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  • There surely are more candidates that would do none of that shady business and are younger.

  • Alzheimer’s scientist indicted for allegedly falsifying data in $16M scheme
  • That is not even it. It is about finding that novel thing that will lead research direction of a certain topic for years to come. To be THE expert that found THAT thing that could finally cure Alzheimer's. Not denying for some it is not also about money.

  • Why is Pixel Dungeon so underrated
  • Pixel Dungeon is a rogue-like, those existed way before Dark Souls. There are even text-based games running in a Unix terminal, I think Nethack is one of the oldest, if not the oldest itself.

  • Ladybird, a truly independent web browser.
  • I mean, it is nice to have options. However, a first alpha release in 2026? That's more than a year away. A lot of stuff will happen until then, not unlikely that this gets stomped before that.

  • Reddit just isn't how it used to be.
  • Oh boy, "I don't hate men at all. I have a son." That's a tough read overall.

  • Reddit just isn't how it used to be.
  • Yeah, if I go to Reddit I go for something specific, e.g. discussion about certain sci-fi series, which is definitely more lively there than here, simply because of higher user count.

  • Jellyfin Server/Web 10.9 Released
  • Yes, it works that easy. I had to move hard drives, last time I did that without docker somehow it didn't recognize the library, might have been a mistake from my end though.

    Now I did it again just a few weeks ago with a docker setup, all folders are on the hard drive. Could just mirror the drive, set it up at same mount point and there was no difference in the library, just worked.

  • [DEV] A New UI for Scrolls of Upgrade
  • Nice, but the back button still spends the scroll, right? That's how it works right now as well unless something changed recently, you use your scroll or it goes poof.

    Then again I am wondering why there needs to be a back button (or as of now, cancel button) if you are just being asked if you are sure, since you are going to lose the scroll anyway. Like, in what situation would that be something one would want to do?

  • Bazzite download keeps failing
  • Yes. Admittedly I don't have time to test if it really boots. I wanted to do that some time end of next week when I got a day off to take care of stuff.

  • Bazzite download keeps failing
  • Seeing your post I was actually worried because next week I wanted to install Bazzite on my laptop. For me the download worked fine though, 3-4 MB/s, its the bazzite Asus nvidia image. So it seems more of a problem with your internet connection somehow, more specific to wherever they store downloads.

    Are you downloading with a download manager that could retry connecting when it fails?

  • Bazzite download keeps failing
  • Does it even have a live USB? I thought that's not a thing with immutable distros? At least Kinoite didn't have a live USB option.

  • Horizon is The Biggest Gamble of Kevin Costner’s Career
  • That's quite high on the "so bad it's good" scale, though, or isn't it?

  • ich_iel
  • Oma ist die Beste!

  • Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register
  • Sorry, you need high quality data for training.

  • USA presidential candidates
  • The clown is however also old. And cursed.

  • Google Translate adds 110 new languages
  • Is the accuracy as high as with other aspect of AI, e.g. LLMs answering with 90% correctness?

  • Swifties
  • A.k.a. Tailored-Swift

  • Young Jackdaw waiting for some food from mum.
  • Please. Leave that where it came from.

  • Alternative to RaspiCheck

    I have a small self hosted setup at home with a RaspberryPi and an external HDD, just enough for what I need.

    Some time ago I found a pretty sweet app which from the name implies its mostly working when you use a RPI OS, to monitor the RPI from your android phone:

    Its called RaspiCheck (picture in the post is the one from github), and unfortunately it is seriously outdated and development ceased. It is still working on my current phone but I am well aware that's not going to last.

    So I am wondering what else is out there that could fill the gap it would leave.

    I am using it for 2 things mostly:

    1. monitor system stats, like simply seeing the system is running (I know, like ping), but at the same time also showing memory, average load, temperature and so on.
    2. sending SSH commands, and this is where the app really shines. Using a terminal on the phone is not impossible, but boy is it annoying. In RaspiCheck you can define commands, with placeholders, which allows you to send those to the RPI just by tapping them. So for example I got my backup set up that I can mount the backup drive with one tap, a second tap runs the right backup script (I have several I can choose from by filling the placeholder I leave in that command) and then unmount with a third tap.

