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Europe has fallen behind America and the gap is growing -

From technology to energy to capital markets and universities, the EU cannot compete with the US

NVIDIA's CUDA Monopoly
  • • CUDA is a low-level, closed-source API that allows software to interact with NVIDIA GPUs.

    • CUDA is NVIDIA's main moat, giving it an edge over other GPUs.

    • Synergy of hardware and software, as well as a monopoly on CUDA.

    • NVIDIA introduced CUDA in 2006, which contributed to the development of the industry.

    • Alternative open standards/abstraction layer that can break monopoly.

    • Specialized hardware such as Google's TPUs may become more popular than general purpose GPUs.

    • CUDA is CPU bound, which may cause problems in the future.

  • NVIDIA's CUDA Monopoly

    CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a closed-source low-level API that interfaces software with NVIDIA GPUs. CUDA is a major moat for NVIDIA. It’s part of why NVIDIA GPUs command such a premium over other hardware (and are perpetually in short supply). A few reasons why the monopoly exis...

    NVIDIA's CUDA Monopoly
    We Need More Research on how CO2 Affects Cognition
  • We need more research on how CO2 affects cognition

    •  Improving indoor air quality can provide health benefits. 
    •  Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the indoor air pollutants. 
    •  CO2 can have a negative impact on cognition. 
    •  The review of studies on the effects of CO2 on cognition is mixed. 
    •  Some studies show a negative impact, others do not. 
    •  The effect of CO2 on performance may be related to other environmental factors. 
    •  More research is needed to determine the exact effect of CO2 on cognition. 
  • We Need More Research on how CO2 Affects Cognition

    A growing body of research indicates there are potentially large health benefits to improving indoor air quality. Indoor spaces are often poorly ventilated and expose occupants to high levels of contaminants, such as pathogens, particulates, and other pollutants. Because people spend nearly all thei...

    We Need More Research on how CO2 Affects Cognition
    Adversarial Policies Beat Superhuman Go AIs. Adversarial Policies in Go - Game Viewer
  • We attack the state-of-the-art Go-playing AI system KataGo by training adversarial policies against it, achieving a >97% win rate against KataGo running at superhuman settings. Our adversaries do not win by playing Go well. Instead, they trick KataGo into making serious blunders. Our attack transfers zero-shot to other superhuman Go-playing AIs, and is comprehensible to the extent that human experts can implement it without algorithmic assistance to consistently beat superhuman AIs. The core vulnerability uncovered by our attack persists even in KataGo agents adversarially trained to defend against our attack. Our results demonstrate that even superhuman AI systems may harbor surprising failure modes.

  • The Inflation Crisis Is Not Over | by Mario I. Blejer & Piroska Nagy Mohácsi - Project Syndicate
  • Inflation in the US and the world is declining, but major economies continue to struggle with imbalances and moral hazard.

    • Emerging markets are successfully fighting inflation, but the global economy has not yet broken the impasse.

    • Ignoring the historical context of economic development leads to political mistakes.

    • The historical context of economic development is the key to political mistakes.

    • Post-GFC financial reforms encourage regulatory arbitrage and increase the share of financial assets held by lightly regulated nonbank financial institutions.

    • Central banks missed the opportunity to embark on serious quantitative tightening after the GFC.

    • Growing government involvement in the economy raises expectations for additional public support and financial assistance.

    • Measures to resolve the crisis could lead to increased concentration in the financial sector and elsewhere.

  • The Inflation Crisis Is Not Over | by Mario I. Blejer & Piroska Nagy Mohácsi - Project Syndicate

    Mario I. Blejer & Piroska Nagy Mohácsi explain why a year of monetary tightening has not solved the underlying causes of macroeconomic uncertainty.

    The Inflation Crisis Is Not Over | by Mario I. Blejer & Piroska Nagy Mohácsi - Project Syndicate
    0 Resistance training rejuvenates aging skin by reducing circulating inflammatory factors and enhancing dermal extracellular matrices - Scientific Reports

    Aerobic training (AT) is suggested to be an effective anti-aging strategy for skin aging. However, the respective effects of resistance training (RT) have not been studied. Therefore, we compared the effects of AT and RT on skin aging in a 16-week intervention in 61 healthy sedentary middle-aged Jap...

    Resistance training rejuvenates aging skin by reducing circulating inflammatory factors and enhancing dermal extracellular matrices - Scientific Reports
    0 By The Numbers: Coups in Africa

    A recent rise in the overthrow of governments on the African continent prompts a closer look at the phenomenon.

