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Comedy posting
  • Tragically in this case, ignorance is not bliss, but an IV drip of manufactured rage.

  • Democrats' dilemma: Biden's agenda is popular, but he is not
  • I mean, even if he was 40 he wouldn't understand your life. He belongs to a more rarified political class than we plebs.

  • Get out the vote! The vote:
  • Eh, global thermonuclear warfare might do in a pinch.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It may work for you now, but what if you need a bottleopener? All's I'm saying is that we have the technology.

  • Welcome To Aftermath - Worker-owned video game journalism
  • Aren't those called indie establishments?

  • It's gone
  • Now i'm ace.

    Thanks Oba- er boys.

  • Do yourself a favor
  • Huh. Never considered a cabbage-wich before. Gonna have me a fun weekend now!

  • The USS Every State In The Country
  • And the away boats are Guam, Puerto Rico, DC. Et al.

  • meow_irl
  • Uncle Fester!

  • finally
  • Kids are all jacked- very few can throw plates of any consequence that high in the air.

  • Should loud cars be banned?
  • That may work to a point, people who get off on their noisy shits are more than willing to put in the work themselves.

  • Study Finds Cyclists Are Better People Than Drivers | Jalopnik
  • As an individual who walks to most of my destinations, I am a shutin, and by these metrics, a literal monster.

  • 23% of Americans support political violence ahead of the 2024 election, survey shows
  • Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't seem to find evidence of OP's trepidation of the Left.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • The font and color/shading make me think this is pebbleyeet.

    Im in a mood to be mad, wanna share the source?

  • Wanting to kill people (and/or going through with it) isn't indicative of a mental illness
  • Sure, but then so is policing and excommunication. Using the broadest possible brush is an express-ticket to uselessness.

  • rule
  • Kinda redundant? Never met a cat that did not have a intent to kill everything it met.

  • Lewiston, Maine shootings leave at least 16 dead
  • Militaries need to consider more than combat effectiveness for servive weapons: namely low cost and availability, which AR patterns have in spades.

  • Obama criticizes Israel’s decision to cut off food and water to Gaza
  • While it is easier to armchair govern, at least he didn't start an international conflict. Continue it, sure, but he didn't start it.

  • Little Bitty is a back sleeper
  • Nah, cat just likes cocaine, but instead of whit it's black.

  • Little Bitty is a back sleeper
  • Cat's clearly just a fan of that nega-Columbian stimulation.

  • Sophie host when?

    Working my way through the backlog, there are several instances of Robert being the 'guest', but Sophie never hosts? This I'd like to hear.

    PyroNeurosis PyroNeurosis
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