    I got other commands I like to reuse a lot set up in it and its really useful to me, let's me manage the RPI from my phone in an easy way.

    So back to the question at hand, is there anything else like this out there for Android? If possible one app, FOSS preferred. I am pretty sure there are browser-based solutions, if there is no dedicated app other than this, then I guess that's the next best thing. What are you using in your setup that you can recommend?

    Dual boot Fedora Kinoite and Windows 10

    I have been planning to install Kinoite on my laptop, dual booting with Windows.

    However depending on what I read online, it is either not possible, not recommended, tricky to setup or it is just a matter of setting partitions up before installing Kinoite. Broad range of opinions and no good "tutorial" how to do it.

    Anyone having direct experience with that?

    Amazing attitude

    Let's work from home when the kids are sick, thank you great company that I am allowed to slave away for you while taking care of my sick kid! It isn't even a US company it seems.

    Edit: guess I should have posted to unpopularopinions instead!

    I just wanted to add I cut off the photo of the person on purpose. She is posting that with her sick child in her lap and that photo has been taken by some other person, not a selfie. If you are not feeling that the content of the post is bad, you hopefully still agree that presenting your sick child in an almost professionally looking photo to the world for LinkedIn clout is not great.


    I don't play this but it now features Banana guards and maybe other AT characters.

    1 OJ Simpson, ex-NFL star who was acquitted of murder, dies aged 76

    Former American football player who was acquitted of murder in 1995 died of cancer, according to a statement by his family

    OJ Simpson, ex-NFL star who was acquitted of murder, dies aged 76
    Rewatching AT: Come Along With Me

    Finally made it through after starting long time ago (like... a year back). Was just watching a few episodes at a time when I felt like it and it was my first rewatch since it finished airing.

    Can say it really held up well! Definitely rewatchable more than once! Lots of details I forgot about, like the whole deal between Finn and Huntress Wizard. Still think he should have gotten together with Canyon, Billy's ex, they had a good vibe.

    Rewatching AT: always BMO closing

    Love this episode, especially that while being super silly it actually leads into the main story of the final season. Best quote "These baby-smashing hammers are great!"

    What do people here think about the movie web app extension?

    I guess most people know about the movie web app site, which pulls videos from various sources.

    Recently they added a request to download an extension to your browser, for optimal perfomance and better quality.

    It is featured on the firefox android extensions site from Mozilla, it has a github page. What I read online is that it seems the extension wants access to everything you do in your browser, which seems kind of sketchy.

    What do people here think about it? Anyone installed it and can say more?

    Edit: thanks for all the comments, looks like less people knew about this than I thought.

    Rewatching AT: loved this scene in "Mama said"

    I will always be sad that Canyon and Finn never got together. They seem to fit so well on a spiritual level.

    Rewatching AT: Jermaine, another whacky season 6 episode

    Just loved that Jake chose the biggest sword he could find. I think it is one of the swords in Final Fantasy. This scene has my favourite quote of the episode, when Jake notes about the sword "Why is it so dense?".

    Researchgate cut a deal with MDPI for "enhanced brand visibility" Is the academic social networking site ResearchGate still relevant?

    A recent deal with the publisher MDPI is leading some users to delete their accounts

    Is the academic social networking site ResearchGate still relevant?

    Not sure this fits in the community but I felt it is an important topic that needs visibility. Researchgate made a deal with MDPI to prefer some of their journals on the site over other publications or journals. It will likely be impossible to know if suggestions you see in the future are genuine or paid for by this deal.

    MDPI made a post on their site about this

    I could not find an announcement on the Researchgate site so far. Possible enshittification of Researchgate up ahead?

    Rewatching AT: Gold Stars, that scene when the lich breaks through

    I remember when the Orgalorg episode came out people who rewatched it thought it is Orgalorg in the bottom right.

    Rewatching AT: love this shot in Evergreen

    Another fantastic lore episode, I forgot how good season 6 of AT is. Check out the toaster on the shelf in Evergreen's study.

    RootBeerGuy RBG

    Nobody likes a sucker, especially the kind that fall for fruit tarts like you. I knew there was trouble. I could smell it on the hot evening breeze. Fortunately for me, trouble is my favorite thing… Because I’m Joe Milkshake. I kicked down the door with one swift, decisive motion.

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