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The Condiment Wars
  • Tartar, béarnaise, aioli, mayo with harissa are my favorites. Can’t believe the top 3 didn't include mayo.

  • What do I think about Lua after shipping a project with 60,000 lines of code? - Interview with lead programmer of the video game Craftomation 101.
  • When I read this kind of stories about game dev where unit tests are very optional, I don’t really regret not working in this industry, especially now with all the layoffs.

  • Les jeunes ruraux passent 2 h 30 par jour dans les transports, soit 42 minutes de plus que les urbains du même âge
  • Et c'est sans compter que si tes cours finissent avant 4:30, tu dois souvent toujours attendre le bus de 5h.

  • [GUIDE] Important Balatro features you might not know yet.
  • Long press on R will restart the game. Useful if you get bad tags at the first ante or just in general when you feel like the game is doomed.

  • Ars Technica reports Microsoft will add AI to Windows, to steal your corporate secrets
  • Can't wait to see 3rd party software trying to use this to "improve your experience" while using their app.

  • Dès juillet, toutes les voitures neuves auront une vitesse maximale imposée
  • Cet article est vraiment pitoyable. Ils balaient même la raison du respect des limites de vitesse (moins d'accidents) par

    Si nous prenons un peu de recul, cet objectif de zéro mort sur les routes de l’Union semble être une utopie, car nous aurons beau implanter toutes les aides à la conduite dans nos voitures, le risque zéro n’existe pas.

    Le risque 0 n'existe pas donc réduire le nombre de morts en appliquant la loi ne sert à rien. Avec de telles idées, on se demande comment ils survivent dans la nature ces gens là. On aurait pu dire pareil pour le covid, les contrôles sanitaires, le contrôle des armes à feu...

  • EA SPORTS WRC will be adding EA anticheat, game will not playable any more. On ProtonDB game is rated Platinum
  • Oh yeah I read platinum on protondb and thought it was verified, my bad.

  • EA SPORTS WRC will be adding EA anticheat, game will not playable any more. On ProtonDB game is rated Platinum
  • I'm surprised Valve hasn't pushed a condition about this in their contracts stating that they can get a Verified badge only if they agree to keep the Steamdeck as a supported platform.

  • Is there a way to disable the "Restart to Keep Using Firefox" page?
  • You can enable saving the tabs when closing Firefox.

    It is on and has been for years but I still lose all my tabs regularly.

    Is it because of Sync? Container Tabs? I don't know

    If I'm not too mad next time, I will try to find out why I lose them but my instinct is to reopen right away the tabs that I need the most.

  • Is there a way to disable the "Restart to Keep Using Firefox" page?
  • I have the same issue but I feel the main problem is not this page but the fact that the tabs are lost. I've been using FF for so long and I keep losing tabs on updates. It's really frustrating.

  • [Game] Back 4 Blood gets Denuvo Anti-tamper removed and an anti-cheat fix for Steam Deck
  • A bit late though. When it came out, I would have liked to buy it and play with friends. Now everyone moved on to other games.

  • Bicycle use in Paris now exceeds car use
  • Yellow vest was a very non parisian protest. Some gathered in Paris because unfortunately if it's not in Paris, media doesn't care as much but most of the protesters were not from Paris.

  • What todo app are you using?
  • Todo.txt file on my nas synced to my phone and computer. Works great

  • Riot Games talk Vanguard anti-cheat for League of Legends and why it's a no for Linux
  • Depends also on their definition of cheater. If they count the mindless weak bots that keep playing just to farm currency in non ranked or if they only count serious cheats.

  • Riot Games talk Vanguard anti-cheat for League of Legends and why it's a no for Linux
  • No, they haven't deployed the anticheat yet I think

  • Riot Games talk Vanguard anti-cheat for League of Legends and why it's a no for Linux
  • I enjoyed playing TFT but this whole thing made me ditch LoL altogether some months ago. And cheaters on LoL are so rare...

  • Remboursement des soins médicaux: pour Bruno Le Maire, "ça ne peut pas être open bar"
  • Comme j'ai écrit ailleurs, c'est pas open bar. On cotise pour ça!

  • French lovers 💋
  • Pas sur qu'ils aient un community manager dans le McDonald's de Vierzon. Surement juste le responsable du mcdo.

  • Your tool chain?
  • Vim on desktop using instant markdown plugin to have a preview in a browser tab. It fits my needs. The only thing I would like is markdown to be native in confluence to share my technical documents in markdown at work. Currently, there is only an insert markdown function, but it lacks all the commenting. It also lacks mermaid support which is a blessing for schemas (it seems it was added recently, I'm blessed).

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