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Convicted Felon Shot Outside Pittsburgh
  • I will act through engagement.

    When you use escalatory language you just just make the Nazis justify their actions by the response they receive.

    In another tense moment in American history, the Civil rights movement of the 1960s, MLK was successful due to not being militant. Peaceful action and the strong overreaction of those against civil rights elicited sympathy in those not involved.

  • Convicted Felon Shot Outside Pittsburgh
  • The fuck the high road mentality is what likely motivated the shooter and got us into this mess.

    There is no reason to escalate what is already a tense political situation.

  • Live Election Updates: Trump Rushed Off Stage at Rally After What Sounded Like Shots
  • It is possible the shooter was outside the perimeter. Based on the videos I have seen on CBS, and here:

    The shooter appeared to be on a roof far away from the stands.

    Edit: Confirmed that the shooter was outside the perimeter setup by secret service

  • Quieting Discord: A new frontier in military leaks and extremism

    From secret Pentagon leaks to radicalization in the military community, Discord is continuing to grapple with keeping bad actors off the popular platform.

    Quieting Discord: A new frontier in military leaks and extremism
    Signal under fire for storing encryption keys in plaintext
  • But can you trust that a user will pick a difficult to break password? They likely will pick something simple to remember but that is not a good password.

    The we are just back to essentially having a plaintext password because if the attacker has a good dictionary, it will be easy to crack.

  • Car prices are cooling, but should you buy new or used? Here are pros and cons.
  • True, but at least in America bikes alone are not a great option.

    Over 60 million (1 in 5) Americans live in rural areas. These places don't have public transportation or are so spread out that bikes are not practical.

  • [Resource] The 35 Healthiest Foods to Eat Every Day
  • That's what I thought. I didn't know if certain food supply chains were more exposed to PFAS than others.

    The introduction of PFAS into food via containers is something I have been on the look out. That is is why I always use glass containers for food at home.

  • [Resource] The 35 Healthiest Foods to Eat Every Day
  • I am curious what foods are low in PFAS.

    Do you have a good source?

  • Why are US states, school districts banning smartphones in schools?
  • Well I don't think that is the case. Parents and teachers are observing students not paying attention.

    I would think if an educator can teach a full lesson, while also ensuring that students retain the information, when the student is watching YouTube, endlessly scrolling reddit or lemmy, or on Instagram this wouldn't be an issue.

    The problem is that students aren't retaining the knowledge being provided to them.

  • Car prices are cooling, but should you buy new or used? Here are pros and cons.

    Car prices have dipped for new and used cars, but they're unlikely to ever drop to pre-pandemic levels.

    Car prices are cooling, but should you buy new or used? Here are pros and cons.

    I personally would not be interested in buying a new car. They depreciate in value too quickly and do the same exact job as a used car.

    Used cars also have been run so lemons that come from the factory have been filtered out or fixed.

    Privacy on Cars. How to stop data collection and transmission?
  • For my truck, I ended up looking in the owners manual and found a fuse that is for the modem. I removed it and the vehicle functions without issue.

    I know it works because when I brought it to the dealership to get serviced they said they couldn't connect to it via their online service app. They also asked if I had tried to connect to it via the company app on my phone. I just told them I never needed to.

    Just to be sure I verified they didn't reinstall the fuse and they had not.

  • [Resource] The 35 Healthiest Foods to Eat Every Day Clean Eating Guide: The 35 Healthiest Foods to Keep in Your Kitchen

    Want to eat cleaner? This list of the healthiest foods out there is the perfect reference for finding snacks, meals, and desserts that taste good and are good for you.

    Clean Eating Guide: The 35 Healthiest Foods to Keep in Your Kitchen

    Eggs, Salmon, Chicken Breast and Edamame are some of my favorites on the list.

    Xi Jinping visits Kazakhstan and Tajikistan for SCO summit Xi Jinping visits Kazakhstan and Tajikistan for SCO Summit

    The 24th summit of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held in Astana, Kazakhstan, on July 3-4, 2024.  The SCO, established in 2001, is an intergovernmental organization with nine member states, including Kazakhstan, China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and Ir...

    Xi Jinping visits Kazakhstan and Tajikistan for SCO Summit

    I'm curious how the Russian Federation feels regarding the People's Republic of China attempting to curry favor in Central Asia

    Could a Syrian war criminal be attending Paris Olympics? Could a Syrian war criminal be attending Paris Olympics? – DW – 07/07/2024

    Syrian activists are trying to stop a possible war criminal from back home from attending the Paris Olympics. It’s a lot harder to do than one might expect.

    Could a Syrian war criminal be attending Paris Olympics? – DW – 07/07/2024
    2 NASA scientists reemerge after more than a year of isolation for Mars project

    Four scientists emerged to cheers and applause on Saturday after spending 378 days in isolation, simulating a mission to Mars in NASA's "Martian" habitat in Houston, Texas. Anca Selariu, Ross Brockwell,…

    NASA scientists reemerge after more than a year of isolation for Mars project
    3 Why are US states, school districts banning smartphones in schools?