    By The Numbers: Coups in Africa
    0 Nvidia GPU shortage is ‘top gossip’ of Silicon Valley

    For LLM training — which OpenAI, Anthropic, DeepMind, Google and now Elon Musk's are doing now — there is no substitute.

    Nvidia GPU shortage is ‘top gossip’ of Silicon Valley
    0 New acoustic attack steals data from keystrokes with 95% accuracy

    A team of researchers from British universities has trained a deep learning model that can steal data from keyboard keystrokes recorded using a microphone with an accuracy of 95%.

    New acoustic attack steals data from keystrokes with 95% accuracy
    ‘It’s destroyed me completely’: Kenyan moderators decry toll of training of AI models
  • Mophat Okinyi, former moderator of ChatGPT, has filed a petition to investigate the operating conditions of contractors who view content.

    • Oquini and other moderators claim that their psychological trauma, low salary and dismissal were caused by the contract with Sama.

    • Sama, a data annotation service company, disagrees with the allegations and claims to have paid compensation.

    • Former moderators call for new legislation and protection of Kenyan youth from outsourcing companies.

    • OpenAI is also responsible for the working conditions of content moderators, according to a statement from non-profit organization Foxglove.

    • Africa's first union for content moderators was formed in May, but it remains unclear who OpenAI outsources work to.

