTOH, I also getting to the old dog point, not because I can't learn new tricks, but because I have so many responsibilities I have little time to do so, which is another reason ideological camps like this form. Which frankly is the wrong reason for them to exist.

    I should go figure out how the new apps work, but when I do need to do graphics (since its not my main bread and butter but usually an additional skill I need to help develop something) I habitually pull out the familiar to save time.

  • Ctrl + Shift + A
  • I talked about using older versions of Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. Not sure where you grokked any admission that I've only used GIMP.

  • Ctrl + Shift + A
  • Interesting. I remember trying a copy of newer Photoshop a few years and being genuinely confused by how layers worked as they've always been part of my flow.

    The old versions of photoshop and paint shop pro were heavily layer based and selections were automatically a mask of the current layer as in GIMP so GIMP was easy for me to transfer too at the time.

    I also find that intuitive is a relative term. Relative based on your own experience.

  • Ctrl + Shift + A
  • I haven't used Photoshop since version 4 so we can't really compare notes here. I dropped Windows during the Blaster Worm attack in the early 2000s

  • Ctrl + Shift + A
  • Lol, all these GIMP haters who don't seem to understand the goal was being on par with Photoshop when it was a desktop application. It works exactly like Photoshop always did. And I agree, selection makes sense. There were many apps that worked the same.. Paint Shop Pro as well.

    I guess the kids have all grown up with some other tools and would rather call things they don't understand stupid than try to grasp where the tool came from.

    I'm not sure how Krita is different but then again I haven't used it. I installed it, saw it looked like a fork of GIMP, and stuck with what I knew. Which is probably what anyone who hates GIMP should do.

  • Math
  • Middle school is usually grades 7-8

  • Bear
  • Look for the bare necessities
    The simple bare necessities
    Forget about your worries and your strife
    I mean the bare necessities
    Old Mother Nature's recipes
    That bring the bare necessities of life

    Wherever I wander
    Wherever I roam
    I couldn't be fonder of my big home
    The bees are buzzin' in the tree
    To make some honey just for me

  • Mandela effect?
  • This is exactly why vermilion gets me every time.

  • Just little guys
  • I need a farside comic like meme with a teat wearing a professors outfit

  • About the "darkspace" Theme

    Is the darkspace theme something that comes packaged with Lemmy or something the server admins are throwing together? I love where it's going but its in need of some love.. there's nothing to make the posts readable against the background.

    Complaints are not intended here, I could likely help if someone points me to a place where I can make PRs.

    Routhinator Routhinator
    Posts 1
    Comments 139