    Many experts around the world say smartphones pose a danger to children’s mental health, but does a ban work?

    Why are US states, school districts banning smartphones in schools?
    Signal under fire for storing encryption keys in plaintext

    As mentioned in the comments, plain text keys aren't bad because they are necessary. You have to have at least one plain text key in order to be able to use encryption

    39 Trump asks judge to gut classified documents case after immunity ruling

    Filing asks Aileen Cannon to take scalpel to any charges considered ‘official’ acts that could not be prosecuted

    Trump asks judge to gut classified documents case after immunity ruling
    3 ‘Peace mission’: Hungary’s Orban meets Putin in Russia, defying EU leaders

    Right-wing nationalist makes trip with no official mandate from the European bloc, causing outrage.

    ‘Peace mission’: Hungary’s Orban meets Putin in Russia, defying EU leaders
    UK election: Keir Starmer becomes Britain's new PM UK election: Keir Starmer becomes Britain's new PM – DW – 07/05/2024

    UK Labour Party leader Keir Starmer has become Britain's new prime minister after meeting King Charles at Buckingham Palace. The process of forming a Cabinet is already underway. DW has the latest.

    UK election: Keir Starmer becomes Britain's new PM – DW – 07/05/2024
    Anyone Else Noticing Increasingly Conservative Commentary from Outside Instances?
  • As the original poster for the ladybird post, I never expected the conversation to get so far off track from "this open source project receiving funding and thus have a better chance of success"

    Yet here we are

  • We could terraform Mars with desert moss — but does that mean we should?

    "The goal of terraforming is to intentionally create an entire ecosystem on a global scale, which would more than likely destroy any existing ecosystem."

    We could terraform Mars with desert moss — but does that mean we should?
    Ladybird web browser now funded by GitHub co-founder, promises ‘no code’ from rivals
  • That's your opinion on what is and isn't a great analogy.

    Hopefully the maintainers of the project will be more considerate in the future.

  • Australia to build Top Secret cloud in AWS for defence users
  • Yes that metadata can exist but can't that be obscured if AWS isn't connected to directly?

    I think some of the technical details of how the ASD intends to ensure data protection/confidentiality/integrity are omitted for national security reasons.

  • Ladybird web browser now funded by GitHub co-founder, promises ‘no code’ from rivals
  • The Autobahn is a very well engineered German highway system. It is well known but was also was constructed during Nazi Germany.

    While it was built by evil people, it still is a fantastic highway system that is used today.

  • Australia to build Top Secret cloud in AWS for defence users
  • Well I would think that if the customer, in this case the Australian Signals Directorate, encrypted all data prior to going to AWS, it would be protected from any data mining that Amazon does.

    I am sure that the ASD isn't just posting the information unencrypted on AWS or solely trusting Amazon's encryption where Amazon also has a copy of the key.

  • Why are Southeast Asian countries looking to join BRICS? – DW – 07/04/2024

    Malaysia and Thailand are the latest nations in Southeast Asia to express interest in joining the expanded BRICS group of emerging economies.

    Why are Southeast Asian countries looking to join BRICS? – DW – 07/04/2024
    some people on this platform
  • I would caution you about socialism being a way to get to communism.

    Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the founders of communist ideology, believed democratic socialism was a sham and true communism could only be achieved through a violent overthrow of the bourgeois.

    The complex restructuring you mentioned is why they thought a transition from socialism to communism would not work.


  • Cozy Bear, classified by the United States federal government as advanced persistent threat APT29, is a Russian hacker group believed to be associated with one or more intelligence agencies of Russia. The Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) deduced from security camera footage that it is led by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), a view shared by the United States.

    Pluto may have an ice-spewing 'supervolcano' the size of Yellowstone, New Horizons data reveals
  • It blows my mind that New Horizons flew by years ago and sent so much data that scientists are still discovering new information regarding Pluto.

  • Global billionaire tax could yield $250 billion annually, study says
  • 250 billion for what? Governments are horribly inefficient and many of their employees operate with the thought "not my money not my problem I can just spend it however I want"

    Billionaires getting taxed more only treats a symptom and not the root cause. Their corporations should be broken up, competition should be stimulated, shareholders should demand limits on exec bonuses and the executive pay should be limited to a reasonable ratio of exec to lowest paid employee pay.

    That would make things better and money in the government should be spent more appropriately.

  • Chinese military jet intercepts Canadian Forces plane in "aggressive manner"
  • Well it's international airspace and nations can fly whatever they want inside international airspace regardless of the proximity to a nation.

    Russians do it to Canada and the United States often but it doesn't make much fanfare because the parties involved handle it professionally

  • Recant Recant

    Just a guy trying to promote discourse, photography, freedom, good food, and reason.

    Personal privacy is a passion of mine.

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