  • Rituals and Magical Beliefs in Children
    • Rituals play an important role in daily life and culture.
    • Rituals can be associated with magical beliefs and supernatural beliefs.
    • Children can imitate ritual behavior even if it has no logical purpose.
    • Rituals help memorize new abilities and promote mutual understanding between generations.
    • A study by Mathiassen and Nielsen found that children are more likely to believe in the magical properties of a ritualized item.
    • Rituals play an important role in preserving cultural heritage and family traditions.
    • Rituals can be used as an educational tool.
  • As a recession approaches, these "boring" investments can generate stock-like returns with little risk.
    • Investors should rethink their attitude towards bonds in light of the global recession.
    • High-quality bonds offer stock returns with less risk and volatility.
    • In a hard landing, bonds will bring high returns to investors.
    • Bonds are less volatile and offer regular payments, unlike stocks.
    • A balanced portfolio consisted of 40% bonds and 60% stocks, but this formula has fallen out of fashion.
    • The policies of central banks since 2008 have hurt bonds.
    • Central banks started raising rates at the end of 2021, causing bond prices to fall.
    • In the coming years, bonds can offer investors high yields and low prices.
  • Girls who spend long hours on the internet are at increased risk of depression, study finds
    • The study found that girls who spend more time online have more severe depressive symptoms.
    • The boys had no such associations.
    • Depression is becoming more common and can lead to learning and relationship difficulties.
    • Adolescence is a critical period for the development of depression.
    • Poor mental health during adolescence can lead to academic and relationship problems.
    • The study found a correlation between Internet use and symptoms of depression in girls.
    • The study contributes to the scientific understanding of the relationship between Internet use and depression.
    • However, the researchers did not take into account the details of Internet activity and spoke French.
  • Inside the DIY Race to Replicate LK-99
    • Andrew McCallip wanted to get a batch of red phosphorus to create a room temperature superconductor.
    • The substance is an ingredient in the preparation of methamphetamine and is controlled by the US Drug Enforcement Agency.
    • McCallip and his followers on X offered ideas for getting phosphorus.
    • The discovery of LK-99 could lead to a new era in condensed matter physics.
    • Experts question the validity of the LK-99 data and are considering alternative explanations for the levitation.
    • McCallip and his team are working on a superconductor and hope to make a video of levitation.
    • The results of LK-99 studies cause controversy and doubts about their reliability.
    • McCallip does not dwell on the results and continues to work on the creation of a superconductor.
  • Electric Fields: The Unseen Conductor Orchestrating Our Brain's Symphony - Neuroscience News
    • The electrical fields generated by neurons play a key role in the coordination of brain functions.
    • The study showed that information in two areas of the brain is coordinated by an emerging electric field.
    • Electric fields have a strong causal effect on neuronal activity.
    • The findings could improve the design of brain-controlled prostheses.
    • Electrical fields control the electrical activity of networks of neurons to create a shared representation of information.
    • Ephaptic communication in vivo allows the formation of a memory network.
    • Research funding came from the UK Department of Research and Innovation, the US Office of Naval Research, the JPB Foundation and the Picower Institute.
  • Chatbots remind us that natural conversation is artificial too | Psyche Ideas
    • Conversational AI raises doubts about the authenticity of the results.
    • Large language models help overcome doubts about authorship.
    • Doubts arise from the limitations of understanding words and expressions.
    • Conversational AI amplifies the uncertainty in communication.
    • Language is a barrier between people and technology.
    • Large language models use deep learning for natural language processing.
    • Modern technologies such as watermarks can help overcome doubts.
    • Conversational AI can be complementary to human interaction.
  • America Already Has an AI Underclass
    • America already has a lower class of artificial intelligence.
    • Search engines, chatbots, and other AI tools are powered by an army of contractors.
    • Michelle Curtis, AI specialist, says she is underpaid and mistreated.
    • On weekdays, between homeschooling her two children, she logs on to her computer to carve out a few hours for work.
    • It displays Google search results, Google chatbot entries, and results from other algorithms.
    • Curtis is an artificial intelligence specialist.
    • She works for information company Appen, which subcontracted Google to evaluate the performance of the tech giant's AI products and search algorithm.
  • The tricky truth about how generative AI uses your data
    • Generative AI companies collect and use user data to train their models.
    • There is little information about where companies get their data from and how they use it.
    • Some companies, such as Google, collect user data without their permission.
    • The use of generative AI may lead to privacy and copyright infringement.
    • Regulators, legislators and lawyers are looking into privacy and data usage issues.
    • People can take legal action to protect their data privacy rights.
    • Some countries have laws protecting privacy rights, but they are not always enforced.
    • People can minimize the transfer of data, but there is little they can do with the data they have already collected.
  • This new tool could protect your pictures from AI manipulation
    • PhotoGuard is a tool that prevents AI manipulation of images.
    • It works by altering photos in invisible ways, making them unrealistic or distorted.
    • PhotoGuard can help prevent female selfies from turning into pornography.
    • The need to detect and stop AI manipulation has become more urgent due to the development of generative AI.
    • PhotoGuard complements the watermarking method by preventing AI from changing images.
    • An MIT team has developed two methods to stop AI image editing.
    • PhotoGuard does not provide complete protection against deep forgeries.
    • Tech companies are developing new AI models that can bypass any new defenses.
  • The war in Ukraine is spurring a revolution in drone warfare using AI
    • AI-enabled drones are being used in the conflict in Ukraine.
    • Ukrainian drones sped up after an electronic jamming attack.
    • Artificial intelligence helps drones complete missions even if the target is moving.
    • The technology of unmanned aerial vehicles is developing and spreading.
    • Ukraine is developing strike drones and software with artificial intelligence.
    • Artificial intelligence can be used by non-state actors for deadly purposes.
    • Ukrainian attack drones are limited in range and payload size.
    • Drone reconnaissance improves the effectiveness of almost all weapons in Ukraine's arsenal.
  • The UFO craze was created by government nepotism and incompetent journalism
    • UFO conspiracy theories are popular because of their sensationalism and belief in them.
    • Journalists may be interested in clicks and blowing up extraordinary claims.
    • The UFO craze peaks in the summer when the news cycle slows down.
    • Stories about unidentified objects may have political implications.
    • The Pentagon does not have an official UFO study program.
    • Journalistic organizations may be responsible for blowing up extraordinary claims.
  • Humans Suck at Seeing Into the Future
    • Nuclear power began with an experiment in 1945 but was not widely adopted.
    • Nuclear power is safer and more efficient than fossil fuels, but has safety and regulatory issues.
    • The nuclear revolution didn't happen because of wrong predictions and political obstacles.
    • Artificial intelligence is generating hype, but its impact on the real world may be limited.
    • Futurism and the randomness of history make it difficult to predict the future, including the development of AI.
    • The human ego and sensationalism may prevent us from seeing the real consequences of AI.
  • The Long and Mostly Short of China’s Newest GPT
    • Chinese LLMs are reducing the size and number of parameters to make it easier for startups and small organizations to implement them.
    • The Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI) has unveiled Wu Dao 3.0, an open source LLM series.
    • Wu Dao 3.0 includes smaller models such as Wu Dao AquilaChat and Wu Dao AquilaCode.
    • The Wu Dao Vision series focuses on computer vision and includes Emu, EVA, general purpose segmentation, and more.
    • BAAI has updated the FlagOpen open source system for large model development.
    • A strategic choice for BAAI could be to use small open source models due to high costs and sanctions.
    • Smaller models have lower inference costs and are easier to commercialize, especially for niche applications.
    • The Chinese government encourages the use of open source models, data and computing resources to stimulate the development of artificial intelligence.
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