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Hexbear has moved
  • Would be nice but... if the domains will be free, history will repeat itself. for example, most of the .ga domains got taken over because a lot of people abused them.

  • Anon is a sore loser
  • >be me
    >have 2 kids, 18 and 12
    >older autistic & unemployed
    >they arm wrestle and the older kid lets him win
    >rare time i'm proud of my older son
    >younger kid is proud and happy
    >gently tease my older boy about being weaker than a 12 year old
    >wife joins in
    >all's well and good
    >both leave to do something else
    5 minutes later
    >seems too quiet...
    >decide to visit the boys' room
    >walk in and see older son mid kick
    >younger kid goes flying through the air
    >hits wall so hard it leaves a hole
    >has to go to the hospital
    >send older kid to live with my parents for a while
    is it too late to consider abortion bros?
  • [tw: alcohol] My dad came home drunk today

    And the last time he got this drunk, he almost killed my mom by trying to push her down the stairs. 👍 Let's just say, i'm far less than pleased that he is this pissed.

    This time, there wasn't much of anything. He went to bed after I helped him get about and undress. Plugged in his phone and gave him loads of water + bucket just in case.

    But you know what I hate the most? The fucking people that continually egg others on to drink and the people that do nothing about it. Mf clearly, clearly have had enough to drink. But no, "one more shot, one more shot" and he drank it. Mf could not walk in a straight line unaided.

    I believe the responsibilitiy lies within the group because ofc there was people that were drinking, other people that were designated drivers who understood what was going on. Ofc he's also to blame because he gave in, which makes him the most responsible accordingly.

    The worst part, I have no idea if I'm in the right to be mad. I should be fully and only mad at my dad, but i'm mad at everyone involved because in my mind they let the situation develop. No one had the balls (or ovaries, etc) to say, "stop pushing people to drink, you morons". It is one of the most basic ass human being things i've experienced with my irl friends when I first started drinking. No one pushed each other to drink. We got what we wanted and that's it. And we had that common semse at 18. 18!! They're old ass adults for crying out loud.

    they are also our blood related family. Shouldn't "family" give a shit about this, especially the designated drivers who had the mental capacity to think for a minute and be like "shit, maybe we should step in. This behaviour is unacceptable" like wtfs?

    Maybe i'm blowing this out of proportion. Maybe i'm an undiagnosed autist. Maybe i'm fucking wrong. If i am, PLEASE (unironically) tell me.

    🥱 is reactionary


    New low, even for hexbear lmao

    Test Rin
    beep boop
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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